Oh yeah, forgot about that.evil ways said:Yeah, the first ever Sgt. Slaughter Bikini Bootcamp obstacle course as part of the Diva search.
bishoptl said:It'll never happen, but Cena needs to go heel again and soon.
She got a man chin, Have to throw a bag over her face and one over mine in case her's falls off...GaimeGuy said:
GaimeGuy said:
Wrong Chavo just saved Raw...I Mean Mr White saved Raw....Outcast2004 said:WTF? CHAVO IS SKIN BALD! Oh no, Chavo's got a new gimmick....this can't be good.
I was going to try and find it, but it turns out they cut Enter Sandman from the Sandman's entrance. So no One Night Stand DVD for me.Outcast2004 said:And now they promo ECW: ONS, which is far and away the best thing they've done in YEARS!
BTW, can ANYONE find that damn DVD in stores???
Heel.Bowser said:wait is jericho heel or face now?
MetatronM said:Heel.
Real recognizing real get it right GBowser said:recognizing real?
Mrbob said:Jericho/Cena could be awesome.
I missed out on the draft and haven't watched much wrestling lately. Is Christian on Smackdown now?