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Oli's Colorado Trip!! - (lots of pictures!!)

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Since we took off for Florida last year, the guys and I thought Colorado would be a nice way to mix things up. We headed out last Thursday and did 18 hours of driving from Houston to Co. Springs with nothing but pee, the DS, and cows.


So we spent the night in a shady motel on the outskirts and entertained ourselves with a 7 car, 1 chopper police chase until we just couldn’t stand the pressure on our eyes and had to give in.

The next morning we hopped around downtown CO Springs and finally ended up at the Garden of the Gods. They are these huge, red rocks jutting up from the foothills of an otherwise green mountain.


Ah, the parking lot

There’s not much straying from the trail and there’s not much climbing to do, but we strayed as far as we were allowed.


All of them in a row


”See this spot… I think it’s over there… Hrmm… Maybe we should turn back”

We finally found a place to climb where there were no signs telling us to keep away and got a decent view of the surrounding area.


Gary in front, Steven in the back, and the view from where we were

The cool thing about these rocks is that there is absolutely no climbing on them unless you’re a Colorado State Fire Fighter and we saw quite a few from Boulder up there climbing.


We saw this dude on the way out. I snapped these just before he leapt over the path and ran away

We left there and spent some time in Denver’s beautiful city park tossing around the football and waiting for rush hour traffic to die down, then took off for a dinner with my sister who lives in Boulder.

So my older friend Gary orchestrated this whole trip and found us the last vacancy in Estes Park, a $200/night condo that was just amazing.


The mountain on the left surrounded the complex and the river to the right ran right through it and in front of our condo. Just awesome. And we had a hot tub and swim spa with a view of nothing but trees and mountains. It was like something out of a Lifetime movie.

Lead to the top by eminem himself. Lovely.
But really, we drove to a trailhead in Rocky Mountain National park and we just kept following the most interesting signs and adding up the miles hiked.


The outset and Steven crossing a river… how daring


First stop… The cascades


As we hiked, we encountered a bunch of these beautiful yellow flowers. They seemed to flourish where all of the trees were burned in that 1980s forest fire.


Next stop was the waterfall. We hiked to where it fell, but couldn’t find a way across or to the top, so we kept on truckin’


We finally hit the top of the mountain we were climbing. The valley to the left was all burned trees, yellow flowers, and a mountain stream. The valley to our right was a bunch of tall evergreens. And, as you can see, the view ahead was snowcapped peaks that were just breathtaking


The final hike to the end of the trail. 6.1 miles

We hiked back down in less than half the time it took to get up and gave two married women a ride back to the main entrance. We headed back to Estes, grabbed some amazing local pizza, and relaxed in the hot tub for an hour.

The next day we spent in Denver and in Boulder. We met up with my sister and her husband and checked out the outdoor mall in Boulder. I’ve never seen so many people out having a good time and I’ve never seen so many people riding bikes around instead of driving. Quite a breath of fresh air from stupid Houston. That evening we took their pup to the dog park, played with him, and tossed around the football.

The final day of our trip! We drove into Rocky Mountain National Park a different way and found a couple new trailheads to follow. We hiked about a mile and took the right fork to Bear Lake.


Some view, eh?

We did the hike around the lake, headed back to the fork, and went left to the falls. There were a lot of people on the path so we decided just to follow the river and keep from the path. It proved to be a lot more fun than walking a flat path because we got to do some actual rock climbing to get where we needed to go. The view was great, too.


As we got closer to the source of the river the areas surrounding our own came into view.


We finally hit the source and found a trail it looked like we weren’t allowed to hike. It took a little vertical climbing to get to the main trail from where we were, but we managed.


View from the top

That night we headed to the fields outside of the local high school and set up camp for the fireworks show. We arrived early enough to get good parking and a great view of the lake. I think we tossed around the football for a good 2 hours and I discovered that I can throw one just over 50 yards. Not TOO shabby. The fireworks were fun, but we left just a little early to avoid terribly tourist traffic.


Steven, the field, my leg, and the fireworks. -__- yay

The next day we woke up at 6 and drove 21 hours home to Houston. We took shifts to ease the burden and it ended up being a fairly easy drive. Much easier than one would think.

I left out a lot of details but I think I hit the best highlights. I’ll most likely update when I get the other Gary’s pictures on CD later this week. He has shots of great events like my barefoot beaver dam crossing.

Thus concludes my one good post a year. I hope you enjoyed.


Sounds like you got to Estes Park just as we were leaving from our honeymoon up there. Beautiful, beautiful place. Even the grocery store parking lot had a nice view.


Looking forward to more pictures.
I just got an e-mail from the kid, Tuku, im supporting in Africa. He too went on a awesome trip through various contries that share things in common with his, he borrowed a camera from one of the sponsors so i could see all the majestic vistas

Here's the first spot they spent the night at. Everyone was 'real nice' Tuku said, and shared their clothes for the night. 'I am excited for tomorrows new challenges', Tuku wrote.


The local waste dump apparently was a blast for Tuku. 'I found an old chair leg which I can use to get dinner', Tuku wrote. He really is growing up to be an independant man. Thats awesome.


The next day they went a few blocks south to the majestic mountains of refuse. Here Tuku realized how big his world really is. 'I wish to smell every dump I can' wrote Tuku. Godbless your heart!


Tuku's last stop before heading home. The sponsors splurged for the children and they were able to enjoy a roof one last time before heading home. Bugs were on the menu according to Tuku who wrote, 'Sometimes they still crawl, but I hit them with my chair leg and I have food', 'please send money for more adventures!'.

Oh I will Tuku, I will!


impirius said:
Sounds like you got to Estes Park just as we were leaving from our honeymoon up there. Beautiful, beautiful place. Even the grocery store parking lot had a nice view.


Looking forward to more pictures.

How very cool. Two gaffers in Estes Park a week apart.
And yes, the view from the Safeway was awesome. It's too bad the place was always packed. We had to do our shopping either really early or really late.

Where did you stay while you were there?

And thanks for the kind words, everyone. I have a Sony Cybershot f717. Kind of a pain to take on the trail, but oh well.


I have that same camera and my pictures don't turn out like that. What settings do you have it on or are you doing something to the pictures in photoshop?

MrAngryFace, that's not Africa :lol
Nice pics. :) I want to go to Colorado/Wyoming one day to visit the gamebird leks during mating season for a week or so. :D

The trails in those pics look really nice and well-maintained too. One of the big perks about living in the Rockies, desert Southwest, or the intermountain states is that there's so much great public land around. As for the flowers, you came just at the right time. Mountain wildflowers like that are very ephemeral.

Looks like you had a good time on your vacation-nothing like the road trip to somewhere Totally Different (tm) to clear the senses and take you out of the rut. I wish I had time to do the road trip thing for more than the brief excursion to the NC Outer Banks. :(


(OB1, I consider you very fortunate)
olimario said:
How very cool. Two gaffers in Estes Park a week apart.
And yes, the view from the Safeway was awesome. It's too bad the place was always packed. We had to do our shopping either really early or really late.

Where did you stay while you were there?
Seriously.. it looks like we hiked near the same places, too! (Glacier Gorce and Bear Lake) And yeah, you aren't kidding about the Safeway. The lines were backed up into the aisles.

We stayed at Sunnyside Knoll, a couples-only place a couple of minutes down Highway 34 from RMNP. Were you on 34, too? I remember a river going through a couple of places there, although I doubt that's too rare in Estes Park. :D

I'll have to remember to turn on Pictochat next time I'm up that way... ;)


loxy said:
I have that same camera and my pictures don't turn out like that. What settings do you have it on or are you doing something to the pictures in photoshop?

MrAngryFace, that's not Africa :lol

I mess with a lot of the camera settings before taking a picture, but some of the brightness and color I correct in photoshop afterwards.

And really about the flowers? I had no clue until you told me just now. I guess we were lucky. The snow had just melted, too.


impirius said:
(OB1, I consider you very fortunate)
Seriously.. it looks like we hiked near the same places, too! (Glacier Gorce and Bear Lake) And yeah, you aren't kidding about the Safeway. The lines were backed up into the aisles.

We stayed at Sunnyside Knoll, a couples-only place a couple of minutes down Highway 34 from RMNP. Were you on 34, too? I remember a river going through a couple of places there, although I doubt that's too rare in Estes Park. :D

I'll have to remember to turn on Pictochat next time I'm up that way... ;)

Yup. Same places exactly. How very cool.
And I'm pretty sure we were outside of town about a mile on 34. In fact, I think Sunnyside Knoll was right near where we were.

Pictochat was the last thing on my mind, but had I found a GAFfer on vacation I would have flipped. I saw a couple mormons in Denver and I was hoping one would be AlteredBeast. :lol


Every time Oli posts his vacation pictures it's followed by a dozen, "Your camera rocks." posts. It's practically like someone posting a drawing from their sketchbook and replying, "Your pencil is amazing."
Yeah, wildflowers at those elevations last two, maybe three months tops a year, if they are anything like the flowers in other high-elevation parts of the West. :)


force push the doodoo rock
beaglebot said:
Every time Oli posts his vacation pictures it's followed by a dozen, "Your camera rocks." posts. It's practically like someone posting a drawing from their sketchbook and replying, "Your pencil is amazing."

well theres not much else to say really


etiolate said:
I think Sony's have good color capturing and these have nice rich colors.

Don't be fooled. Kodak and Canon have much better color than Sony. Any rich colors are thanks to Adobe.


Are Kodaks good? They sell cheap, so I worry. I might go up a notch from my fuji finepix. I was thinking of going Canon.


etiolate said:
Are Kodaks good? They sell cheap, so I worry. I might go up a notch from my fuji finepix. I was thinking of going Canon.

I had a Kodak DC290 that was a giant hunk of crap. I don't look favorably on Kodaks.


I was in Boulder a couple of months ago on a business trip, and got to do a little hiking. Estes Park was awesome -- beautiful, beautiful country. On the way to Estes Park on HWY 36, I passed through a little town on Estes Lake. There was a golf course and elk would come down in the evenings to feed. It was very peaceful.

One afternoon I went to Chautauqua Park in Boulder. Great view of Boulder from there. That evening I went to The Rio Grande and had a couple of their margaritas. Yeah, they're strong.

Anyhow, I really want to go back.

Oh yeah, on my first morning there, I was on my way to work trying to figure out where the hell I was going. I knew I had to turn left and it was coming up soon, so I slowed down. There was hardly any traffic on the road, but there was a CO State trooper. He pulled me over for going too slow in the left lane. WTF! There was no traffic behind me and I was slowing down to read the flippin' signs! Luckily, he gave me a warning though. I was so pissed. And the view from the office was spectacular...



The other Gary on the trip had just purchased a 5mp, 10x optical zoom Kodak that worked wonderfully and had great color. Seemed to be a more solid camera than my Cybershot, too.

Very cool stuff. Did you get to check out the outdoor mall in Boulder at all? Of all of the non-outdoorsy stuff I did on the trip, that was far and away the coolest.


olimario said:
Very cool stuff. Did you get to check out the outdoor mall in Boulder at all? Of all of the non-outdoorsy stuff I did on the trip, that was far and away the coolest.
No, I didn't. I have some friends who live in Superior, so I spent a lot of time hanging out with them after work. They mentioned it, but I never got a chance to go. It's on the list for the next visit.


asking dangerous questions
olimario said:
Some crappy panoramics

I remember it was posted on GA earlier...
...but I lost the link.
Do you have the link to the photostitching software you used to make these?

Nice pictures btw. Makes me wanna visit the Rockies.
Hiking is great fun.


Boulders a hippie town!

pearl street mall is ok i guess :/ but boulder does have some good restaraunts!


That was a awesome trip there Oli! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I wonder where Pike's Peak is in relation to those places. I'm sure I was at some of those places you shown but I mainly remember my parents taking us to Pike's Peak, doing the long drive up, horseback riding and stuff when we were kids.
All these places look awesome. Never come to England and expect scenery on this scale. Just rolling green hills at best...

:lol at Tuku's adventure as well.
Pike's Peak is down by the Springs. If you like the Pearl Street Mall and Estes Park, you probably would've also liked the 16th Street Mall in Denver and Old Town in Fort Collins.

However, I find just about everything in that state to be so passé after having lived there for 20 years. The mountains might as well be a cardboard cutout after awhile. Still, it was sometimes fun to subject out-of-towners to Casa Bonita (tacky as all get-out, I know).

Now, back to ducking hurricanes...


Whoever asked the headphone question, I will find out tonight.. they are at target for 12.99, the are philips... very comfy..

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