A lot more of you have been clearing Young Whitebeard than I thought would be. Mind you most of you are cheesing him with that fucker Shiryu... (hey I'd probably be doing it as well if I had him lol) I don't think its possible to clear him with TS Luffy if you don't have Boa's ship. Or Boa herself. So I won't be seeing that for a long time.
General thoughts on Invasions/Ambush. I don't like the way they are designed at all. I'm all for content that is tip top elite player tier, but the way they handle it could be better. There are enough things stacked against you to begin with when it comes to farming copies of a character. YWB is one thing, his special is insane (if you max it out) but besides that he is just a nice stat stick. Shanks on the other hand? He is absolutely god tier. The special level turns they start with are stupid imo. YWB seems like he spawns at a decent rate on global this time around (or at least for most of us here) but in general its really low. So hey, say you really want Shanks if he eventually comes out. If you are at that point in the game you probably don't even need the raid that is up to spawn him. So you waste a bunch of gems doing a raid you don't need in hopes of getting invaded. You get lucky and he invades you. Go through a really difficult fight but you manage to kill him. Now you need to farm MORE because his special lvl is unusable. Raids are only 24 hours to begin with. You could potentially work your ass off and farm 30 copies (that would be a ton of work with some insane luck thrown in) wait for a skill up event... and have luck come and bite you in the ass. Get 1 or 2 skill ups and hate life because of it. How would that not sour you on the game? I'm rambling all over the place now and I don't really know a better solution either. All I can think of on the top of my head is having a much higher % chance to skill up an invasion character. It's hard enough to have them spawn and kill them as it is. Being at the mercy of the brutal skill up chance is not fair. Oh and don't even get me started on the skull drop. Never have a low rate drop tied to another low drop rate aka hoping you get invaded.
A lot more of you have been clearing Young Whitebeard than I thought would be. Mind you most of you are cheesing him with that fucker Shiryu... (hey I'd probably be doing it as well if I had him lol) I don't think its possible to clear him with TS Luffy if you don't have Boa's ship. Or Boa herself. So I won't be seeing that for a long time.
Also something I've been wondering, it hasn't happened yet in Japan but do you guys think the red skull is going to work for 6+ing all red legends?
So hey, say you really want Shanks if he eventually comes out. If you are at that point in the game you probably don't even need the raid that is up to spawn him.
Oh I didn't know that. Neat. The double Stam would give you x2 drops for even the invasion?Good thing that Shanks is the invasion for colosseum stages. You can even get up to two copies in one run with the 2x stamina/drop feature.
Yeah I stand corrected. That being said, man.. both the ship and Boa herself would make a big difference for a safe run. Also I should watch what I complain about... having a legend that is capable of killing YWB in 1 turn (with the right team) is a blessing.I don't have Boa or her ship and I'm using TSL okay for YWB. Team posted above. You really need the sockets though.
I completely agree with everything you said. I think what it really boils down to is skill ups are, in my opinion, the most tedious thing about this game. I understand they do it that way to keep you grinding and keep the gameplay loop going but it really is just incredibly anti-fun to watch your efforts amount to nothing other than pirate level experience.
As an aside, Almighty Manuals being subject to the same rates as anything else is incredibly questionable. The fact that you can go buy 5 manuals from Bazaar, use them during a double skillup, and get nothing is painful.
Oh I didn't know that. Neat. The double Stam would give you x2 drops for even the invasion?
Sure wish I had that new Garp! What a perfect time to socket soon.
They really weren't kidding when they said the WB drop was rare. Many kills. Only seen it the once. Oy.
Have I mentioned how much I love the invasion music?
Because I love the invasion music.
I have to socket momonga but dear lord is this raid painful to run. Just so long.
it's getting real tempting to give up on Marco but I can't let the game win
I have to socket momonga but dear lord is this raid painful to run. Just so long.
Congrats! I know exactly how great that feeling is when you look at your maxed Marco
Yeah, Buster Call is boring. I run it for rr Momonga sockets. 1 useful socket out of 9 copies so far...
Fuck global rates.
That's how I was feeling the last few days with Marco and Jabra. Rates felt worse than non-rate upSkill up event end early or what ffs. Sure feels that way. Fuck global rates.