There are no words. None! Hahaha
12 Episodes in. Show has me people said, these first episodes are a little slow, but I'm fine with it because they feel like the prologue to something bigger. I'm surprised at how much I'm liking some of these characters too. From the random glances of the show I've gotten here and there, Luffy and Zoro didn't do much for me, but I'm digging them so far. Other random thoughts...I'm eager to see how the show grows/evolves. I'm hoping some real villains will show themselves, and there will be some good serious moments. It's always fun to watch a show in rapid fire like this---I love to see how the animation, the character illustrations themselves and the music changes as time goes on. Watching episode 1 of Bleach and jumping to 300, or Naruto, or any other long you're watching two different shows. I assume I can look forward to an evolution in One Piece of some-sort as well?
Also, the song "Overtaken" is great. That shit gets you pumped. Rambling over. Hitting episode 13.
For DVD buyers, One Piece Collection 4 (episodes 79-103) is out at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to Collection 5 as it has the episodes from the out of print S2V5. I'm not paying $150 dollars for a 13 episode set.
March right? Ill have to rewatch the entire beginning of Alabasta since its been at least five mnths since I stopped at that point, I think. Pretty hyped about it.
looking at that post counter, didnt realize I made so many posts in this thread
Is there any legal way to watch the show online?
Funimation's website and Hulu have it up in both subtitles and dubbed. Not every episode is available though.
EDIT: Bah, stealth edit...
I don't have any answers for people outside of North America. Sorry.
My friend texted me at one point saying "I wouldn't have started this if I'd known it was so fucking sad" after I finally got him to give One Piece a go12 Episodes in. Show has me people said, these first episodes are a little slow, but I'm fine with it because they feel like the prologue to something bigger. I'm surprised at how much I'm liking some of these characters too. From the random glances of the show I've gotten here and there, Luffy and Zoro didn't do much for me, but I'm digging them so far. Other random thoughts...I'm eager to see how the show grows/evolves. I'm hoping some real villains will show themselves, and there will be some good serious moments. It's always fun to watch a show in rapid fire like this---I love to see how the animation, the character illustrations themselves and the music changes as time goes on. Watching episode 1 of Bleach and jumping to 300, or Naruto, or any other long you're watching two different shows. I assume I can look forward to an evolution in One Piece of some-sort as well?
Also, the song "Overtaken" is great. That shit gets you pumped. Rambling over. Hitting episode 13.
I'm liking what I'm hearing, and still enjoying the show, but I'm very busy on just about most days. Therefore, I'm intending to try and skip the fillers for the show unless someone recommends a filler arc as particularly good. Anyone know where I can find an episode list for the fillers so I can hop over?
timeskip nami
people probably saw this piece before, but i hadnt
timeskip nami
people probably saw this piece before, but i hadnt
It's a cool picture, but if her boobs get any bigger (in the series) she'll become her own flotation device.
if she wants to master the weather she will need one of those
not like they have any lifesavers or lifejackets on board!
timeskip nami
people probably saw this piece before, but i hadnt
All they have is Sanji, really. The whole damn Strawhat crew would drown if he didn't fish them out periodically.![]()
they need to recruit a merman
Mmm... I dunno. I feel like the crew is getting too big as it is. I'd honestly prefer they recruit no one. I want the lion's share of the fight scenes limited to the monster trio (Usopp is pretty funny, though). Another girl might be interesting, however.
if they got Jinbei to join they would be unstoppable
to the point where it would be boring
Right? They don't need a damn lord of sea to join their crew. Their inherent charm is that they're newbies and are out to conquer what was once the domain of the old generation.![]()
I dunno, theyre hardly newbies anymore
and theyre up against some pretty overpowered baddies![]()
But they're young and fresh and not established yet. All up-and-comers ready to take out the old guard. I like that theme.
I assumed that Whitebeard passed the torch
But they're young and fresh and not established yet. All up-and-comers ready to take out the old guard. I like that theme.
There's nothing young or fresh about Brook.
But really I think Jimbei would be a good addition to the crew. Recent episodes only highlight how badly they need another person to rescue drowning DF users and a fishaman would be perfect for the job. I doubt he'd break into the monster trio either, probably being more comparable to Franky in terms of power. His talents as a helmsman wouldn't go amiss either.
There's nothing young or fresh about Brook.
But really I think Jimbei would be a good addition to the crew. Recent episodes only highlight how badly they need another person to rescue drowning DF users and a fishaman would be perfect for the job. I doubt he'd break into the monster trio either, probably being more comparable to Franky in terms of power. His talents as a helmsman wouldn't go amiss either.
I'd disagree with these two fillers though:
I'd honestly recommend just skipping all filler. Some are entertaining enough, but when you're tackling a 500+ episode series, it's not necessary.
I'd disagree with these two fillers though:
G-8's pretty damn good and the Foxy stuff might be confusing if you skip the middle filler part of it so might as well power through it.
the straw hat theater fillers are definitely the best fillers
I'd honestly recommend just skipping all filler. Some are entertaining enough, but when you're tackling a 500+ episode series, it's not necessary.
nah G8 Filler has to be the best filler arc ever made, a lot people don't even notice it's filler.
but chopperman!
I'd disagree with these two fillers though:
G-8's pretty damn good and the Foxy stuff might be confusing if you skip the middle filler part of it so might as well power through it.
Episode 30 done. Don Kreig story over. Sanji just joined the crew. I'm hoping the show is at a point now where it'll start to take off. This feels like it should be the end of the beginning of the show. From here on out, I'm hoping for more structure and plot. The show is still decent, but it has lost it's intrigue as a new show for me, and it's time to dig in and really hook me.
I'm really liking Arlong Park, but I just hit a moment that ruined a great backstory for me...Bellemere admitting she has a family and getting herself killed. I can't believe the writers were willing to sacrifice a character's intelligence for something so stupid. It wasn't emotionally touching at all, though I think that was the intent.Well you are approaching the arc when everyone says the show really takes off, so....
No need to mark spoilers. Also, no need to think about Luffy ever having any sort of common sense.I'm really liking Arlong Park, but I just hit a moment that ruined a great backstory for me...Bellemere admitting she has a family and getting herself killed. I can't believe the writers were willing to sacrifice a character's intelligence for something so stupid. It wasn't emotionally touching at all, though I think that was the intent.
Irriting when Luffy sometimes loses all common sense as well. He walks up to Nami after she carries Nojiko (just shot) into town and she yells at him, tosses him to the side and runs off. Next scene of him, he walks bak to a tree, sits, and ponders whats wrong with her. Never mind he was just a foot away from a woman shot in the back, bleeding out in front of him, whom Nami just brouht into town.
Should I be spoiler marking things this old?