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Official MLB 2k5(Powered by ESPN!) Xbox League: Have another $20 VC, Hell is freezing


:lol :lol :lol Now you say the game is too easy! First you wouldn't join unless we made the pitching difficulty low, now you get 29 hits? Did you guys have pitch speed at 95?


We had kzone on 80 and pitch speed on 95 but that isn't the problem. It's just too easy to bat with these sliders (contact and power) and everything is a hit. I won the game so it's not like I'm a sore loser or anything. The stats are just going to be ridiculous :p


I propose using the default allstar sliders but with kzone and pitch speed from the league sliders. I'd rather have the occassional grind-it-out game than scorefests :eek:

Nerfing the fielders and upping the batter contact/power (league sliders) is not the way IMO :p
Ok... I'll join up.

Can someone post a list of what teams are left? I need to know what scrub team I'l be stuck with....

AIM tag: Bogie1ton

XBL Tag: Outcast2003 (original huh?)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cloudy said:
We had kzone on 80 and pitch speed on 95 but that isn't the problem. It's just too easy to bat with these sliders (contact and power) and everything is a hit. I won the game so it's not like I'm a sore loser or anything. The stats are just going to be ridiculous :p

I call fluke :p You wouldnt do that against me.
Cloudy said:
We had kzone on 80 and pitch speed on 95 but that isn't the problem. It's just too easy to bat with these sliders (contact and power) and everything is a hit. I won the game so it's not like I'm a sore loser or anything. The stats are just going to be ridiculous :p

sounds like someone doesn't know how to pitch and work the strike zone. no strategy to their pitch counts...


Outcast2004 said:
Can someone post a list of what teams are left? I need to know what scrub team I'l be stuck with....

First post in the topic has all the teams that are taken... The Mets are still left. ;)


Nah it wasn't anyones lack of strikezone working Outcast.It was alot of factors...

-I hadn't played in like 2 days so I was rusty,this resulted in alot of missed pitches.
-Batter contact IS too high and will have to be brought down especially considering the pitch speed will be like 20 on Legend -_-

I probably would have had just as many runs but Konex has a weird habit of completely abandoning throwing any kind of strikes once you get someone on first base :lol Seriously,all I ask is that people not go overboard with the balls,there is absolutely no way to check swing in this game and I gurantee everyone here is looking to swing almost every time,it's hard to have patience in a videogame I know.If there was an actual check swing system that worked this wouldn't be a problem for me.


Hmm, I actually try to set up a DP when I have someone on first so I do throw strikes. You just swing at everything (like me) :lol


Thats what Im saying,everyone swings at everything,and with no really good check swing you're fucked most of the time.

But the contact definitely has to be lowered to go along with the pitch speed,otherwise we will have scores in the 50s :lol


Ramirez said:
Nah it wasn't anyones lack of strikezone working Outcast.It was alot of factors...

-I hadn't played in like 2 days so I was rusty,this resulted in alot of missed pitches.
-Batter contact IS too high and will have to be brought down especially considering the pitch speed will be like 20 on Legend -_-

I probably would have had just as many runs but Konex has a weird habit of completely abandoning throwing any kind of strikes once you get someone on first base :lol Seriously,all I ask is that people not go overboard with the balls,there is absolutely no way to check swing in this game and I gurantee everyone here is looking to swing almost every time,it's hard to have patience in a videogame I know.If there was an actual check swing system that worked this wouldn't be a problem for me.

There are check swings in the game.
shadow, the check swing sysytem in mlb 2k5 is a joke. is there technically a check swing system there? yes. but there seems to be NO pressure sensitivity in the control of it. if there is no sensitivity, what's the point? i pretty much have to TAP the button so lightly that i could never have any real intentions of swinging in order to make it work. and if i have no intentions of actually looks for a pitch (which is what i have to do if i wanted to get a check swing off), then why have my finger on the button at all?
League is up, but in order to prevent possible (future) problems, i created THREE leagues. one with 16 players, one with 18 players, one with 20 players. The reason i did this is because i dont know 100% of the people that signed up for the tournament, so god knows if everyone will show. this way, you sign in for all 3 leagues, and if someone flakes on us we are already signed in and i dont have to go about the business of recreating the league, having everyone sign in, etc. don't worry guys, it's not going to KILL you to sign into 3 leagues at the sametime (it takes about 5 seconds to sign in). so, here is the info:

League #1:

*Name: GAF1
*Password: MVP
*Player number: 20

League #2:

*Name: GAF1A
*Password: jgar
*Player number: 18

League #3

*Name: GAF1B
*Password: kbar
*Player number: 16

sign in with the team you selected asap ladies!


Steroid Distributor
Cloudy said:
Hmm, I actually try to set up a DP when I have someone on first so I do throw strikes. You just swing at everything (like me) :lol

DP? This game has dual penetration? Wow. :lol

K what's a DP in baseball?


I signed in to the league(s) Hopefully it will fill up soon. I took the Marlins instead of the Jays, since Carlos is on their roster, and because they're a damn good team. So if anyone wants the Jays, they're free now ( :lol :lol :lol )


Fifty said:
I signed in to the league(s) Hopefully it will fill up soon. I took the Marlins instead of the Jays, since Carlos is on their roster, and because they're a damn good team. So if anyone wants the Jays, they're free now ( :lol :lol :lol )

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. My brother uses them, Josh Beckett owns me! :(


Well if I can own you with him, you should be grateful that I'm not using the Jays, because Beckett's not half the pitcher Halladay is. :D


-Boston mhaynes4
-Chicago Cubs MrBob
-Cleveland DaAnswer3
-Florida Che Guevara
-Houston matrixadw
-Los Angeles cloudee
-Minnesota FrenchMov
-NY Yankees Wellie
-Oakland Confusing Jazz
-Texas ShadowRedz

10 people so far...


Just played a game with FMT, he won 3-1. :( His infield play was great while A-Rod and Jeter both allowed dribblers to get by them! Bah! Mike "Passed Ball" Mussina doesn't hack it for me!
p.s. i'm starting the league on monday afternoon with the highest version of the 3 leagues that is filled. this is done for the simple fact that if you wanted to be in the league you would have signed in and we are on a 3 day "week advancement" limit, which means if you didn't see me post the league info, you ha ven't been to this thread in 3 days. and if you can't even sign into the thread within 3 days (yes, its the weekend i know) then how can we expect you to play the game (some weeks will invarably fall on the weekend)?
Ramirez said:
-Boston mhaynes4
-Chicago Cubs MrBob
-Cleveland DaAnswer3
-Florida Che Guevara
-Houston matrixadw
-Los Angeles cloudee
-Minnesota FrenchMov
-NY Yankees Wellie
-Oakland Confusing Jazz
-Texas ShadowRedz

10 people so far...

Which league is this?

I got dibs on Indians if no ones got it by tomorrow morning.


Outcast2004 said:
Which league is this?

I got dibs on Indians if no ones got it by tomorrow morning.

Read the other pages in the thread.
The Tribe have been gone FOREVER. So don't go registering for a team that's already taken.


Jobber had called the Braves and the problem is that he hasn't been able to find the game. But he's one of those guys we know will play.
The three league thing confused me a bit. I just kind of skimmed through it.


count me in for the Mets.

I'll have rotations posted as soon as I figure out who to use where.

wanted an American league team.... but I'll manage.

I do have a suggestion though.

Why no just have 2 leagues?

One for American league one for National?

I know some people arent too wild about inter-league match ups. Total screws with a line up you like.


Outcast2004 said:
The three league thing confused me a bit. I just kind of skimmed through it.


count me in for the Mets.

I'll have rotations posted as soon as I figure out who to use where.

wanted an American league team.... but I'll manage.

I do have a suggestion though.

Why no just have 2 leagues?

One for American league one for National?

I know some people arent too wild about inter-league match ups. Total screws with a line up you like.

I think you are still a little confused by the 3 leagues. FMT set up three leagues because we have had problems with people dropping out of sports game leagues in the past (ESPN NFL, Madden, ESPN NBA) and evenso there seems to be a lot of interest, in order to avoid this he set up three leagues of varying size in order to accomodate those that are actually interested in playing the game. In the league itself, in game, I don't believe that ESPN allows for separate "divisions" or "leagues". Playoffs in ESPN NBA and ESPN NFL 2K5 were determined by whoever were the top 8 or whatever the number of teams in the playoffs were going to be. I don't know if ESPN MLB is different in terms of alignment, however it would own to have two different leagues like you propose and have the winner of the two leagues play a best of seven series.


Contest Winner
since the bosox are called for, im taking recommendations on what team i should be, and dont fucking say kansas city. i'm not that dumb :lol
outcast man, don't ruin my confidence in you ALREADY! you can't read my post above detailing why there are 3 leagues? come on bruvuh! :D

p.s. be sure you can be available at random cause you never know when your opponent will be available to play. make no mistake, leagues are a big committment. infact, i'd prefer that CK ban anyone who flakes on us... but then again that's why i'm not a mod :D
FMT, don't worry. It's just been a long weekend. Most of the time I post here from work and my comprhension skills are mnimal at best.

But I'm defiently in. In fact after I get through with my errands today I'll be signed up and ready to go.


So is everyone in? 16 is a good number, I don't think we should go searching for more people that won't play their games..But if someone who was promised a spot isn't in, then I guess we've got to wait.

he's almost here fifty!


Man I just lost a pitchers duel to Konex in the bottom of the 15th. JD DREW THAT SONOFABITCH! Not only did he rob Jeter of at least two hits (over the shoulder catch and a diving grab) but he got the game winning BOMB off of Tanyon Sturtze. I am pumped for this season if all games turn out like this.


Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to drop out of this league for season 1. Too many other games to play at this point in addition to non-gaming stuff going on...good luck to everyone, don't let the Yankees win! :)
i've decided that what i will do regarding rotations is this:

each week i will post @ the league site (which i will have a link to tomorrow afternoon) the scheduled starters for each game. i will also post the date that the round advances. you maybe thinking "3 days i know!" but say we start on march 7th, and everyone finishes their week 1 game by march 8th. guess what? the round advances then. so, the next rounds deadline is march 11th. we're not going to wait the 3 days out if everyone finishes before that, and therefore the dates change. but it will always be 3 days maximum.

to go a little more in detail about the pitching rotations, you must have a 5 man rotation. it will go like this for scoots team:

Game 1: Mulder
Game 2: Morris
Game 3: Carpenter
Game 4: Tavarez
Game 5: Suppan
Game 6: Mulder
Game 7: Morris


For the playoffs (which are a 7 game series), we will have a shorter rotation. i'm not a baseball diehard, so if some of you guys could help me out with the number of starting pitchers used in a 7 game series (i believe it must be a 3 man rotation?) that would be cool
florez you must read throughout the 3 pages to find out the answer to that.

"Is there room in the league?"

Short answer: No with a but
Long answer: Yes with an if
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