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one thing to be said for Cocky and Funny

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Recently for a change of pace I stopped acting worshipful around attractive girls and started acting like a smartass instead. As expected I've had about as much success (i.e. zero) with the new approach as the old, but I must say being insulting is a lot more fun than being obsequious (for me at least; perhaps not for the victims or innocent bystanders). I figure if you know the girl's not gonna go for you either way, you may as well enjoy yourself as best you can.

(I'm not sure if this is truly Cocky and Funny since I suspect none of my remarks are actually funny, in the sense that any non-dumbass would find them funny, but the act of making them amuses me.)

john tv

What's all this Cocky and Funny business about anyway? Explain to an overseas brotha. I have no clue WTF you guys are talking about.


john tv said:
What's all this Cocky and Funny business about anyway? Explain to an overseas brotha. I have no clue WTF you guys are talking about.


That's Cocky and forgetaboutgettinglaid.

This is Cocky and Funny:

Girl walks by with big ass: "J-Lo is in the house"

"Wow.......you're almost as sexy as me"

see a 300 pound woman walking down the street, turn to a (skinny) friend and say: "You know, if she lost 200 pounds, I could be into her"

here's a great one:

You: Are you confident enough to appreciate a sincere compliment?
Girl: ummm... sure
PUA: great! me too! you go first!
"Girl walks by with big ass: "J-Lo is in the house"

"Wow.......you're almost as sexy as me""

There's *no* way you're getting laid with a line that arrogant and lame. Sorry, I see through your charade.
Cubsfan: What is your success rate with women, on average?

I, too, have gotten tired with the same old routine of being the nicest guy in the world to the hottest chick in the room -- it's time for a change. Don't give them the attention or satisfaction of attaining your attention. The worst thing, though, has to be when you're stoned out of your mind and a group of girls arrive unexpectedly only to meet bloodshot eyes. I feel like such a scumbag.


Tre said:
"Girl walks by with big ass: "J-Lo is in the house"

"Wow.......you're almost as sexy as me""

There's *no* way you're getting laid with a line that arrogant and lame. Sorry, I see through your charade.

That's actually 2 seperate lines........Speak for yourself.


Cubs, that shit is pretty weak.
I don't know about cocky and funny, but I know something that worked for me in Japan.
japanese girl: you speak japanese really well!
me: So do you.
I'm no master of women by any means, but I just feel that you really have to gauge what is going on. I think the cocky & funny bit has a good underlying idea, be confident, but other than that, it seems a little absurd.


Cubsfan23 said:
That's Cocky and forgetaboutgettinglaid.

This is Cocky and Funny:

Girl walks by with big ass: "J-Lo is in the house"

"Wow.......you're almost as sexy as me"

see a 300 pound woman walking down the street, turn to a (skinny) friend and say: "You know, if she lost 200 pounds, I could be into her"

here's a great one:

You: Are you confident enough to appreciate a sincere compliment?
Girl: ummm... sure
PUA: great! me too! you go first!

Where is the funny?


Well I've tried this stuff in person, a lot of this has to do with voice tone and body language, things you can't see/hear over the internet.


I was thinking about trying that. But now that I know it won't help, I won't waste my time. Thanks for being the guinea pig. :D


Cubsfan23 said:
Well I've tried this stuff in person, a lot of this has to do with voice tone and body language, things you can't see/hear over the internet.

A lot of it also depends on who you say it to as well. Then again, if it works for you more power to you. I don't know though, for me at least I don't have some sort of method or scheme, if I like a girl I will just ask her out for a cup of coffee or something. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but usually it does more often then not. Granted I am usually asking out people that I see at school or work, I don't like asking out random chicks at clubs and whatnot.
Pretty much, Bionic. I'm not so vapid a person that I have to drop lame lines nor put on some cloak of arrogance. Seriously Cubsfan, I must see you at work, because regardless of how you say those lines those examples you typed couldn't get Hugh Hefner laid if he had a penis made of thousand dollar bills.


bionic77 said:
A lot of it also depends on who you say it to as well. Then again, if it works for you more power to you. I don't know though, for me at least I don't have some sort of method or scheme, if I like a girl I will just ask her out for a cup of coffee or something. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but usually it does more often then not. Granted I am usually asking out people that I see at school or work, I don't like asking out random chicks at clubs and whatnot.

hell yeah, going out for coffee your first meeting is probably the best way. There's nothing wrong with your direct approach, cocky and funny is just one thing to add to your "bag of tricks", you pull it out when you feel it's right for a situation.


Tre said:
Pretty much, Bionic. I'm not so vapid a person that I have to drop lame lines nor put on some cloak of arrogance. Seriously Cubsfan, I must see you at work, because regardless of how you say those lines those examples you typed couldn't get Hugh Hefner laid if he had a penis made of thousand dollar bills.

I understand your disbelief, I was that way once before :p
I think I'll stay the way I am, however, I haven't had any problems so far. You can't blame, though. :) It's not so much the cocky/funny as it is the fact that those lines are insipid :p However, cocky's just asking for trouble. I think you're confusing acting like "the shit" with just being confident in yourself. Apparently, you have to put on a front of self-pride because of an innate lack?


Tre said:
I think I'll stay the way I am, however, I haven't had any problems so far. You can't blame, though. :) It's not so much the cocky/funny as it is the fact that those lines are insipid :p However, cocky's just asking for trouble. I think you're confusing acting like "the shit" with just being confident in yourself. Apparently, you have to put on a front of self-pride because of an innate lack?

Tre I admit I have some doubt about this method myself, but maybe it is for picking up hot skanks at a club and not actually trying to date a person? Even then, I have been to clubs and been around some guys that seem to always get the hottest girl in a club and it sure as hell isn't because they are being 'cocky and funny', it is either because they are good looking, rich, or both.


Tre said:
Bionic: I'm talking about both situations, actually.

Well I never had much success at the club myself. I am just a terrible dancer and I always felt uncomfortable. I am engaged now anyways so it is a moot point, but maybe it was a lack of cocky and funny that led to my poor batting average at clubs? I doubt it though.....


bionic, try this out.
Use some of these techniques, or at least the ones you're comfortable and stuff you feel is good with around chicks you don't find attractive. It helps if they are friends of yours too.
Anyway, I know it sounds lame, but its a confidence booster. Don't try to "pick them up" but just hold a conversation like this. I had a girl sitting on my stomach with a bony ass, and I made some quip about doing her doggy style would probably cut my stomach up. And not only did I not believe I said it, but she laughed. Its all about being comfortable. It takes practice. Lame, I admit, but hey. Whatever.


RevenantKioku said:
bionic, try this out.
Use some of these techniques, or at least the ones you're comfortable and stuff you feel is good with around chicks you don't find attractive. It helps if they are friends of yours too.
Anyway, I know it sounds lame, but its a confidence booster. Don't try to "pick them up" but just hold a conversation like this. I had a girl sitting on my stomach with a bony ass, and I made some quip about doing her doggy style would probably cut my stomach up. And not only did I not believe I said it, but she laughed. Its all about being comfortable. It takes practice. Lame, I admit, but hey. Whatever.

Dude like I said before I never had that many problems with the ladies and I am engaged so it would be pretty slimey of me to try and use some line to pick up some chicks


Well, I totally missed that part. Ignore all I said, hehe.


Pathetic, Cubsfan.
You don't need a fucking bag of tricks. You don't need to trick girls into sleeping with you with fake arrogance and forced humor.

or do you?

There's something to be said for being a nice guy and being yourself. Something to be said for striking up meaningful conversation and actually listening to what the girl has to say. Contrary to popular belief, there's more to life than meaningless sex with girls you hardly know.


Wow, the whole damn GAF seems to be getting married or having babies.

And congrats Kabuki, I am getting married sometime next summer. Where is the honeymoon? If I can afford it, I would love to go to Hawaii.


Junior Member
I wasn't here when the "Cocky and Funny" thing was born, but all I know is that if you don't have the looks to fall back on, cocky has no business in getting a woman you don't know beforehand. Unless you're already established as very attractive, whether physically or otherwise, you WILL NOT GET AWAY with a cocky line. Cocky will not get you a woman. YOU will get you a woman. She's got to be attracted to you already. It's not a matter of how much the woman likes the Cocky. It's a matter of how much she's willing to overlook it to get to the guy behind it, the guy she's already attracted to. And in the supremely unlikely event that you do pull the Cocky off and the woman actually falls for it, she isn't worth hooking up with most of the time, because, to me at least, gullibility is a major turn-off.

RevenantKioku, have you gotten any looks from that chick you said that line to? Did you know her well? Was it a comfortable laugh? Because I'm willing to bet good money she thinks you're a jerk right about now. You may be confident, but what's the use if you're a confident asshole (as most assholes are)?. And I mean that in the nicest way possible, no agression intended.

But the other half of "cocky and funny" is perfect truth. Funny is a miracle worker, and every man's treasure. Usually, cocky men are the ones who cannot be funny. The ones who have tried getting laughs but failed, so now the Cocky "don't give a fuck" attitude is just there to soften the blow of a continually flawed Funny. But pit a genuinely funny guy against a cocky one, and the funny will get the girl every single time. Cocky has got nothing on funny. Cocky's a spare. It's plan B. It's for guys who have nothing else of interest to offer a girl. It's the easy way out.
bionic77 said:
Wow, the whole damn GAF seems to be getting married or having babies.

And congrats Kabuki, I am getting married sometime next summer. Where is the honeymoon? If I can afford it, I would love to go to Hawaii.

thnx, i might be going on some sort of malysian cruise gift from parents. :)


Leon said:
RevenantKioku, have you gotten any looks from that chick you said that line to? Did you know her well? Was it a comfortable laugh? Because I'm willing to bet good money she thinks you're a jerk right about now. You may be confident, but what's the use if you're a confident asshole (as most assholes are)?. And I mean that in the nicest way possible, no agression intended.

Remember how I said try to work with people you know to build up your confidence? She was sitting on my stomach, y'know. She was the one talking about her point ass and sticking it in my stomach. I was just playing along. Anyway, I didn't make it clear, but she is a friend of mine, so I know her quite well, and I hate to agree with cubsfan, but the delivery adds so much. Most sane people could tell I was kidding, and its not like she slapped me afterwards. I think she squeezed my leg or something.
Its again, not something you do constantly, or you're just an asshole. The thing that this idea tries to go along with is to be yourself, because a lot of people ARE funny people. But I know myself I'm reduced to a pile of crap when trying to talk to some women. I can be a riot when I'm with friends, why can't I do that around women?
I won't say I agree with all of the methods, but there's a difference between respecting a woman, and putting her up on an alter. I respect my friends and they know it, but I also dig into them hard with joke. I obviously don't do this as much with my potential girls, but doing it too somehow adds some comfort, ESPECIALLY if they see you around your friends. I don't know why, but it does.
Its all shits and giggles for me anyway, cause I never see the types of girls I'm interested in at bars anyway.


I'll never understand women, but I know two things for sure.

1) Women love confidence, but confidence != cocky.
2) If you lavish women with praise and attention, they'll often see you as desperate and beneath them.

Women are just like men, they want someone atleast in their "league" and would love to snipe someone who's out of their league. If you honestly believe a women is out of your league, she's going to get the same vibe off of you when you approach her. You need to be confident, she needs to see you as a dateable man instead of a begging puppy dog or a slimeball line dropper.


I think a lot of people are missing the point on what cocky and funny means. People are correct in that confidence is definitely what you need when you go and approach a woman but the cocky and funny comes in when you start talking.

It's not a trick or any sort of disingenious way of getting someone into bed. It can be used as a tool to break through someone's social mask that they put on when they are out.. especially attractive women who get hit on all the time. Highly attractive women get hit on ALL the time. And if you're gonna be the 9th guy that day that comes up and says crap like "hey.. where you from? you've been here before? what's your major?" you'll be disqualified right from the beginning. Cocky and funny will help you stand out from the rest.


shitting in the alley outside your window
what it boils down to is getting her initial attention by saying something she doesn't hear 50 times a day and hopefully making her laugh in the process. im sure moderation is key. its not about tricking them into sex.

anyone backing olimario's holier than thou response should be kicked in the head. this is the guy who's found true love because his first real girl lets him take pictures. oli, this isn't a strategy for you to take home and use on your 16 year old wife to be.

with all that said, im not gonna back cocky and funny.. i think it has a time and a place but im not an asshole, i just want to hold hands and cuddle.


olimario said:
Pathetic, Cubsfan.
You don't need a fucking bag of tricks. You don't need to trick girls into sleeping with you with fake arrogance and forced humor.

or do you?

There's something to be said for being a nice guy and being yourself. Something to be said for striking up meaningful conversation and actually listening to what the girl has to say. Contrary to popular belief, there's more to life than meaningless sex with girls you hardly know.

This guy is so cool, I can't believe he's a virgin!

You don't know anything about my beliefs, and I have a 9 month relationship right now. Funny how you didn't have the balls to make posts like these until you got a girlfriend.


Cubsfan23 said:
This guy is so cool, I can't believe he's a virgin!

You don't know anything about my beliefs, and I have a 9 month relationship right now. Funny how you didn't have the balls to make posts like these until you got a girlfriend.

A 9 month charade, fucker. You've done everything in your power to supress the real you and show her exactly what she wants to see using your 'bag of tricks'. The bag is only so deep, Cubsfan. You're setting yourself up for heartbreak and setting her up for a major disappointment when your bag runs out and she begins to see the real you.


john tv said:
What's all this Cocky and Funny business about anyway? Explain to an overseas brotha. I have no clue WTF you guys are talking about.

Cocky & funny shtick = Placebo for lack of dating related confidence

In other words, it's a lame front.


Cubsfan23 said:
You're right man, I forgot to upgrade to the 12-month bag. Phew! That was close! Thanks for reminding me.

It's funny to watch you get defensive. You know I'm right and you know there isn't much time left before she sees the real you and you're forced to move on and trick another girl for a few months.


olimario said:
It's funny to watch you get defensive. You know I'm right and you know there isn't much time left before she sees the real you and you're forced to move on and trick another girl for a few months.

Hey man, you're the expert here, I'm not arguing! I'm about to write my girlfriend a note right now explaining my evil ways.
bionic77 said:
Yes it is true DJ, there is Nintendo.

Join the 'Revolution' and you will begin to understand.

I'm sorry, is that a joke? :p

There's lots of conflicting info here. The real answer is there is no one answer, one bankable solution for every woman--unless you are A universally attractive (not just a pretty face but a hardbody too) and/or B have a lot of money and/or power. That's all there is to it.

"But what can I do to get that hot chick in bed? (without paying.....much)" you ask?

Well, the closer you can get to A and/or B the better off you are, but every woman is different. This sounds self-explanatory, and it is to a certain extent, but you can try funny, cocky, puppy-dog, all you want but it may not work. That's the tough part--you have to be prepared to be rejected. Over and over and over again. This doesn't mean you go in totally careless and apathetic, it just means that you go in with self-confidence.

I heart sluts is correct when he says many attractive women want to hear something different, as they're being hit on left and right by guys probably much more attractive than you are. You need to be different, and you need to be confident. And if for some reason she doesn't show interest, nod your head, say "Cheers" and move on. At the same time, don't start hitting on every woman in sight. If you're going out with friends for a night, scope out a few ladies-to-be and make them your focus. If it doesn't work out, there's plenty more fish in the sea.

If all else fails, watch Swingers and take notes.


DJ Demon J said:
I'm sorry, is that a joke? :p

There's lots of conflicting info here. The real answer is there is no one answer, one bankable solution for every woman--unless you are A universally attractive (not just a pretty face but a hardbody too) and/or B have a lot of money and/or power. That's all there is to it.

"But what can I do to get that hot chick in bed? (without paying.....much)" you ask?

Well, the closer you can to A and/or B the better off you are, but every woman is different. This sounds self-explanatory, and it is to a certain extent, but you can try funny, cocky, puppy-dog, all you want but it may not work. That's the tough part--you have to be prepared to be rejected. Over and over and over again. This doesn't mean you go in totally careless and apathetic, it just means that you go in with self-confidence.

I heart sluts is correct when he says many attractive women want to hear something different, as they're being hit on left and right by guys probably much more attractive than you are. You need to be different, and you need to be confident. And if for some reason she doesn't show interest, nod your head, say "Cheers" and move on. At the same time, don't start hitting on every woman in sight. If you're going out with friends for a night, scope out a few ladies-to-be and make them your focus. If it doesn't work out, there's plenty more fish in the sea.

If all else fails, watch Swingers and take notes.

Yes it was a joke.

I think being rich is good enough by itself to get most hot sluts btw, at least from what I have seen. A good friend of mine at NYU was really loaded (he even let me drive his 911 once because I lent him my notes) and he always seemed to land whatever hot chick he saw in a club and from what I could tell he wasn't that good looking (admittedly I am not an expert on this subject though) and he couldn't dance worth a damn. However, he was really confident, but that was probably because of how damn loaded he was.

Thus rich and fugly > cocky and funny.
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