Seems like 3 people are mad, because I personally like the pacing. lol
It's sad that people actually focus on that, instead of the actual content of the last episode for example. But I guess many people here read the Manga, so they probably know what happens next and don't want to spoil, rightfully.
Let me give you some examples from Dressrosa where they fucked up big moments, which only exacerbate the issues with the pacing sometimes.
One: Usopp's snipe against Sugar. They literally stretched out what was a couple pages in the manga into an entire episode. They inserted a completely unnecessary dream sequence where he imagined what would happen if he failed (everybody knows what Sugar does, they only spent 20 episodes on it ¯\_(ツ

_/¯) and switched perspectives multiple times only to switch perspective back to Usopp using the exact same animation cut of him pulling the slingshot back. Multiple times.
Two:Luffy dealing the final blow to Doflamingo. They turned it into a power struggle when Luffy breaks right through Doflamingo's defenses like they're nothing.
Toei used to be pretty consistent on "delivering" on the big moments but then they go and do stuff like they did for the aforementioned huge moments in Dressrosa. Stuff like Zunisha wrecking Jack... 2 episodes ago? was really good but at the same time, you had like like 5 minutes of Luffy and Momonosuke screaming "WHOSE VOICE IS THIS" with repeated footage of Jack's boats shooting at Zunisha's leg.
What happens in One Piece isn't usually the problem with most adaptations where things happen in a short amount of time but are "dragged out" in the anime, but the issue is more the way they drag it out feels extremely forced because they add things that didn't exist to scenes in order to make them last longer, versus these people actually recording the lines and speaking to each other takes longer because they have to say the lines. I guess it bothers me more because I
have read the manga, but I want it to be better than it is, because it deserves better. (Especially being fans of stuff like JoJo, My Hero Academia, etc. that all got really good adaptations.)
...I really want CyberConnect 2 to do for One Piece what they did for Naruto. The Ultimate Ninja Storm games are the best way to experience Naruto in an animated format. (Screw those motion comic anime cutscenes present in UNS4 though.)