O Odnetnin Banned Jun 15, 2005 #1 http://www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-et-lost14jun14,0,1578139.story?coll=cl-home-more-channels for the fans of this awesome show. Its a good read.
http://www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-et-lost14jun14,0,1578139.story?coll=cl-home-more-channels for the fans of this awesome show. Its a good read.
M Mr Gump Banned Jun 15, 2005 #2 Tempted to read it but it depends on how big these spoilers are. Are they just general directions the show is going or something like OMG JACK DIES IN EPIDODE 4!
Tempted to read it but it depends on how big these spoilers are. Are they just general directions the show is going or something like OMG JACK DIES IN EPIDODE 4!
D Dan No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise Jun 15, 2005 #4 They're mostly confirmations of some very obvious assumptions if you've paid any attention to the series. Second season starts lensing in July, so I'm sure spoiler hounds will start getting some interesting things sooner or later.
They're mostly confirmations of some very obvious assumptions if you've paid any attention to the series. Second season starts lensing in July, so I'm sure spoiler hounds will start getting some interesting things sooner or later.
F Fuzzy I would bang a hot farmer! Jun 15, 2005 #5 Nobody wore costumes to this confab, unless you count the woman with the red blob of fake flesh attached to her shoulder. " Spoiler It's a piece of Arzt ," she explained, referring to Spoiler the character who inadvertently blew himself up in the season finale. Click to expand... :lol :lol :lol EDIT: I thought I should add spoiler tags just in case.
Nobody wore costumes to this confab, unless you count the woman with the red blob of fake flesh attached to her shoulder. " Spoiler It's a piece of Arzt ," she explained, referring to Spoiler the character who inadvertently blew himself up in the season finale. Click to expand... :lol :lol :lol EDIT: I thought I should add spoiler tags just in case.