Man, you guys are way ahead of me! I can barely deadlift 240lbsx5x3 :lol
Great tips on running BTW, I've been jogging an hour every day for the last couple months and wondering why my legs are getting smaller. Plus, it tendon in my right knee hurts when I get to the 4th/5th mile now, so I think I've been doing this wrong.
I'm lucky enough to have a whole gym in my garage, coutesy of my dad's old equipment, I've got mats, a treadmill, 5/6 barbells of varying shapes & sizes, 4-6 dumbells, about 500lbs of plates, an adjustable incline bench, pull-down machine and one of those big pullup things with the handles for dips.

It's time to start the serious lifting. My arms are sooo tiny
My usual schedule:
Monday:Cardio + Lifting
Wednesday:Cardio + Lifting
Friday:Cardio + Lifting
Saturday: Cardio
Although, if I do HIIT, that cardio's gonna change. Should I put more emphasis on lifting?
Bonus Protein Shake recipie(2 servings):
4 scoops protein powder
2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup yogurt
1 bananna
2 tablespoons peanut butter(or exactly one glob)
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
blend, chill, drink w/multivitamin before & after workout session. When I finish this thing, I'm not hungry for a long time

plus, it's delicious.