Leondexter said:The link doesn't seem to go anywhere...
It means that whatever you post is part of the fight against corporate idiocy.
Leondexter said:The link doesn't seem to go anywhere...
bcn-ron said:The Conduit will be awesome and will sell awesome and will improve all of our lives.
*Best genre for the controller.
*Violence versus aliens is proven to be greatly compatible with typical male gamers.
*Exclusive to Wii, so no "I'll get the *** version instead".
*One of the frontrunners in tech on the system.
But most importantly, it's third party. If it does decently well, there'll be a reason to bring it up at least once on every other page in every NPD thread for the remainder of the decade.
Tales of (Mothership), Sonic and the Black Knight, Monster Hunter 3? Maybe.DeaconKnowledge said:Now if the Conduit, Madworld, Dead Rising CTYD, HoTD Overkill, and other 3rd party games I can't put my finger on right now all have explosive sales out of the gate, that will bode well for Wii. But one title ain't doin shit.
Aaron Strife said:Tales of (Mothership), Sonic and the Black Knight, Monster Hunter 3? Maybe.
I think Conduit and Dead Rising will manage a million while Madworld and HotD will fall safely into the 400-700k range that seems typical of new Wii IPs (Z&W, NMH, Boom Blox, etc. and yes I know HotD is not a new IP). It'll be good enough for Sega and Capcom but probably won't sway any other third parties.
Aaron Strife said:Tales of (Mothership), Sonic and the Black Knight, Monster Hunter 3? Maybe.
I think Conduit and Dead Rising will manage a million while Madworld and HotD will fall safely into the 400-700k range that seems typical of new Wii IPs (Z&W, NMH, Boom Blox, etc. and yes I know HotD is not a new IP).
HK-47 said:Dead Rising hitting a million would be a sales miracle, even more so than Conduit hitting one million
Aaron Strife said:Tales of (Mothership), Sonic and the Black Knight, Monster Hunter 3? Maybe.
I think Conduit and Dead Rising will manage a million while Madworld and HotD will fall safely into the 400-700k range that seems typical of new Wii IPs (Z&W, NMH, Boom Blox, etc. and yes I know HotD is not a new IP). It'll be good enough for Sega and Capcom but probably won't sway any other third parties.
DeaconKnowledge said:I really don't know about a million for the Conduit. I suppose it could work its way up there, but i'm more thinking in the range of maybe 600K. Japan will hate it, and I'm not convinced the European Wii owners are as FPS starved as North America is.
I think it has a chance worldwide, To be honest. But it ain't doin it NPD alone, no sir.
This is all assuming it turns out better than it currently looks, mind you.
edit: thinking about it, even 600k seems way too much for the Conduit.
Andrex said:Tales will do well in Japan but not elsewhere, MH3 will anti-bomb in Japan and probably sell well elswhere, probably 3 million when all is said and done. Sonic sells great on Wii and should do a million.
The Conduit will be interesting. It seems to be a quality FPS leveraging the Wii's best qualities, but it's also not a launch game, it's a new IP, and it's from and unknown developer. It all comes down to what Sega does for it.
markatisu said:Sonic should sell a load, especially in the UK where a large portion of Sonic and the Secret Rings sales came from
If Sega pays the $$$ to advertise and promote it then we all may be surprised
All this is hypothetical because we have yet to see a big budget (advertising included) third party Wii game, until we see one we cannot know how things will shape up
DeaconKnowledge said:Well, the Conduit already has one thing going for it; almost any game so much as acknowledged by Nintendo seems to do well, and apparently Nintendo was just shy of publishing the game.
Don't get me wrong, I want the Conduit to succeed and be the benchmark for what can and should be done with the Wii, both in graphical effort as well as focus, but it has a long road to travel. The great thing about it though is if it succeeds, it will transform High Voltage into superstars overnight.
Bungie didnt come from nothing. Halo was not nearly their first game or first successful gameAndrex said:HVS becomes the new Bungie?![]()
Andrex said:HVS becomes the new Rockstar?![]()
manueldelalas said:I think that HVS are trying to make a really good looking game to try to sell their engine to other developers.
So that would make them the new Epic...
DeaconKnowledge said:Don't Forget Animal de La Muertes.
I just think HVS is a company that sees the lane to success open and unguarded.
manueldelalas said:I think that HVS are trying to make a really good looking game to try to sell their engine to other developers.
So that would make them the new Epic...
DeaconKnowledge said:Fixed.
DMA Design was good (Space Station Silicon Valley was apparently a precursor to the greatness that was GTA) but their efforts went largely unnoticed.
I think that's the closest comparison I could probably make. Though to be fair Rockstar didn't really blow up until GTA3.
HK-47 said:That was SSSV, that was Body Harvest
markatisu said:Of course if it bombs then we are back to square one
HK-47 said:That was SSSV, that was Body Harvest
See, that's the thing. Just by sheer size alone, Wii should dominate those userbases in time. In a year probably.Pancakes R Us said:I still don't see it, even if this happened. The Wii market is very different...those 30+ million Wii owners, not all of them are like you and me who would pick up top brass like MGS4 et al. Sure, there'd be a regular few hundred thousand or even a million...but more of those gamers own a 360 right now. And you know what? I am actually glad that Wii does not have this market tied down. The very last thing I want to see this generation is one manufacturer holding all others by the balls, like Sony did last gen. I think it's a lot better off for us as consumers, competition wise, to have the split we have now.
October was not nearly as kind to the third instrument-based rhythm game released during the month, Rock Revolution. According to NPD figures, Konami's critically savaged game sold less than 3,000 units across the entirety of the country during the month. According to the data, the game sold 1,442 for the 360, 816 for the PS3, 666 for the DS, and only two copies for the Wii.
The game was released later for the Wii, and these two copies sold was the result of someone selling them early. Alternatively, third parties don't sell on the Wii!xbhaskarx said:Two copies? That can't be right, can it?
If so, Rock Revolution Wii is the Zyzzyx Road of gaming.
Amir0x posted.AniHawk said:Why is this NPD thread so big? They've been kinda declining for a while.
Jocchan said:The Conduit is most certainly going to bomb.
It's relatively unknown outside message boards, which mostly know it as a small budget title made by a small developer (aka "near-shovelware" for your average poster, regardless of its actual quality).
Add hideous art direction and little-to-no marketing push, and you have a perfect recipe for disaster. I'd like to be proved wrong, since High Voltage is trying really hard to make a good product, but I'm afraid I am not.
We came back to 2007 proportions of 4:2:1 (Wii:360AniHawk said:Why is this NPD thread so big? They've been kinda declining for a while.
AniHawk said:Why is this NPD thread so big? They've been kinda declining for a while.
Yes, it may be a little early, but I wouldn't say they've done a good job marketing the game online yet. Besides IGN, the game got little coverage and it's still heavily downplayed around message boards (and unknown outside them), both artistically and technically.SLYspyda said:They've done a good job marketing the game online so far......even though it's still MONTHS from release.
You can't comment on marketing when it's not even crunch time yet. I expect to see plenty of tv trailers for the game.
Worst showing for PS3 in a long while. Only in Oct 07 was it outsold by bigger margins (against both Xbox 360 and Wii).AniHawk said:Why is this NPD thread so big? They've been kinda declining for a while.
Jocchan said:Yes, it may be a little early, but I wouldn't say they've done a good job marketing the game online yet. Besides IGN, the game got little coverage and it's still heavily downplayed around message boards (and unknown outside them), both artistically and technically.
If they want the game to succeed, they need to raise consumer awareness with some decent marketing push, and stressing out the fact the game is (supposedly) entertaining and fun to play might be way more useful than simply showing anonymous alien-shooting footage on TV (especially when the next ad will most certainly be showing a better looking PS360 game with much higher production values, so focusing on the tech alone wouldn't be enough to buy people's interest).
Core gamers stuck with a Wii are the audience they have to reach, and they will reach it. Heck, even though I have a PS3 as well, The Conduit seems stylistically separate enough that I don't feel like I could easily replace it by buying PS3 Shooter X. It's a sub-niche of sci-fi that I don't see served right now. Maybe Alien Syndrome, but that's supposed to be really terrible (and isn't an fps).Jocchan said:Yes, it may be a little early, but I wouldn't say they've done a good job marketing the game online yet. Besides IGN, the game got little coverage and it's still heavily downplayed around message boards (and unknown outside them), both artistically and technically.
If they want the game to succeed, they need to raise consumer awareness with some decent marketing push, and stressing out the fact the game is (supposedly) entertaining and fun to play might be way more useful than simply showing anonymous alien-shooting footage on TV (especially when the next ad will most certainly be showing a better looking PS360 game with much higher production values, so focusing on the tech alone wouldn't be enough to buy people's interest).
kinggroin said:I'm on the side of believing this won't even break whatever top 10 chart of the month it's released in.
bcn-ron said:Core gamers stuck with a Wii are the audience they have to reach, and they will reach it.
cue your PS3fuckedgraph.jpgAniHawk said:Why is this NPD thread so big? They've been kinda declining for a while.
Haunted said:cue your PS3fuckedgraph.jpg
PS3 fans being especially bitter and Wii fans being especially elevated by this record month led to quite a few pages of vicious infighting.
Good times.
Shouldn't all the PS3 fanboys be playing Valkyria Chronicles? THERE'S AN AWESOME GAME ON YOUR SYSTEM. GO PLAY IT!bcn-ron said:Worst showing for PS3 in a long while. Only in Oct 07 was it outsold by bigger margins (against both Xbox 360 and Wii).
Sadly, the urge to defend their system and spin a good outcome for it trumps the actual use of the system itself. It gets worse the less popular their system of choice gets.AniHawk said:Shouldn't all the PS3 fanboys be playing Valkyria Chronicles? THERE'S AN AWESOME GAME ON YOUR SYSTEM. GO PLAY IT!
viciouskillersquirrel said:Sadly, the urge to defend their system and spin a good outcome for it trumps the actual use of the system itself. It gets worse the less popular their system of choice gets.
As you know, last gen, it was the Nintendo fans doing the same thing.
I demand a recount!Spiegel said:Yep
HK-47 86
Haunted 59
Private Hoffman 54
Speevy 47
BishopLamont 47
You should know better then that by now.viciouskillersquirrel said:Sadly, the urge to defend their system and spin a good outcome for it trumps the actual use of the system itself. It gets worse the less popular their system of choice gets.
As you know, last gen, it was the Nintendo fans doing the same thing.
:lol Glad someone got it.Parl said:You win.
BishopLamont said:I demand a recount!
You win.HK-47 86
Haunted 59
donny2112 54
Private Hoffman 54
BishopLamont 48
Speevy 47
DeaconKnowledge said:I meant quality, not style.
well played. :lolSpiegel said:Yep
HK-47 86
Haunted 59
Private Hoffman 54
Speevy 47
BishopLamont 47
I can never see Sony, the hardware company going 3rd party.manueldelalas said:Sony going third party confirmed, Microsoft holding the second place in console race, Nintendo probably going out of stock again next month and shattering all records.
egocrata said:What I find really mind-blowing is the insane amount of software that Nintendo sells. No one nurses, takes care, and unleashes their IPs (new and old) like Nintendo.
It is a really, really well run company. Just amazingly run.
I wouldn't say that's the ultimate reason. Pretty much all of these third parties are purely gaming companies.shykyoichi said:Because they're purely a gaming company. They need to be always on the top of their game.
Have we forgotten April's so fast?Jtyettis said:P.S. This has been one Epic NPD. Probably the best in nearly a year.