So I've decided to pick this game back up after a year and man does it feel overwhelming... Back when I decided to stop playing, there was very little to do but now there's like 5 active fortnights up... And new mechanics such as super evolve and abilities some units have to buff your other units when they're not captain. There's so many 6 star characters now too... I wonder if all the legends I have are obsolete by now.
Where do I get the super evolve skulls? I have 2 legends who are capable of super evolve but I don't have the skulls to evolve them. Should I evolve Rayleigh first or Whitebeard? Will Log Luffy and the other legends get a super evolve as well?
Do you still remember what the freshest update/content was when you stopped playing?
I assume you left after sockets but before rayshop?