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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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I'm guessing I should even it out a bit? Should I simply repeat the lower body workout I posted more often or should I put some variety into them?
Well, I'm biased. If you notice from my posts, I discourage most split routines. I encourage full body routines, 2-3 days a week.

Might I ask why you feel this routine in particular works for you? Seriously asking here: what aspects of this routine do you like?

How tall are you and how much do you weigh? How long have you been lifting?
timnich said:
I'm guessing I should even it out a bit? Should I simply repeat the lower body workout I posted more often or should I put some variety into them?
Yes, even it out. If you want to lift 5 days a week, you might do two 2 days of lower body, 2 of upper, and 1 day of deadlifting/training outdoors/making shit up and being different.

Don't repeat your leg workout for both leg days, either. Work in some walking dumbell lunges, jump squats, front squats, stationary barbell lunges, and maybe one-legged squats.

Edit: Mr. Snrub is asking those questions so that we can get a better idea of what level of training experience you have and what your body is capable of handling. The more we know about how experienced you are and what you can do, the better advice we can give.


I am 6'1 and 175 lb. I've been lifting pretty ineffectively for two years, and have constantly change routines. It's not so much that I like this routine, it's just that I constantly ask what appear to be informed lifters for their advice and try to incorporate it into my routine, and this is what I arrived at. I know it is pretty flawed and I am willing to start from scratch at a more effective routine. Maybe I should relearn some basics first?
EDIT: I completely understand the questions, and am glad you're asking me. I don't want to waste my time doing an inefficient routine. Thanks for the help!


timnich said:
Over the past few months I've tried different variations and schedules for working out, trying to find an ideal workout for me. I've currently settled on this :
Monday - back/triceps
Tuesday - chest/biceps
Thursday - lower body/shoulders
Friday - back/triceps
Saturday - chest/biceps

For each muscle group I am doing the following exercises (3 sets, 10 reps ):
Back - Cable Front Pulldown, Cable Straight Back Seated Row, One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
Chest - Bench Press, Cable Seated Fly, Lever Chest Press
Biceps - Barbell Curl, Barbell Preacher Curl, Dumbbell Concentration Curl
Triceps - Dumbbell Triceps Extension, Cable Pushdown, Assisted Triceps Dip
Legs - Barbell Squat, Seated Leg Press, Leg Extension, Seated Leg Curl
Shoulders - Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Rear Lateral Raise, Front Lateral Raise

What I was wondering is if I am making any major mistakes with my scheduling or exercise selection. Could I be doing something effectively? Should I add or remove certain exercises? I ask around at the gym I go to for help with correct form and such, so what I am concerned with the most is the above. Any criticisms and suggestions would help. Thanks in advance!
One weird pattern that I see in your workout is you do a big free weight movement, than follow it with a much less effective machine workout of the same muscle.
Bench Press -> Cable Seated Fly, Squat -> Leg Curl etc.
Also, I don't see you doing any lower back exercisers.
Sure, you do get it trained from the squats, but I would add deadlifts and back extensionw.
I would also consider adding some abs in your routine.

And generally, I would put more emphasis on bigger muscle groups.


Chichikov said:
One weird pattern that I see in your workout is you do a big free weight movement, than follow it with a much less effective machine workout of the same muscle.
Bench Press -> Cable Seated Fly, Squat -> Leg Curl etc.
Also, I don't see you doing any lower back exercisers.
Sure, you do get it trained from the squats, but I would add deadlifts and back extensionw.
I would also consider adding some abs in your routine.

And generally, I would put more emphasis on bigger muscle groups.
The reason I do that is that sometimes I don't feel "burnt out" enough after the free weight exercises and try to compensate by doing more exercises of the same muscle. Also I have been told to do at least 3 exercises for each muscle group and I just didn't know how to meet that effectively.
Is it alright to work abs along with other muscle groups such as lower body, meaning doing both on the same day?
You sound like me for the first two years of my weight lifting experience, only it was more like the first 4-5 years for me. Trust me, you're going to want to read up on the right material, do your research and train hard. I followed routines from magazines and all that bullshit for a long time.

It DOES work for some people. And for some people, all they want are some nice arms, chest, abs, and sometimes these splits work out for them.

But I was a hardgainer. My problems were that I wasn't doing the right workouts, and I wasn't eating enough. At 6'1" and 175lbs, you sound like you could gain some weight as well.

First off, the free information:

Mad Cow's Weight Training

You would do good to read EVERYTHING on that site. Bookmark it, read it throughout the day, take notes. It's great stuff.

Second, you'll actually notice from Mad Cow's site, he frequently talks about Bill Starr and Mark Rippetoe:

Starting Strength/Basic Barbell Training

Bill Starr is revered as the "best sports strength training coach ever" by many. His and Rippetoe's routines would put 40-60 pounds of MOSTLY muscle on beginners in a year, if followed to the T. Most gained about 20 pounds of muscle, at the very least.

Principles are this:
Full body routines
Workout three times a week
Drink close to a gallon of milk a day to fuel growth (they call it "nature's steroid")
Get adequate recovery

Isolation movements are done last in the workout, if at all, for the beginner.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask! As far as a designed "routine", I'd recommend you read the above links and buy the above book, but it will end up looking something like this:

Squat: 3 sets of 5
Bench: 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans: 3 sets of 5

Squat: 3 sets of 5
Press: 3 sets of 5
Deadlift: 1 set of 5

Squat: 3 sets of 5
Bench: 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans: 3 sets of 5

At the end of each workout, you could add in assistance exercises:

Close grip bench press
Bent rows
Pull ups
Triceps extensions
Glute ham raises
Weighted situps

Hope this helps!
timnich said:
The reason I do that is that sometimes I don't feel "burnt out" enough after the free weight exercises and try to compensate by doing more exercises of the same muscle. Also I have been told to do at least 3 exercises for each muscle group and I just didn't know how to meet that effectively.
Is it alright to work abs along with other muscle groups such as lower body, meaning doing both on the same day?

Be careful with what you hear for "conventional" wisdom. You could easily do one exercise for a muscle group to work it enough.

If you are going to work abs the same day as squats or a heavy lower body/compound movement, work them afterwards. If you compromise the strength of your abs before squatting or deadlifting, your core could give out on you and not provide the support to safely lift.


Thank you, that is what I was looking for. I'll definitely read through those sites and research this weekend. Looks like I'm starting fresh next week:D .
As for eating more, I consider myself a healthy eater and usually eat fully throughout the day. I doubt I could fit more food inside me, but I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the help guys, its much appreciated.
Glad to help, let me know if you have anymore questions. Again, I thought the same thing--I eat pretty healthy and all that. Simply plugging a gallon of milk a day into your diet will get you tons of protein and nutrients necessary for growth. Start out slower, with 1/4 to 1/2 of a gallon a day, and build up. I'm not up to a gallon a day, simply because I'm poor.


Loaded With Aspartame
Hey, so my left knee is pretty messed up and prevents me from really doing any exercises that require knee strength. Are there any good lower body workouts that don't require this? Squats are out for sure.


Loaded With Aspartame
Nope, I'll check it out though. But yeah, that's what I figured. I mean, I can walk on my knee and everything, but it definitely has problems. Thanks
I've been following a 5x5 squat routine, and I'm now up to where I can squat bodyweight, but I don't always feel the burn. No DOMS either. It seems that my stabilizing muscles give out before my hams and glutes do. I'm looking for a way to really blast the hams & glutes. How about high-rep or time-based routines? (e.g. 20 x squat, or 3 minute squat). Any tips on that?


demon said:
The creatine monohydrate I got was like 12 bucks for a jug of 80 5g servings. That seems cheaper than I expected. And what do you mean by bloating? Like physical, visible bloating?

Bloating like feeling gassy but you can't fart.


I am Wayne Brady.
Need help fellas

I've been stressing the weight loss and it's going ok i guess (i'm guestimating that i've lost bout 40 in 3 months) Which is good, but i've basically doubled my routine over the last 3 or so weeks. And it's starting to wear me down. I take a day per week and it gives me a small boost but I can't keep up like i could before.

So what i need......is energy. What the hell can i do for more energy thats not related to that low carb stuff?


Sol.. said:
Need help fellas

I've been stressing the weight loss and it's going ok i guess (i'm guestimating that i've lost bout 40 in 3 months) Which is good, but i've basically doubled my routine over the last 3 or so weeks. And it's starting to wear me down. I take a day per week and it gives me a small boost but I can't keep up like i could before.

So what i need......is energy. What the hell can i do for more energy thats not related to that low carb stuff?

I'm not sure if I follow you correctly but if you're burnt out because you've upped your regiment, back it down a bit or take a few days off, or do a completely NEW routine. Are you doing a low carb diet? Try upping your carbs slightly until you find a good median.
perryfarrell said:
I've been following a 5x5 squat routine, and I'm now up to where I can squat bodyweight, but I don't always feel the burn. No DOMS either. It seems that my stabilizing muscles give out before my hams and glutes do. I'm looking for a way to really blast the hams & glutes. How about high-rep or time-based routines? (e.g. 20 x squat, or 3 minute squat). Any tips on that?

Your legs are just getting stronger. You don't need DOMS or a "burn" to be working the muscle correctly, at all. I never feel DOMS or a burn unless I ramp up the volume or do a new exercise, but I'm still growing and getting stronger. My lower back is my weak link with the squat. Well, not necessarily weak, but it gets fatigued quicker than everything else.

The psychology of lifting tells us that we need some sort of "result" of lifting, usually looked for with DOMS or a burn. A better "result" of lifting is the poundage you're putting up, or the weight on the scale. If you're squatting correctly, all of the muscle groups you're concerned with should be working. Of course, you could always throw in some romanian deadlifts for your hips and hams...
Sol.. said:
Need help fellas

I've been stressing the weight loss and it's going ok i guess (i'm guestimating that i've lost bout 40 in 3 months) Which is good, but i've basically doubled my routine over the last 3 or so weeks. And it's starting to wear me down. I take a day per week and it gives me a small boost but I can't keep up like i could before.

So what i need......is energy. What the hell can i do for more energy thats not related to that low carb stuff?
If you give us details of your routine, diet, and fitness level, we can be more helpful, but I'd guess that you are doing too much per workout, for too many days a week, and not eating enough lean meat, fruits, and vegetables.

And losing 40 lbs in 3 months is a real accomplishment. Congrats.
I've been adding a bit of whey protein to my daily diet, to give me a bit more of a protein boost. I've just been mixing it in with plain skim milk; I wouldn't suspect it matters at all, but would it be better if I use some other form of milk that isn't skim, such as 2% fat, etc?

As I've said before in this thread, I'm only looking to lose a little body fat, and mostly focusing on larger muscle gains, if that matters at all in relation to my question.


Soka said:
I've been adding a bit of whey protein to my daily diet, to give me a bit more of a protein boost. I've just been mixing it in with plain skim milk; I wouldn't suspect it matters at all, but would it be better if I use some other form of milk that isn't skim, such as 2% fat, etc?

As I've said before in this thread, I'm only looking to lose a little body fat, and mostly focusing on larger muscle gains, if that matters at all in relation to my question.

If you're wanting to lose body fat, water or skim milk should only be used. Milk can be fattening, especially 2%.


I had pizza the other day and dug in my brothers easter basket for jelly beans!!! I felt like a fatty after lol ohhhh well - man it was so nice out today, I love coming out of the gym on days like this u just feel so good.
Christopher said:
I had pizza the other day and dug in my brothers easter basket for jelly beans!!! I felt like a fatty after lol ohhhh well - man it was so nice out today, I love coming out of the gym on days like this u just feel so good.
You don't live in Central Illinois, I take it.

Gah, fucking insomnia.
MeowMeow said:
Has anyone posted pics of their hot chiseled muscle bodies? :D


Worships the porcelain goddess
Welp, late last year, I climbed out of a $40,000 hole (school expenses, living stupidly). It took awhile, but I did it. The monetary monkey is off my back. Now I have to get rid of the monkey around my waist. While concentrating hard on getting rid of the debt, I've gained way too much weight that I now have to lose. I tried to keep it off, but too much inactivity pretty much fucked me over.

I'm 6'2", 240 lbs and 28. Unfortunately, I don't know my body fat % but I can tell it's not good. Thanks to my height and frame, I don't look like I'm way overweight, but my body tells me otherwise. My eating habits are quite pathetic (as in the actual foods I eat. I drink nothing but water) as is the amount of my inactivity (I do walk a lot in my day to day life, I park far away from anywhere I need to be, that sort of thing though). I also take a multi-vitamin every day.

I'm looking to put on lean muscle and shed the fat ("duh Kintaro, putting on lean muscle helps shed the fat"). My weight loss goal is 40-50 pounds. Yeah, I would love to around at 200-190 pounds. 190 sounds really appealing since I honestly can't remember the last time I was under 200 pounds (I played football/tennis in high school and college so I usually hovered around 200 pounds).

The "catch" is, I'm looking to do it without having to join a gym. I really dislike my gym here in town and it's hours don't mesh with mine at all. I'm also not looking to turn my house into a home gym either.

Basically, I'm looking to do this with whatever bare essentials I can. I would really like to use my own body weight to accomplish my goals. Exercises/equipment in which I can use this body weight against itself to get into shape. I'm sorry if this comes off a bit cheap, but I'm also in the middle of putting away whatever money I can to move into a new state in the future.

In terms of current equipment, I have a jump rope, a mountain bike that was recently given to me ("Looks like you could use this more than I could" - Ouch. Truth hurts), and my own two feet.

Any tips, sites or nuggets of advice and information that could help me get started with something like this? Not to mention any sources of motivation out there that could help? I believe that's a key thing. I was very, very motivated to climb out of debt yet, I don't know why can't find the same to get my ass into shape. It doesn't make any sense to me. A lifestyle change is in order and old habits die hard. =/

Ugh, I'm embarrassed to even post this but that's how bad I feel about it.
Kintaro said:
Welp, late last year, I climbed out of a $40,000 hole (school expenses, living stupidly). It took awhile, but I did it. The monetary monkey is off my back. Now I have to get rid of the monkey around my waist. While concentrating hard on getting rid of the debt, I've gained way too much weight that I now have to lose. I tried to keep it off, but too much inactivity pretty much fucked me over.

I'm 6'2", 240 lbs and 28. Unfortunately, I don't know my body fat % but I can tell it's not good. Thanks to my height and frame, I don't look like I'm way overweight, but my body tells me otherwise. My eating habits are quite pathetic (as in the actual foods I eat. I drink nothing but water) as is the amount of my inactivity (I do walk a lot in my day to day life, I park far away from anywhere I need to be, that sort of thing though). I also take a multi-vitamin every day.

I'm looking to put on lean muscle and shed the fat ("duh Kintaro, putting on lean muscle helps shed the fat"). My weight loss goal is 40-50 pounds. Yeah, I would love to around at 200-190 pounds. 190 sounds really appealing since I honestly can't remember the last time I was under 200 pounds (I played football/tennis in high school and college so I usually hovered around 200 pounds).

The "catch" is, I'm looking to do it without having to join a gym. I really dislike my gym here in town and it's hours don't mesh with mine at all. I'm also not looking to turn my house into a home gym either.

Basically, I'm looking to do this with whatever bare essentials I can. I would really like to use my own body weight to accomplish my goals. Exercises/equipment in which I can use this body weight against itself to get into shape. I'm sorry if this comes off a bit cheap, but I'm also in the middle of putting away whatever money I can to move into a new state in the future.

In terms of current equipment, I have a jump rope, a mountain bike that was recently given to me ("Looks like you could use this more than I could" - Ouch. Truth hurts), and my own two feet.

Any tips, sites or nuggets of advice and information that could help me get started with something like this? Not to mention any sources of motivation out there that could help? I believe that's a key thing. I was very, very motivated to climb out of debt yet, I don't know why can't find the same to get my ass into shape. It doesn't make any sense to me. A lifestyle change is in order and old habits die hard. =/

Ugh, I'm embarrassed to even post this but that's how bad I feel about it.

Gaining weight in modern society is nothing to be ashamed of--it's what everything around you is geared to make you do [that, and going into debt] so don't be surprised that it happened to you.

There are things you can do with bodyweight exercises, beyond the obvious pushups and situps. Make sure you work your legs: bodyweight squats, bodyweight jump squats, lunges, and jumping lunges [which might be tricky at first] are all good. Be sure to use your bike, but also try to run sets of wind sprints a few times a week. If you live near some hills, try running up those, too. Last Saturday, I was running sprints up and down the embankment where the interstate comes into town. In Illinois, you make do with what you have.

You might try doing some shadowboxing, too. Working your back will be a little trickier, but if you can find anyplace to do pullups, do them. Do as many as you can, as often as you can. I really feel like if you're doing pullups and squats, you're halfway there.

Your biggest problem is going to be that quality equipment costs. So do quality supplements. You can make yourself reasonably lean [no belly, no panting walking up stairs] just by doing some biking and jump squats, but getting to that truly 'fit' level just requires access to things that will cost money.

Edit: Have you read the OP? It might get you pointed in the right direction, too.


a child left behind
This is my work out plan I've been using to get some muscle in my body since I'm "weaker" for my age (22).

Bench Pressing 2 x 5-7
Incline DB Pressing 2 x 5-7
Dips 2 x 5
Shoulder Press 2 x 5-7
Shoulder Lateral raise 2 x 10-12
Tricep extension 2 x 5-7
Overhead Tri ext 2 x 5-7

Squat 2 x 7
Leg press 2 x 7
Stiff legged deadlifts 2x 5-7
Leg Curls 2x 5-7
Standing calf raise 2x 10-12
Seated calf raise 2x 5-7

Deadlift 2x 5-7
Overhand pull ups ( I generally use a machine for this one since I can't do too much on my own) 2x 5-7
Bentover barbell rows 2x 5-7
DS Shrugs 2 x 10-12
E-Z bar barbell Curls 2x 5-7
Alt DB curls 2x 5-7
Wrist curls 2x 10-12

Thats what I've been using since early this year.


I am Wayne Brady.
Captain Glanton said:
If you give us details of your routine, diet, and fitness level, we can be more helpful, but I'd guess that you are doing too much per workout, for too many days a week, and not eating enough lean meat, fruits, and vegetables.

And losing 40 lbs in 3 months is a real accomplishment. Congrats.

oh sorry. I'm about 290 (age 23) now so i don't know what my fitness level is. I just do workout mode in DDR Extreme 2 until i reach 500 calories (takes about 30 minutes thanks to my high level of skill) then i jump on a exercise bike for another 30 to 45 minutes. The whole way through I work in weight lifting with my dumbbells. I usually splice in two weight lifting breaks while playing DDR and then splice in one or two more when i bike. I do that rule of 25 thing i hear so much about. 3 to 4 sets of 8. Tonight i plan to take more breaks and do 5 to 6 sets of 5 because i feel like my form is horrible due to how tired I am. Oh and earlier this week i started doing isometrics for warming up and cooling down.

As for my diet...uh, still haven't gotten to this yet. I still eat bad/decent, but I do eat alot less than i did before. I tend to eat cereal (raisen bran) and sandwiches (subway) more often than i ever have before. So obviously i don't do low carb. I prefer to just try to create a calorie deficit. That, now that i think of it, might be my undoing.

p.s. my goal is not only to loose the weight, but more importantly get in great shape to do Parkour and Lindi hopping (yeah...wierd combination. i know lol)
Sol.. said:
oh sorry. I'm about 290 (age 23) now so i don't know what my fitness level is. I just do workout mode in DDR Extreme 2 until i reach 500 calories (takes about 30 minutes thanks to my high level of skill) then i jump on a exercise bike for another 30 to 45 minutes. The whole way through I work in weight lifting with my dumbbells. I usually splice in two weight lifting breaks while playing DDR and then splice in one or two more when i bike. I do that rule of 25 thing i hear so much about. 3 to 4 sets of 8. Tonight i plan to take more breaks and do 5 to 6 sets of 5 because i feel like my form is horrible due to how tired I am. Oh and earlier this week i started doing isometrics for warming up and cooling down.

As for my diet...uh, still haven't gotten to this yet. I still eat bad/decent, but I do eat alot less than i did before. I tend to eat cereal (raisen bran) and sandwiches (subway) more often than i ever have before. So obviously i don't do low carb. I prefer to just try to create a calorie deficit. That, now that i think of it, might be my undoing.

p.s. my goal is not only to loose the weight, but more importantly get in great shape to do Parkour and Lindi hopping (yeah...wierd combination. i know lol)

I think you need a more structured plan. It looks like everything is sort of thrown together and you're hoping for the best, at least as far as the dumbbells go. What are you doing with the weights? And how many times a week did you say you do this? 5? In my unprofessional opinion, I'd say you're killing yourself. And if you aren't eating right, your body is probably cannibalizing itself. And that's not good.

After a certain point, throwing everything into a pot and hoping for the best fails to work. You need more structure.


I am Wayne Brady.
Mr. Snrub said:
I think you need a more structured plan. It looks like everything is sort of thrown together and you're hoping for the best, at least as far as the dumbbells go. What are you doing with the weights? And how many times a week did you say you do this? 5? In my unprofessional opinion, I'd say you're killing yourself. And if you aren't eating right, your body is probably cannibalizing itself. And that's not good.

After a certain point, throwing everything into a pot and hoping for the best fails to work. You need more structure.

like what kind of structure? I generally try to treat it as doing cardio then resistance training and alternating back and forth. I tried doing whole bits of one thing all at once and found that I got too bored to keep it going. My current routine is like an evolution of what I was doing before. My mind set was to basically add more stuff and keep it balanced. Also i work out 6 days a week. 7 If my body isn't like SIT THE FUCK DOWN.

EDIT: just for clarification, an example

*warm up*
DDR Workout 3 (takes about 10 minutes)
8 x Shoulder Raise
8 x Dips
8 x Side Lifts
8 x Cuban Press (or is it raise... i forget)
DDR Random 1 (takes about 6 minutes..at this point i should be at 250 to 300 calories burned)
DDR Random 2
DDR Random 3 (Assuming i didn't pass 500 with 2)
8 x Exercises mentioned above
15 Min stationary bike riding (I'm still working with this. I want to alternate between moderate and high speeds, but it's hard to get my heart rate above 160 without tiring out my legs thanks to the wierd build of my bike)
8 x Exercises mentioned above
15 Min Bike
*cool down*

and with the weights. I do weight lifting like anyone else would. See the above routine. I would do something like that. Only i'd just do one set of a group of exercises, do some cardio, then do another set of those exercises, then some cardio, etc. So it's alot more structured than it seems, but it does change by the week.

As for the diet..yeah i might be cannibalizing myself a bit, but don't confuse eat less for not eat at all. Nay, I just eat normal portions rather than baconators ad nauseum lol. Seriously i used to eat alot and like only once or twice a day. Now i do 3 squares and i try to snack while still eating less than i did before. I just feel like it's bad because more often than not i eat out two times a day. One for lunch and one for dinner. I almost always make a healthy choice for lunch, but dinner i'm like fuck it throw some double cheeze on that bitch. I hate cooking because working out takes two out of the 4 or so hours i have left in a day.
Sol.. said:
like what kind of structure? I generally try to treat it as doing cardio then resistance training and alternating back and forth. I tried doing whole bits of one thing all at once and found that I got too bored to keep it going. My current routine is like an evolution of what I was doing before. My mind set was to basically add more stuff and keep it balanced. Also i work out 6 days a week. 7 If my body isn't like SIT THE FUCK DOWN.

EDIT: just for clarification, an example

*warm up*
DDR Workout 3 (takes about 10 minutes)
8 x Shoulder Raise
8 x Dips
8 x Side Lifts
8 x Cuban Press (or is it raise... i forget)
DDR Random 1 (takes about 6 minutes..at this point i should be at 250 to 300 calories burned)
DDR Random 2
DDR Random 3 (Assuming i didn't pass 500 with 2)
8 x Exercises mentioned above
15 Min stationary bike riding (I'm still working with this. I want to alternate between moderate and high speeds, but it's hard to get my heart rate above 160 without tiring out my legs thanks to the wierd build of my bike)
8 x Exercises mentioned above
15 Min Bike
*cool down*

and with the weights. I do weight lifting like anyone else would. See the above routine. I would do something like that. Only i'd just do one set of a group of exercises, do some cardio, then do another set of those exercises, then some cardio, etc. So it's alot more structured than it seems, but it does change by the week.

Well, the thing is, if you're doing this same thing straight through the week, you're not going to gain anything. Especially if you aren't eating right, which is what it sounds like you're doing. Always remember this: "Everything works for a beginner." But your body is acclimating, its not getting the right type of stress to grow and adapt, and recovery is never fully occurring. In short, you're stalling.

With the weights, are you able to increase the weight, or are you doing the same thing week after week with the same weight?

Think of it like this. You lay out to tan, 30 minutes a day. You get fairly brown. You do this 5 days a week, for 30 minutes a day each day. How dark are you going to get?

Not that dark. Your body is only adapted to 30 minutes at a time. (Example shamelessly stolen from Rippetoe).

See what I mean? Without sufficient stimulus, your body isn't going to change.

As for the diet..yeah i might be cannibalizing myself a bit, but don't confuse eat less for not eat at all. Nay, I just eat normal portions rather than baconators ad nauseum lol. Seriously i used to eat alot and like only once or twice a day. Now i do 3 squares and i try to snack while still eating less than i did before. I just feel like it's bad because more often than not i eat out two times a day. One for lunch and one for dinner. I almost always make a healthy choice for lunch, but dinner i'm like fuck it throw some double cheeze on that bitch. I hate cooking because working out takes two out of the 4 or so hours i have left in a day.

Well, that can be solved by working out less, which is what you should do. Think quality of your workout, not quantity.

Eating healthy isn't TOO difficult. It takes about 30-60 minutes to thaw out a chicken breast (can do this earlier in the day or while working out). Can marinade it if you want, but cooking it takes 15 mins or less. Throw in a salad, a bit of dressing, maybe a small side of pasta or rice. Easy.

How tall are you? Give us more info on the equipment that you have (how many dumbbells, the weight, etc.) and we can help you out.
cryptic said:
I'm trying to do one arm pushups.

Where should I start?

Arm in the center ( in front of your chest), other arm behind your back, spread your legs as far as you can. After you eat the floor for the first time, try it on your knees instead of on your feet. =P


I am Wayne Brady.
Google said:
There is no way you're burning 500 calories in half an hour on DDR, my friend...

Don't know what you mean. You doubting the game or me? Because either way, i'm just using the calorie counter as a stopping point. I get quite the bit of work getting to what it says is 500. I set the difficulty high and over do it. Half the time i don't even get a quarter of the steps right..but as long as i put the work in all is good.

and to answer snrub. I have two dumbbells. The bar type where you add weight n' whatnot. I got weights going up to 25 (2.5, 5, 10, 25). I also have a barbell bar, but the lack of space encouraged me to just do dumbbells. Right now I lift 30 (not counting the bar weight which has large screws) up from 10 a couple weeks ago (which was easy, but i was doin it to get used to lifting). I want to go to 40 now but i have to get some more of the smaller weights. For some reason i'm missing a couple 5s and 2.5s

So basically you're suggesting less work? 4 days? 3 days? (keeping in mind i don't want to get swole or anything. I need to trim up and gain some serious core strength)

Is it ok to do something light on off days like a lil time on the bike?


Sol.. said:
Don't know what you mean. You doubting the game or me? Because either way, i'm just using the calorie counter as a stopping point. I get quite the bit of work getting to what it says is 500. I set the difficulty high and over do it. Half the time i don't even get a quarter of the steps right..but as long as i put the work in all is good.

The game is what shouldn't be trusted. There's no way you're actually burning 250-300 calories in 6 minutes (or even 16 minutes if you're including the first DDR workout).

Not to say that DDR isn't a decent way to get some exercise, it just sounds like the calorie counter is way off.


I am Wayne Brady.
Struct09 said:
The game is what shouldn't be trusted. There's no way you're actually burning 250-300 calories in 6 minutes (or even 16 minutes if you're including the first DDR workout).

Not to say that DDR isn't a decent way to get some exercise, it just sounds like the calorie counter is way off.

understandable, like i said it just use it as a marker. I don't expect it to actually be 500 as in the past the same amount of time would net 300 on a really really good day. I don't know whats different between then n' now other than me being smaller (Which should make it much harder right?) and pushing for more steps. I've tried using different pads too to see if it changes and it's the same.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ok, the first step I've got to do is cut the shitty eating habits. It's not so much the food I eat as it is the amount and the time in which I eat it. I tend to eat too much late at night and my portion size in general is just too much.

So, I think I need to cut the amount of the food I eat and stop eating that late at night. I like to eat at Subway a lot (Roasted Chicken Sandwich w/ lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and olives) but usually footlongs. So, I need to cut that down to a 6". Also, need to ditch the cookies (usually the only sweet I eat anymore).

Anyone have any tips on controlling your portion sizes, time in which you eat and so on?
I've been watching what I eat for a whole month now. No soda, besides the occasional diet cola (I used to drink probably a six-pack of Coke per day or more). I have a new appreciation for awesome white and green teas, there are some great flavors out there, so I drink tea at night so I don't snack after dinner. I've also been playing DDR every day for an hour and a half, since it's still fuck cold outside, and there's no way in hell I'm joining a gym and spending gas money to get there. I do situps and pushups in between sets of songs. Eventually I would like to get outside, and find some way to do some strength training or something, but for now, I am focused on losing my gut.

I've replaced my several bowls of cereal every morning with yogurts and coffee, fast food lunches with Special K bars or those tuna fish cracker lunch combos. For dinner I have a Lean Cuisine, which are surprisingly tasty and come in so many different varieties, they never get boring. I mean, a tv dinner is boring, but I thought it would be much worse. And I don't eat anything after dinner anymore, most of the time. I used to eat right up until I went to bed.

My true saviour thru this endeavor so far have been those 100-calorie packs of snacks. I am a snacker. The problem is that I can and would sit down with a box of Cheez Its and eat the whole box. Or a whole bag of chips. Or a whole pizza. Or whatever. With the 100-calorie packs, I've been able to snack on what I like, eat the whole package, and have several a day spread out so that I don't get overly hungry. Things like 100-calorie pack microwave popcorn, Cheez Its, Chex Mix, Special K bars, Lays Cracker Crisps, mmmmm.

I bought a scale (a digital one in .2 lb increments), so I treat it kind of like a game. I do love videogames, so I weigh myself every morning and write it down. I know some people would say don't do this every day, but for me, I need the constant reinforcement, and I have been going down every day so it is quite motivating.

What I've been doing has been working so far! And I'm so excited! I have been eating right for a whole month (I started March 2), but I just started keeping track of my weight for just over the last two weeks, and here is what is happening. I'm 5' 11".


Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to share, since it is primarily reading stories in this thread that motivated me to change my lifestyle.


Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to share, since it is primarily reading stories in this thread that motivated me to change my lifestyle.

That post is a great read itself. Kudos.
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