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Official Killzone release date revealed, Killzone 2 WILL be on PS2

Secondhand from the the IGN boards, but from the developers on the Killzone boards

VashTheStampede said:
The dev team, which has been so helpful to the Killzone beta board has finally started responding in the regular boards. And they've mentioned on several occasions that Killzone's release date is November the 2nd. And Killzone will be on the PS2, I expect the sequel to appear in late 2005 of course with many improvements to the online mode(a lot of stuff they wanted to do didn't make it in the first game). There was some speculation that it would be on the PSP as well, I think that's still a possibility though.

Killzone sequel on PS2
November 2nd confirmed


being watched

A incosiquential fly buzzing around the magnificence of Master Chief taking a holiday on Hawaii City Beach after a hard days Covenant arse kicking.

Ranger X

Sad truth. But if all PS2 owners that likes FPS but don't have an Xbox (i figure it's quite frequent) there going to be some competition. Seriously, there's nothing worth more than Killzone on the PS2 in the FPS department.

A incosiquential fly buzzing around the magnificence of Tidus/Squall/<insert whoever> taking a holiday on Hawaii City Beach after a hard days Sin/Sephiroth/<insert whoever> arse kicking.


A incosiquential fly buzzing around the magnificence of GT taking a holiday on Hawaii City Beach after a hard days arse kicking.

This Halo masturbatory circle jerk is getting old. Yes, it will be a great game, one that has absolutely nothing to do with ANY PS2 game. Don't give me that "Halo Killer" crap as if that's the first time anything like that has happened. We've seen that forever with "Mario Killer", "Zelda Killer", "Final Fantasy Killer", "GT Killer", etc. It's funny how Xbots have such a monster hard-on for Killzone.

Ranger X

Yep. Agree here. But i think we should check on Killzone seriously. It's first PS2 FPS that can beat Red Faction imo.


Steroid Distributor
sonycowboy said:
This Halo masturbatory circle jerk is getting old. Yes, it will be a great game, one that has absolutely nothing to do with ANY PS2 game. Don't give me that "Halo Killer" crap as if that's the first time anything like that has happened. We've seen that forever with "Mario Killer", "Zelda Killer", "Final Fantasy Killer", "GT Killer", etc. It's funny how Xbots have such a monster hard-on for Killzone.
Best Fanboy tag I've seen here. LoL.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Doom_Bringer said:
The best FPS on PS2 is Red Faction. I don't see that changing for a long time...
Does that work with the HDLoader? I hated how I would walk like 10 steps and a loading screen would show up...


Heh Killzone on my birthday. I'm just intrigued enough to try this game out since I dig the gritty look I've seen so far.

Halo 2 while yeah..it's going to be huge.....for some reason hasn't sold me on an xbox yet. Maybe it's because we're nearing the beginning of a new product cycle for everything but I've had near no urge whatsoever to buy an xbox yet.

I do own a gamecube that's sitting in the corner gathering dust........ need to hop on the GAF hype train again and grab pikmin 2.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I really wish they would have delayed this, just for me own personal reasons. I might have to pass on Killzone because of how many games are coming out in November. MGS3 and GT4 will take up 100% of my gaming time for a long time...

It should be very interesting to see how Killzone is reviewed. The hype might kill it. I mean Fable can get mainly 8/10, but its not the greatest rpg ever, so it gets picked on.
Wow...You can count me out of Killzone then...A week before Halo 2, and two weeks before Metroid Prime 2? I'm not going to have the cash to buy Killzone right away...Especially with Half-Life 2 coming out in November as well...I'm going to be all FPSered out.


sonycowboy said:
This Halo masturbatory circle jerk is getting old. Yes, it will be a great game, one that has absolutely nothing to do with ANY PS2 game. Don't give me that "Halo Killer" crap as if that's the first time anything like that has happened. We've seen that forever with "Mario Killer", "Zelda Killer", "Final Fantasy Killer", "GT Killer", etc. It's funny how Xbots have such a monster hard-on for Killzone.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Odysseus said:
Is Killzone going to be better than Shellshock?

I would think so. Same company, but different teams. And Killzone was in development a lot longer, years longer.
Wyzdom said:
Yep. Agree here. But i think we should check on Killzone seriously. It's first PS2 FPS that can beat Red Faction imo.

Red faction wasn't exactly a high point in FPS history.

Anyways, I'm still interested in Killzone. It looks cool, despite the canned death animations.

Ranger X

Go Go Ackman! said:
Red faction wasn't exactly a high point in FPS history.

Anyways, I'm still interested in Killzone. It looks cool, despite the canned death animations.

I didn't precised "in the PS2 world". I thought you would figure.

Ranger X

Timesplitters 2 and the Red Faction series are the best so far imo. There's no other really AAA FPS i can recall on the PS2 right now. Personally i prefer the Red Faction series because it feel better in the one player mode (my fav mode of play in FPS -- i know, i'm an alien or something). And i really like that engine that permits you to dig around everywhere.


Microsoft was originally planning on November 2, but bumped it back because of what was happening on November 2.

Not Killzone.

The US national election.

Good move Sony. lol


Gold Member
From the topics and previews I've read recently I have understood that the concensus is that Killzone will suck compared to expecatations and hype.

Obviously, Killzone won't be a bad game by any means, but it just simply can't live up to it's hype. When you put up an EDGE cover with "Halo Killer" on it, you are a damn skilled marketing manager to get that published, but also a pretty shortsighted one too - people will judge the game to death after that.

The whole thing reminds me a lot of Getaway, for some reason.


Halo 2 is overhyped indeed, however, I believe that the millions (and millions) that buy the game will NOT regret paying the $50 (or $54 for the special edition) for it.


From the topics and previews I've read recently I have understood that the concensus is that Killzone will suck compared to expecatations and hype.

I very much agree. Its never looked anything other than generic in my opinion and FPS are were I daresay Sony are at their weakest. I also heard at one point Killzone was going to be shelved a year or so ago but I cant for the life of me remember where I read it :(


they should just delay Killzone and put in the "a lot of stuff they wanted to do didn't make it in the first game", I hate it when companies already plan sequels before they've even released the first game

Ranger X

Megat0n said:
Halo 2 is overhyped indeed, however, I believe that the millions (and millions) that buy the game will NOT regret paying the $50 (or $54 for the special edition) for it.

It's more like the people who will be deceived won't admit it... lol


What negative previews are you talking about?

Edge (E D G E) was very positive IIRC.. GameReactor (Scandinavian magazine) was also very impressed. Eurogamer seemed to like it?

Killzone is not in the same league as Halo. Its more of a realistic shooter compared to Halos run-and-gun/arcady tactics.
Link316 said:
I hate it when companies already plan sequels before they've even released the first game
I hate it when companies lay off half the team, or go under because they didn't plan their second game early enough.
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