Warlords need to go at this point
Puffy ate the biscuit men. GG
Sanji puffy fight. Sad.
Sanji puffy fight. Sad.
You should watch the fight real quick on Youtube, it looked great
So... the last Poneglyph is totally on Elbaf, right?
Usopp needs to goto elbaf
Literally the first I've ever heard someone suggest that. No way would Oda make Elbaf a movie subplot, especially not after the seeds he's planted in this arc concerning it.
Lies.I've said it before in this thread.
If the final Poneglyph is in Elbaf then yeah it has to be an arc but if it's not I don't see why they would go there until post game.
The last ponyglyph is on Sniper Island.
He's been teasing Elbaf since Little Garden. There's no way in hell we don't get an Elbaf arc.
Lies.I've said it before in this thread.
If the final Poneglyph is in Elbaf then yeah it has to be an arc but if it's not I don't see why they would go there until post game.
Usopp already has it and is waiting for Luffy to prove himself that he is worthy.
I'm not saying it won't happen. It very likely will happen. I just don't see where it fits in unless it's where the final Poneglyph is.
Well for one thing, I said heard, I can't hear your posts. ;D
Secondly, I just don't recall ever reading it.
I don't know why you think it has to be post game (As in, after the series ends?), especially now. Maybe before we learned about Big Mom's connection to Elbaf, you'd have a stronger argument, but now it seems like an inevitability. Can't just throw characters out there like Loki, and have us not expect to definitely go there before the manga ends. Not to mention a lot of people theorize that this won't be the last time we see Big Mom in an antagonist role, even if she isn't the main antagonist in a theoretical Elbaf arc. After all, we haven't seen all of her forces, or everything that she herself can do.
Oda may not have the last Red Poneglyph there, but it'd be very prudent of him to do so and save time, as this manga is long enough as it is lmao
Realistically, where else would they find it
By post game I meant after they find the final Poneglyph. I can see them decide to go there before heading to Raftel. I think Raftel will be the end of One Piece and Oda will use anything else he has left before then instead of after.
Tbh, who even knows how this will all play out when we have Enel who is still on the moon (I don't think they'll go there though lol), as well as the Straw Hats never having traveled to where the Celestial Dragons live.
Tbh, who even knows how this will all play out when we have Enel who is still on the moon (I don't think they'll go there though lol), as well as the Straw Hats never having traveled to where the Celestial Dragons live.
I have 0 idea what they'll do with Marie Jois and the Celestial Dragons other than they'll likely be overthrown eventually.
I don't think Enel is coming back. Unless he gets armament haki he'd be totally outclassed by everyone at this point. Plus his goals have nothing to do with where the series is going, as far as we know. Dude just wants to live on the moon.
We're definitely seeing both Elbaf and Mariejois though. They've been too heavily hinted at to not show up.
Fishman Island seems more likely for another Big Mom confrontation than Elbaf but I wouldn't be surprised at either.
Oh right, they need to go back to Fishman Island at some point. That might overlap with Mariejois though.
Fishman Island seems more likely for another Big Mom confrontation than Elbaf but I wouldn't be surprised at either.
It's crazy how we're technically in the endgame of the series but we still have so much ground to cover.
Lol, maybe the Fake Strawhat crew from the beginning of the timeskip are the ones from the prophecy.
I feel like Kaido and Big Mom both have spies right by each others territories and if Big Mom goes all out chasing the Straw Hats to Wano, it'll leave Whole Cake Island vulnerable and let someone from Kaido's crew get in and get a marking of her Poneglyph.
Amande sighting:
Best Big Mom pirate.
Pudding is three eyed and evil
Still praying we get a cut to smoker and tashigi visiting him so we can at least finally see himWe also have to do something with Vegapunk, whether it's an arc or otherwise.
I don't think Enel is coming back. Unless he gets armament haki he'd be totally outclassed by everyone at this point.
I'm hyped about seeing Wapol getting his ass kicked again in the Reverie arc.
Bwhahaha I totally forgot about this embarrassment
It was only 10 pages but yet I feel like it had enough in it at the same time I really do wish theyd do 1-1 tho but they would require a break on their partThis week's episode was feeling SUPER.
A highly successful weekly anime by Toei taking a breakIt was only 10 pages but yet I feel like it had enough in it at the same time I really do wish theyd do 1-1 tho but they would require a break on their part