If I get home earlier I'll let you know.I can make that work.
If I get home earlier I'll let you know.I can make that work.
I would say GG Drizz........but that was a GREATGAME!
Close all the way to the end.
Don't worry, AT, I got your back. Us Dota bros must stick together. I plan on beating CB again.
We can play a practice game if it would help you, friend.When we vancing? I have some more passing theories I'd like to test in live action.
We can play a practice game if it would help you, friend.
Enjoy your new face, bob!!
The Bears better get an O-line before they get Norv as OC. Just look at how great his playcalling is this year with the Chargers' line. Calling plays that take a long time to develop when he has turnstiles at both tackle positions.
I believe so. I have bench players getting xp all the time. I have never actually watch them specifically and count how much xp they get but in theory they should.Dumb question but if I have guys on the bench and hit their goals if they are team related (like hold opposing team to 85 rushing yards or less or rush for 155 yards), do they get the benefit of the goals being reached?
I have a couple of guys that I need to replace next off season and I'm wondering if riding the bench is fine for a year for their replacements or if they need to see immediate playing time.
Bob when did you start playing LoL?
Just so you know, you don't actually need mana to turn CAP LOCK off.
Sok, I probably can't get an Xbox until tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon work for you?
You going to be around today?
For what?
A little game called Madden. You may have heard about it.
Is the league still full? I got Madden on Black Friday for super cheap so I was just wondering if any spots opened up.
So.....maybe the prediction that I wouldn't be here for the next season was some sort of clairvoyance. I just got my letter today that I start the next phase of intense training at my job on January 14th. I was told this likely wasn't going to happen until march or so which would have given me a couple more seasons at this. It's been fun and I wish I could have stayed longer but this training is again fucking brutal and I just won't have the time to invest into madden. On the plus side that means I'm getting a raise sooner than I expected! Assuming I can actually make it through all of the crazy pass fail tests they make us do. Hey though. If I don't pass I'll have lots of time for madden!!
I will finish out this season though.
I hope to see y'all fucks again next year!
Goldlion gets the spot: Gets mad and rage quits by week 4 of the second season he plays in
AZ: Gets into a heated 3 way battle with DM and Bob for last game of the week. Every week!
Dark Faze: Will have to wait until season 3 when Livewire figures out nothing he does will get him more than 5 wins in a season and quits again.
No mastershake((
No mastershake((
That's my birthday! It's probably a good sign! Congrats and good luck.
Madden Players Union is fighting for you, you're a hero and we won't forget that.
GL Daw! Prolly only gets the players xp not the coaches.
That's my birthday! It's probably a good sign! Congrats and good luck.
Mine is the 10th Woo!
Congrats Daw!
J11 = January 11th. Crazy!
Madden Players Union is fighting for you, you're a hero and we won't forget that.