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OMG!!! Coca Cola C2!!!!

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underwhelming, it tastes like Dr Pepper after you forget to put the cap back on and leave it out of the fridge overnight.


CCc2 tastes very much like coke at colder than normal temperatures. With ice it also tastes like coke. but with less of a after taste. Not cold it sucks.

Pepsi Edge tastes like pepsi at even the coldest temps (regular pepsi just doesnt taste good super cold) but it has one nasty ass after taste that i hate. And its highly more carbinated than its regular brothern.


I bought a can of this stuff this morning. Tastes like flat Coke but with the carbonation intact. Might be useful to me though since I'm way overweight and tons of sugar is the last thing I need.


Wow, I must have a sensitive taste pallette or something....cuz C2 fucking taste like the trash that is Diet Coke!!! I'll stick to my regular soda drinks, not that I drink them often.


Yea.. C2 is just an inoffensive version of Coke with a weird flatty aftertaste.

Might go good with burbon though...
The list of ingrediants is frightening. Is this part of the low-carb trend?

A lot of people get fountain drinks and fill it with half coke, half diet coke. Pretty much the same thing, no? I guess you could also cut your coke intake by half for the same effect.


C2 is devoid of something, and has a ton more carbonation in it for some reason.

In fact, it reminded me of an emptier tasting Tab, if anything. I dunno, it's just missing that BANG I guess.



Never forget :(


Mustang said:
I always have found that warm soda sucks.

Could just be me though?

Of course it is...I don't know why people even feel the need to make a point of this. Soda that isn't either chilled or on ice is SHIT.


They release this shit but don't give me my Crystal Pepsi back? Dammit....quit whoring out the soda market to the current trends the world is going through. This only adds fuel to the fire of my Crystal Pepsi Revival Campaign.

But to stay on topic....the stuff definitely tastes different to me. Anything other than the original is weird to me. I definitely agree with the aftertaste thing.


Winged Creature said:
didnt pepsi have something like this a few years back?? Pepsi max?

Pepsi's tried to do the "Crystal taste with dark coloring" thing a few times. Pepsi Blue and Pepsi One come to mind.
I bought a bottle of C2 today. It tastes ok. It's much better than Diet Coke, but worse than Coca Cola. I almost tastes like Coca Cola. As far as aftertaste, it has the shit aftertaste of Diet Coke.
I work in a bakery and surprisingly, with this whole low-carb/Atkins craze everywhere, sales haven't gone down a bit.
I hardly drink pop anymore but I'm still curious as to what these new colas taste like.
Otaking said:
They release this shit but don't give me my Crystal Pepsi back? Dammit....quit whoring out the soda market to the current trends the world is going through. This only adds fuel to the fire of my Crystal Pepsi Revival Campaign.

But to stay on topic....the stuff definitely tastes different to me. Anything other than the original is weird to me. I definitely agree with the aftertaste thing.



worrying about the Crystal Pepsi revival is the least of your problems right now. Plus, the drink is shit.
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