Oh wow. How could they have fucked up that bad? And I bet it would have got even worse the further they got.
The Paramount War would have been a disaster. Hell, Enies Lobby too.
People tend to forget that it wasn't just edits to story and standards. Character was thrown right out the window. All of Usopp's development was taken out (a scene where he pleads to the Kuro pirates to not attack the village, his fight with Chew was shortened to 5 minutes or so, the removal of Little Garden meant his goal of Elbaf was gone too). Zoro did not act like Zoro at all, doing things like making chicken noises.
And yet, there are fans. Legitimate fans, not ones that see it as "So Bad It's Good". Go to any One Piece video on Funimation's YouTube channel, you'll see people actively defend the 4Kids dub, claiming "it has more emotion". No. No it didn't. Everyone just screamed a lot, and then there's Vivi who had no emotion at all.
i wonder what they would have thought of if....or should i say when they skipped robins backstory. BTW where exactly did 4kids one piece stop at?
It stopped right before Jaya & Skypeia, on the 13 episode filler that followed Alabasta (which was reduced to 6 episodes).
However there's bits and pieces that show what 4Kids would have done had they continued. The game "Pirates Carnival" has voices for Bellamy, Satori, Wyper, and Eneru. For whatever reason, Wyper was changed to "Wyler" and all references to "God and Priests" were changed to "King and Knights". When the Funimation dub was on TV, they were forced to use the 4Kids changes for consistency so you can see some of them there.