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Official Sept 2008 NPD Results


WrikaWrek said:
What about PS3 numbers?
They look identical.

If you ran those commericals and cut off the 5 second information screen at the end, there would be no way people would know there is a wii version of the game. Multiplatform that advertise the wii version as a seperate entity do better than games that pretend it doesn't exist. Why is this so hard to understand?

WrikaWrek said:
Sorry, but really no excuses this time around. There's a big 3rd party game out there for the Wii, that had a nice amount of attention specifically put into it and it didn't even managed to match the PS3 version numbers.
What attention? Show me the exclusive wii commerical, the exclusive wii banner? Show me one bit if advertising that would tell someone that the wii version is unique or even existent , ala Tiger Woods


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Mama Robotnik said:

Can you make the guy that bows his head at the end Nintendo?

Anyways, :lol


Iwata een bom zal droppen
I had this sad experience today when I was reading gaf. A guy in his early teens was in the npd thread with his 3 year-old brain. When the guy was supposed to be talking about sales, he typed, apparently in frustration, "I kind of wish that Michael Pachter had been correct in his prediction a couple of years back" Gaf members mentioned that maybe the guy is a douche, and the guy's response was, "I'm really not kidding." He then signed his post and left the video game forum, sad and defeated.

Private Hoffman said:
Those expecting KZ1 redux prepare to eat crow.
You must have leftovers.:lol
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Private Hoffman's Predictions

[360] 300k
[NDS] 600k
[PS2] 160k
[PS3] 220k
[PSP] 250k
[WII] 520k

"Decent" X360 sales for September were still up 78.1% instead of the 53.8% month-over-month that Hoffman was predicting. (Week-over-week adjustments = 42.4% increase instead of a predicted 23.1% increase).

The week-over-week increase was almost twice what Hoffman was expecting and only rates as "decent"?

PS2 lowball guess was only off by 13,500K. That doesn't strike me as outright hilarious. PS2 is still the cheapest system on the market and boasts one hell of a software library. That won't change anytime soon.


jman2050 said:
Why does it matter?
Because the Wii can't sell software man, don't you see it! You will see it, you all will!!! May the rats eat your eyes!!!

Oh, wrong scenario. Love the drama though.


GPsych said:
I kind of wish that Michael Pachter had been correct in his prediction a couple of years back when he said that casual gamers would buy the Wii and eventually "upgrade" to a 360 or PS3 (At least, I think it was Pachter who said that). This has not yet appeared to be the case.

I had this sad experience today when I was shopping at Target. A guy in his mid to late 30s was in the Wii section with his 3 year-old son. When the sales clerk asked the guy if he was finding everything okay, he said, apparently in frustration, "I'm trying to find something good for the Wii. I've been playing Wall-E with my son here... and it's terrible. I mean it's just really horrible. Isn't there something good? Something where you can run around and just, do cool stuff?" The sales clerk mentioned that maybe the customer should look at the 360 or PS3, and the guy's response was, "Yeah, my wife won't let me have one. She thinks they're bad for the kid. I can pretty much only get Wii games." He then took his son by the hand and left the video game aisle, sad and defeated.


there's so many things that led to this.

bad advertising from Nintendo: they should run ads constantly. people who don't buy at launch are the ones that need them the most since they don't know about the games (general casual gamer).
uninformed parent: he should do some research to see which games have good scores.
uninformed store clerk: he should suggest some of the better wii games before jumping to the other consoles. if the parent doesn't want the games, then fine.


Truespeed said:
The 360 number must be disappointing to Microsoft. It has the cheapest current gen console on the market and it only beat the PS3 by about 110K. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3, at 232K made more profit for Sony than the what the 360 made for MS.

:lol Wat, that's some fuzzy math starting with 115k.


GPsych said:
I'm really not kidding. At the time I thought it was a bit strange, but I actually wonder how common that situation really is. What if Pachter was correct that the non-gamer guy would start playing the Wii with his kids and decide he wants better graphics and more "hard-core" games? Trouble is, the Wii was purchased for the kids as a family machine. At this point, I really don't think MS or Sony have managed to break away from their core userbase enough to push a family to get a 360 or PS3 in addition to the Wii they already have. It seems that MS is really working on this, but I wonder if they'll ever manage to find some success there. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I have no doubt that will happen to some extent. The question is: will those people wait 3 years for WiiHD or jump to the other consoles in this generation.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
GPsych said:
I kind of wish that Michael Pachter had been correct in his prediction a couple of years back when he said that casual gamers would buy the Wii and eventually "upgrade" to a 360 or PS3 (At least, I think it was Pachter who said that). This has not yet appeared to be the case.

I had this sad experience today when I was shopping at Target. A guy in his mid to late 30s was in the Wii section with his 3 year-old son. When the sales clerk asked the guy if he was finding everything okay, he said, apparently in frustration, "I'm trying to find something good for the Wii. I've been playing Wall-E with my son here... and it's terrible. I mean it's just really horrible. Isn't there something good? Something where you can run around and just, do cool stuff?" The sales clerk mentioned that maybe the customer should look at the 360 or PS3, and the guy's response was, "Yeah, my wife won't let me have one. She thinks they're bad for the kid. I can pretty much only get Wii games." He then took his son by the hand and left the video game aisle, sad and defeated.


Dude's right, y'know? Wall-E for the 360 is so much better.


Truespeed said:
The 360 number must be disappointing to Microsoft. It has the cheapest current gen console on the market and it only beat the PS3 by about 110K. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3, at 232K made more profit for Sony than the what the 360 made for MS.
I very much doubt that. There's probably a good reason why MS waited until September to cut the price rather than cutting the price of the 360 back in April when GTAIV was released when everyone was calling for them to do so. It would've made sense for strategic reasons (preparing for Sony's impending push with MGS4), but the financial reasons probably prevented them from dropping the price until just last month.

MS's overall stinginess with the 360 price cuts this generation look to be a fairly clear indicator that MS cares more about making a profit with the 360 rather than gaining more marketshare. Of course, they'd ideally like to do both, but that's not happening.

And given the fact that Sony has dropped the price of the PS3 $200 within a year, I doubt that they're at the point where they're making more profit per unit than MS is making with the 360.


listen to the mad man
Regulus Tera said:
Dude's right, y'know? Wall-E for the 360 is so much better.

as someone who played through wall-e 360 after absolutely loving the movie, it's not a good game for any console. the problem isn't the wii, it's that the parents bought a movie licence game.


Regulus Tera said:
Dude's right, y'know? Wall-E for the 360 is so much better.

It's sad that we live in such a cruel world he was unwilling to help the dad out by suggesting any games. Just heartless, a real tragedy.


Stumpokapow said:
Vesperia did not.

70k omg bomba


tales of the world <50k
tales of legendia <75k
tales of the abyss <75k
tales of phantasia <50k

Of course, Tales of Symphonia Wii is going to bend Vesperia over backwards (Tales of Symphonia, >400k)
Namco wants to do 400k on Vesperia worldwide right?

If the 37k number is true, the sales for this month were actually higher than last month... 33k + 37k = 70k. Makes this the best selling Tales game since Symphonia, doesn't it? Way better than the PS2 titles.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Firestorm said:
Namco wants to do 400k on Vesperia worldwide right?

If the 37k number is true, the sales for this month were actually higher than last month... 33k + 37k = 70k. Makes this the best selling Tales game since Symphonia, doesn't it? Way better than the PS2 titles.

I believe it was 400 or 500K in N.A + Japan, which is where the problem lies- the U.S numbers would be fine if Vesperia did 300-400K in Japan. Instead it did about 150K.


As an addendum to the argument I just made, I'd like to strongly encourage every sales age poster to begin speaking in demographic terminology rather than in internet jargon like "casual" and "core". If someone were to check my post history, you'd likely notice that I nearly always put the word "core" in quotations, because I strongly dislike it. The only advantage to such lingo is that it is shorter to type.

On the other hand, I think there is more substantial evidence to support the demographic discussion (for example, games like Mass Effect, Bioshock and Call of Duty did very well on the 360, but so did Madden and Fifa, neither of which I think of as "core," but which I do think lean heavily towards the 16-30 year old male demographic that enjoys games like Bioshock). In addition, these definitions are much clearer: saying 16-30 year old males instead of "core" will prevent discussions like this one from breaking down in to arguments about what "core" and "casual" mean. My definition brooks no such opportunities. Lastly, I believe demographic terminology, by the very nature of its empiricism, removes much of the stigma that has come to surround both the word "core" and "casual." It has become too common to mock the "casuals" for their pedestrian taste or the "core" for their stubborn myopia; I believe such vituperative discussions would become less frequent if people were forced to talk about, say, 16-30 year old women in a direct fashion, rather than smearing them with the maleficent and nebulous term "casual."

I believe we will find that such diction minimizes vagueries and focuses discussion on more tangible argumentation.


avatar299 said:
What attention? Show me the exclusive wii commerical, the exclusive wii banner? Show me one bit if advertising that would tell someone that the wii version is unique or even existent , ala Tiger Woods

Always with the tiger woods shit. Who would've thought that Golf, a boring ass sports game, would somehow make much more sense on the Wii? WHOOO?

And...lol at needing exclusive advertisement...give me a break, if that were to be the case then some 360 and PS3 games would've bombed for it, and they didn't. Excuse holds no water.
Sadist said:
Because the Wii can't sell software man, don't you see it! You will see it, you all will!!! May the rats eat your eyes!!!

Oh, wrong scenario. Love the drama though.
You guys look at everything is such broad strokes it's hard to have a conversation about anything. No shit the Wii sells software, so does the 360. Here what I would like someone to answer. If you're Ubi or EA and you're about to invest in a game like Far Cry 2 or Dead Space or something of that ilk, is the sales potential higher on a game made for Wii or 360/PS3? If your answer is Wii, where is the support for that? If the answer is 360/PS3 why is it that people constantly decry the lack of certain genres of games on Wii(especially for Western devs) like the devs are throwing money away, when in fact the better bet is in 360/PS3 for these genres.

This goes back to Force Unleashed in the sense that LucasArts has to look at those numbers and say our next big budget "core" (for lack of a better word) project will be PS3/360 focused. And this advertising issue some people have brought up I don't think adequately explains the fact that FU sold 50% better on a system with half the userbase.


PSGames said:
PS3 sold 1.7 Million games last month. 360 sold 1.5Million in the top 10 alone... I would love to have a total software breakdown for the month.

If the Ps3 number is true and:

Backed by September sales data, which showed $326 million in total consumer spend in the U.S. and a record software attach rate of 8.1 (September NPD data)

347k*8.1 = 2,800,000

360 = 1,300k sales out of the Top Ten
Ps3 = 1,375k sales out of the Top Ten
When did the new $399 80g PS3 come out? It was last month, right? Any chance people were waiting for that, thus the increase in PS3 numbers?

There are no revelations in these numbers. Will STILL sells like gangbusters, price cuts work for a boost (360) as do added value SKU's at the same price (PS3).

We'll have to see how things play out after October, when Wii Music (Wii), LBP (PS3), Fable II (360) and Fallout 3 (Multi) are released as they are all HUGE releases for the holiday season. Also more mainstream penetration of the new 360 prices and PS3 SKU's will have an effect as well.


WrikaWrek said:
Always with the tiger woods shit. Who would've thought that Golf, a boring ass sports game, would somehow make much more sense on the Wii? WHOOO?

And...lol at needing exclusive advertisement...give me a break, if that were to be the case then some 360 and PS3 games would've bombed for it, and they didn't. Excuse holds no water.
It's used as an example becuase it was perfectly done. It's not like Golf=success on wii. many other golf games bombed.

And what 360/PS3 game would have bombed if it were the case?. Most multi-platform commercials focus on the 360 to sell both versions becuase they often look identical to the average guy, not so with the wii. You can't just presume a game has a wii version like you can do with a PS3. having exclusive commercials or an exclusive feature that differentiates it helps. We know what works, we know what doesn't. Why should we expect the companies that do the wrong things to achieve only you can explain.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
GitarooMan said:
You guys look at everything is such broad strokes it's hard to have a conversation about anything. No shit the Wii sells software, so does the 360. Here what I would like someone to answer. If you're Ubi or EA and you're about to invest in a game like Far Cry 2 or Dead Space or something of that ilk, is the sales potential higher on a game made for Wii or 360/PS3? If your answer is Wii, where is the support for that? If the answer is 360/PS3 why is it that people constantly decry the lack of certain genres of games on Wii(especially for Western devs) like the devs are throwing money away, when in fact the better bet is in 360/PS3 for these genres.

This goes back to Force Unleashed in the sense that LucasArts has to look at those numbers and say our next big budget "core" (for lack of a better word) project will be PS3/360 focused. And this advertising issue some people have brought up I don't think adequately explains the fact that FU sold 50% better on a system with half the userbase.

Yes, I agree. My point is simple- the reason those games will sell better on 360/PS3 is because 3rd parties have already built that market!. They haven't even tried on the Wii. Haven't even tried. I guess I'm just saying that of course those games won't do well on Wii if no one tries to build a market! I'm sure CoD 5 will sell worse on Wii as well. Because all 3rd party Wii FPS's have been for the most part complete shit. I have no doubt that if Western 3rd parties put effort into their Wii titles they would see a better return.

Edit- I'd add that I really doubt Lucas Arts is displeased with the Wii sales. They added a Wii version late and despite a similiar game coming out in a month they got over 200K units moved. While I agree that I don't see an incentive to not make a 360/PS3 version, I would also submit that there is plenty of reason for them to try even harder on the Wii.
Firestorm said:
If the 37k number is true, the sales for this month were actually higher than last month... 33k + 37k = 70k. Makes this the best selling Tales game since Symphonia, doesn't it? Way better than the PS2 titles.

Vesperia is unquestionably doing better than the PS2 titles. It'll almost certainly hit 100k LTD in the US before it stops selling, which would make it second Tales game ever to hit 6 digits in the US.

Of course, its performance in Japan has unquestionably hurt the game in the worldwide total; it'll probably top out between 325-350k.


avatar299 said:
What attention? Show me the exclusive wii commerical, the exclusive wii banner? Show me one bit if advertising that would tell someone that the wii version is unique or even existent , ala Tiger Woods
I'm mildly curious to see what happened with NHL 2k9 for this reason. While watching the Red Wings opener on Versus, I saw a couple commercials that treated it as a Wii exclusive.
GPsych said:
I had this sad experience today when I was shopping at Target. A guy in his mid to late 30s was in the Wii section with his 3 year-old son. When the sales clerk asked the guy if he was finding everything okay, he said, apparently in frustration, "I'm trying to find something good for the Wii. I've been playing Wall-E with my son here... and it's terrible. I mean it's just really horrible. Isn't there something good? Something where you can run around and just, do cool stuff?" The sales clerk mentioned that maybe the customer should look at the 360 or PS3, and the guy's response was, "Yeah, my wife won't let me have one. She thinks they're bad for the kid. I can pretty much only get Wii games." He then took his son by the hand and left the video game aisle, sad and defeated.


"Random guy at Target" is quickly becoming the "Joe the Plumber" of sales-age. The only difference is Joe the Plumber is a real person.

- C

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Stumpokapow said:
as someone who played through wall-e 360 after absolutely loving the movie, it's not a good game for any console. the problem isn't the wii, it's that the parents bought a movie licence game.

Tip: fix your sarcasm meter.


GitarooMan said:
I'm sure this has been mentioned, but here's people's answer so they can stop whining about why the Wii gets less third-party big budget "core" game development in the West.

Maybe it just shows that Wii owners don't buy shit games....;)


:lol at the people who still to this day dont get how Wii software sells

Force Unleashed will keep selling especially with Clone Wars coming only to the Wii next month, and then at Christmas, thats how titles sold last year as well

The 360 will keep selling STFU as well, but I can guarantee you the PS3 edition is just about done, you want to talk about front loaded sales...that platform is one of the kings of front loaded.

Whats interesting to me is that the PS2 edition did not make it to the Top 10, makes me wonder if it was just outside the Top 10

God every month is the same, Wii Software does not sell, well some of it does, well that does not count because it sells over time, well it does not sell genres good enough


GitarooMan said:
You guys look at everything is such broad strokes it's hard to have a conversation about anything. No shit the Wii sells software, so does the 360. Here what I would like someone to answer. If you're Ubi or EA and you're about to invest in a game like Far Cry 2 or Dead Space or something of that ilk, is the sales potential higher on a game made for Wii or 360/PS3? If your answer is Wii, where is the support for that? If the answer is 360/PS3 why is it that people constantly decry the lack of certain genres of games on Wii(especially for Western devs) like the devs are throwing money away, when in fact the better bet is in 360/PS3 for these genres.
I'm being rather sarcastic too you know. Okay, I'll bite. English is not my first language, but I'll try. Of course the sales potential of the 360 and PS3 is very high, because they buy a lot of games for their systems. True. For Wii (according to NPD figures) there is also a demand for software. But, we still don't know if the games you named would do as well on the Wii as on it's HD counterparts. Sure, I agree that the 360 and PS3 are a safe bett, but why couldn't you try to bring the games to the Wii for one time? If you'll never try, you will never know. It's a vicious cycle really. We don 't know, we don't try. In other words, it doesn't sell. What if you could make a good profit on a Dead Space Wii? That would be awesome right? (and the game would be good of course)

This goes back to Force Unleashed in the sense that LucasArts has to look at those numbers and say our next big budget "core" (for lack of a better word) project will be PS3/360 focused. And this advertising issue some people have brought up I don't think adequately explains the fact that FU sold 50% better on a system with half the userbase.
Why? Do you know the specifics of the costs of the Wii version? How it did in Europe? How it will fare in the months to come? It wouldn't be a suprise if Lucas Arts would say: hey guys, this is great!

Edit: good thing I still have some free days to spare, almost three in the morning here :lol


listen to the mad man
Regulus Tera said:
Tip: fix your sarcasm meter.

It's not broken. I know what you were saying. I was adding my personal opinion of Wall-E 360 since I have played it and most people have not.

Zihark said:
source, hope it isn't ********-I'm sure it sold zip in europe.

That's shipped numbers from Microsoft.
CitizenCope said:
You must have leftovers.:lol

How am I eating crow from that prediction?

I have always been relatively bear(ish) on the 360 price drop. I was off by 47k.

Just because I thought it would be lower than it turned out to be, does not mean that the 360 suddenly achieved sales that I would consider an overwhelming success for a console with such a significant pricing advantage now.

It's only too bad that jimbo isn't here to express his disappointment.

jimbo said:
Exactly. Double would be 488k. Now if it follows short lived spikes, a reasonable post price drop trend could look something like this OVER last month's numbers.

1st week - 100 - 150% (since I'm sure it was over double but under triple for them to make that statement).
2nd week - 75% - 100%
3rd week - 50% - 75%
4th week - 30% - 50%
5th week - 30% - 50%

Or an average of betwen 57% and 85% increase for the 5 week period. I just went with 75% over the entire month.

Of course it could also blow it out of the water or increase over time before it tapers off too.

But either way I don't expect anything lower than 57% increase, which on 244k, would be 383k. That should be the low end. Anything lower than that would be a major dissapointment for the first month of a $100 price drop.
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