That was pretty cool. Playing Center and still get a A+ teammate rating. I'm such a unselfish player. Maybe I should try and create a myplayer. I'm up to 47k VC points now might be able to do some damage with that.
Yeah gg. Was a tough one.
I spoke too soon before
That was pretty cool. Playing Center and still get a A+ teammate rating. I'm such a unselfish player. Maybe I should try and create a myplayer. I'm up to 47k VC points now might be able to do some damage with that.
Yeah gg. Was a tough one.
So is it better or worse than Super Smash Brothers Brawl online play?
Sounds the same. I knew it!
It's probably worse.
Eat shit.
I'm looking at the stats from last night's game against Rors and his stat lines are crazy.
Carson Palmer: 511 yards, 6 TD
3 guys with 100+ yards receiving, plus another guy with 99 yards receiving
My poor D got shredded. It had been playing pretty well until that game.![]()
How does that work?
BLUEMAX: Playoff picture. STAT
I thought Ram said he was staying up until 3am to play the game last night?
No... I'm not. Not sure where that's coming from. LolDaw is retiring too? Say it ain't so.
Bob, i'm around tonight to play our game.
Will Meyers has a thirst, and the only which will quench it is more XP. If it vances early enough we can play tonight. Otherwise it will have to be later tomorrow night or Monday Night. 10PM pacific is way too late for me to start.
Won't be home for another hour or two.
Ram/cola are you guys playing before 10?
No... I'm not. Not sure where that's coming from. Lol
but if ramirez was available the other 2 days and it was colas schedule that prevented them from playing (which i'm guessing it was if the past is any indication) then why should ramirez be punished with a potential loss in a sim?
Because he banned us from Halo.
Ram is a bitch. Let Cola play the CPU.
It's not my fault that I have to work. I was available last night and Ram said he'd be on, but he wasn't, and I'm here today, but Ram isn't. I'm more than willing to wait for him to get back so we can play it, but if everyone wanted it to be simmed, that wouldn't be a big deal.
VengeanceWhile I agree with the first part, this is just another example of conflicting schedules that prevents the game from being played. We have always simmed it in the past so why not now?
Unfortunately, even if I played the CPU I don't think I could throw for 900 yards and 21 touchdowns or whatever Ram put up against it last season.
well, given that they just couldn't reach a scheduled time within the advance period, and ramirez said he will not be back before the deadline, a simit is in order. headed on to simit now!
He said he'd be back before the deadline. 10 Eastern, I think.
then why did he ask for an extension
When's the advance? I'm leaving early Saturday morning to go Christmas shopping and probably won't be back until 10 or 11 that night.
I demand an extension FMT!
I don't know, but he's in the east coast right? Who shops until 2 am?
Fancy people.who shops for 8-10 hours either!?