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OMG! New Urban Asphalt GT vids! Ridge Racer (PSP) it your heart out!! ;)


Why, exactly, do you want Ridge Racer to eat its heart out? Is it because of the fact that the visuals in Ridge Racer PSP are endlessly more impressive than those in Asphalt GT, or is it because Ridge Racer is part of a tried and true franchise that has been home to many a good game?

I don't know what you're trying to get at, Mr. parisSM.

To point:

"60 frames per second": Cool, Ridge Racer PSP is chuggin' along just fine in this area too!
"plenty of polygons being thrown around": Really? Because Ridge Racer PSP is throwing a crapload more polygons around.
"GREAT sense of speed": Sweet! Speed is good. You know, like the speed in those PSP Ridge Racer vid-- OH! Oh!


Hahaha. Good thread. "It your heart out".


Amir0x said:
Why, exactly, do you want Ridge Racer to eat its heart out? Is it because of the fact that the visuals in Ridge Racer PSP are endlessly more impressive than those in Asphalt GT, or is it because Ridge Racer is part of a tried and true franchise that has been home to many a good game?

I don't know what you're trying to get at, Mr. parisSM.

basically, I just feel this game needs more hype. When you look at RR(DS) and RR(PSP) it's like night and day. But Urban GT actually looks very impressive and the sense speed and graphics are top-notch. Time to squash the consensus that the DS can't pull off quality 3d graphics! :)


MrparisSM said:
basically, I just feel this game needs more hype. When you look at RR(DS) and RR(PSP) it's like night and day. But Urban GT actually looks very impressive and the sense speed and graphics are top-notch. Time to squash the consensus that the DS can't pull off quality 3d graphics! :)

Well, see, I think the game isn't getting much hype because let's face it not much has been said that shows why this game should be interesting. A sense of speed and some decent graphics by DS standards is not enough to catapult this to hype status.

Don't get me wrong, I am keeping a close eye on Asphalt GT. It seems to have potential, and is easily the most impressive looking racer on the Nintendo DS - although that's not saying much.

But, aside from the impressive-by-DS-standards visuals, tell me what aspects of the gameplay should interest me. I really am all ears, as I might end up picking it up in the long run if it is any good.


MrparisSM said:

I was VERY impressed by these new footage. 60 frames per second, plenty of polygons being thrown around and special effects, lighting. GREAT sense of speed, the DS graphics just keep getting better and better! To me this looks more interesting and exciting than that RR PSP game. :D

It looks identical to the N-Gage version. If that's the benchmark by which DS games deserve hype, we're in real trouble.
Vibri said:
It looks identical to the N-Gage version. If that's the benchmark by which DS games deserve hype, we're in real trouble.

I've seen the N-Gage version in action and it's a big mess. The DS version is actually smooth and more detailed in terms of textures.


The DS version has a smoother frame rate, other than that it's pretty much identical.

DS version:


N-GAGE version:


And anyay - a sped up port of an N-Gage racing game? Is that like, meant to be promising?
kitchenmotors said:
I've seen the N-Gage version in action and it's a big mess. The DS version is actually smooth and more detailed in terms of textures.
Judging by those free streaming videos, no. Looks the same as N-Gage version. But if framerate really is better than in those videos...DS version has the edge over N-Gage version. Textures looks about the same.

edit: Small videos from N-Gage version:

Asphalt Video1
Asphalt Video2
Asphalt Video3

They have lots of compression artifacts but you get the idea.

aoi tsuki

i'm getting a DS in, what is it, eight or so days, and i'll readily admit that this is something that just can't compete on any visual level with the PSP, let along a true RR game. It shouldn't even be an issue. It's looking good, if not shallow, and i'm looking forward to playing it on the the 21st, but let's not get over-zealous here.

Why even bother comparing this directly to PSP when the the DS hardware can in no major way best the PSP?


Um... this looks horrible. I mean, I'm probably more excited for the DS than anything this year save for Half-Life 2, but Asphalt Urban GT looks like an absolute mess.


Either way, a sped up N-Gage racer doesn't come close to full-screen, widescreen PS2 quality Ridge Racers with its multiple tracks and awesome music.


And even i am moderately surprised
"It's a shame it took a release on the DS for gamers to take notice..."

i echo this thought. :(


Amir0x said:
Well, see, I think the game isn't getting much hype because let's face it not much has been said that shows why this game should be interesting. A sense of speed and some decent graphics by DS standards is not enough to catapult this to hype status.

Don't get me wrong, I am keeping a close eye on Asphalt GT. It seems to have potential, and is easily the most impressive looking racer on the Nintendo DS - although that's not saying much.

But, aside from the impressive-by-DS-standards visuals, tell me what aspects of the gameplay should interest me. I really am all ears, as I might end up picking it up in the long run if it is any good.

Hmmm, I really don't know much about the gameplay either, but judging from the footage. The environments are a ton more interesting than RR. The statue of liberty was in one of those vids if I remember right and another one was through an airport. Also u have some kind of nitro boost, looks like its unlimited, but I'm not sure. The fast paced gameplay and weaving in and out of track almost reminds me of burnout somewhat. Plus their are ramps all over the track to catch some air on. And in one video u are a cop and chasing other cars down. Does RR have this type of gameplay variety?


Junior Member
Yes, at 15fps Urban Asphalt GT is grrrreat! Jesus christ how could anyone think that chop fest would be worth playing? Another MrparisSM follie, this kid is going for a record in the special olympics.


Will start substantiating his hate
Project Midway said:
But if framerate really is better than in those videos...DS version has the edge over N-Gage version.
It has another advantage in the larger display.


kaching said:
It's a shame it took a release on the DS for gamers to take notice...

Thats true. Its not pushing DS as its a port. But it looks like it will play the best of the upcoming racers. This one is alot more like NFSU and BO3 in gameplay. :)
Where are you guys getting 60FPS crap from? The WMP says the video is 30FPS. Is the 60PFS actually confirmed or just some radom assumption?


Shogmaster said:
Where are you guys getting 60FPS crap from? The WMP says the video is 30FPS. Is the 60PFS actually confirmed or just some radom assumption?

Yeah its 60 fps and higher res than N-gage.
cybamerc said:
It has another advantage in the larger display.
Sure. But N-Gage has smaller pixels. :p

But seriously, sometimes the small screen makes it hard to see upcoming corners, but in many racers you have to memorize the track layout. But still bigger screen is better, o course. I can play only around 10-15 minutes max before my eyes get tired. But thats fine with me since for me mobile gaming is only for time wasting during breaks.

Anyway, Asphalt is a nice little game and fun to play. Dont dismiss it because of mediocre graphics...try it atleast. If it is 60fps on DS, even better. I have had lots of fun with it, especially the multiplayer works really well.


No additional functions
I had high hopes for this game, but the videos did it for me. Those framerates are atrocious. How can anyone compliment this games sense of speed when the framerate is constantly stuttering? Disappointing to say the least.
I had way more fun with Ridge Racer DS. This game was nice graphically, but never really gave you a sense of speed like Ridge Racer did. Seriously, if pretty graphics will win you over to buying a DS, I find that a little sad. There are much greater titles available that don't have flashy graphics to hold them up.
Meatpuppet said:
The framerate the video is encoded at is unrelated to the actual framerate of what is being recorded last I checked.

None of us has played the game in person, so videos are all we have to go by.


olimario said:
The DS isnt the system for racers unless it's mario kart or f-zero
IAWTP. Anyone who gets this over RR PSP is a fool! Having said that it looks very playable and pretty decent anyway.


Will start substantiating his hate
mumu said:
IAWTP. Anyone who gets this over RR PSP is a fool!
Well, to play Ridge Racers you'll need a PSP. That said I pretty much agree with olimario. The game looks ok and could be fun but it's a type of game that's better suited for other platforms.
Gek54 said:
Yes, at 15fps Urban Asphalt GT is grrrreat! Jesus christ how could anyone think that chop fest would be worth playing? Another MrparisSM follie, this kid is going for a record in the special olympics.

:lol So true


Gek54 said:
Yes, at 15fps Urban Asphalt GT is grrrreat! Jesus christ how could anyone think that chop fest would be worth playing? Another MrparisSM follie, this kid is going for a record in the special olympics.

*Goes to look at videos again*

0_o STFU up you got damn Sony fanboy! The videos are no representative of the true framerate and it has been reported that this game runs at 60 fps on the DS you ass. Take ur trolling ass elsewhere cause nobody gives a damn about your opinion.

*Puts Gek54 on ignore.
MrparisSM said:
*Goes to look at videos again*

0_o STFU up you got damn Sony fanboy! The videos are no representative of the true framerate and it has been reported that this game runs at 60 fps on the DS you ass. Take ur trolling ass elsewhere cause nobody gives a damn about your opinion.

*Puts Gek54 on ignore.




Doom_Bringer said:


My tastes may be different from the norm. And when I look at those videos I get excited to try this game out. I can understand if others don't feel the same. But you and Gek54 are pathetic.


cybamerc said:
Well, to play Ridge Racers you'll need a PSP.
Obviously :) If you just own a DS there is no shame in getting this, but if you own both i don't see any reason (yet) to get it over RR PSP.


This games looks OK, but no reason to bring RR PSP anywhere in this topic. This game can't compete on any level.


Will start substantiating his hate

> Gek54 is one of those gamers I tend to trust as far as their impressions of racing
> games are concerned.

Well, IGN confirms 60 fps framerate in their latest impressions so his comment isn't particularly relevant.

Agent X

kaching said:
It's a shame it took a release on the DS for gamers to take notice...

Good point. I remember the N-Gage version being announced months ago, but there was very little interest from gamers.

MrparisSM said:
The fast paced gameplay and weaving in and out of track almost reminds me of burnout somewhat. Plus their are ramps all over the track to catch some air on. And in one video u are a cop and chasing other cars down. Does RR have this type of gameplay variety?

I don't know...but I know what does, and Criterion is already in the process of porting it over to PSP. :)

seismologist said:
it looks like a nice little cel phone racing game. I expect something a little more engaging on the DS.

GameSpot said:
...we're pleased to report that the single-player options have proved (and continue) to be very engaging.

"Engaging," you say? Freudian slip, perhaps? :D


Junior Member
Video is 29fps, the frame rate of Urban GT in that video was in sync with 15fps video. I only assumed whoever recoded the video would have done so with at least 30fps.

Who the hell records video at 15fps???? ...and then wastes bandwidth with a faster framerate playback???


hahahaha PSP Ridge Racers shits all over DS Asphalt GT from a tremendous height.

DS' strengths are in its dual screens, wireless capability out of the box and the touch screen.

PSP's strengths are its overwelming audio visual punch.
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