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one thing to be said for Cocky and Funny

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insert blank space here
bionic77 said:
If I can afford it, I would love to go to Hawaii.

If you do, go to Maui if you want something that is calm and relaxing. When I went to Oahu (Waikiki beach), it was crowded and (after having been to Maui three times now) it seems busier... more of an urban jungle.

If you can afford it though, pretty much any place in Hawaii is worth it :D (been to Oahu once, Maui three times, and the Big Island once on a day trip).

Although I wouldn't take advice from a 17 year old on where to go for my honeymoon ;)

If you want some pics of Maui or want an idea of the resorts/condos down there, let me know :)!
olimario said:
It's funny to watch you get defensive. You know I'm right and you know there isn't much time left before she sees the real you and you're forced to move on and trick another girl for a few months.
Um, didn't he say they were together for something like 9 months? Why would she suddenly "see the real him" if she hasn't for 9 months now?


Cyan said:
Note to Oli-- is buying dinners and flowers and trying to bribe your way into her affections the "real you?"

I can't speak for cubs, but acting cocky and funny is far closer to the "real me" than acting like a whiny desperate loser. It's more or less how I act towards my family, my sisters in particular. I just had to expand that out and start acting more like that with people I don't know as well. Reticence and shyness aren't the real me, just something I used to hide behind.

The people who most criticize cocky and funny probably don't get it. The point is not that you are really cocky, it's that you pretend to be in a way that's funny. This says two things:
a) you're funny
b) you're confident in yourself
The way you say it is what makes it work. You say it in a way that shows you are obviously joking. If you say it seriously, you just sound like an ass.

Note to cubs-- had a fun experience the other day with this, with a girl I'd always had a huge crush on back in the day (but was too scared/whatever to tell her, etc). Didn't lead anywhere, but it was fun. Me and my best friend were hanging out with her, randomly, and I laid it on pretty thick. When we left, he was like, "Wow. You were really mean.... and she loved it!" He was a little confused as to how that had actually worked. ;)

Haha I wish i saw old classmates more often, I was the same way. Class Reunions shall be interesting......


Everything you do around other people is an act if you get right down to it. According to you olimario, oh expert on women after finally getting one life-long friend, you're not allowed to tell her stories or jokes or buy her anything. Every single person acts differently around different people.

And for people doubting the cocky and funny, you do have to do it properly, and it's also not the only thing you have to do properly. One guy making a post about trying and failing does not mean anything.


snaildog said:
Everything you do around other people is an act if you get right down to it. According to you olimario, oh expert on women after finally getting one life-long friend, you're not allowed to tell her stories or jokes or buy her anything. Every single person acts differently around different people.

And for people doubting the cocky and funny, you do have to do it properly, and it's also not the only thing you have to do properly. One guy making a post about trying and failing does not mean anything.

It just sounds dumb, it would be better if it was known as confident and funny instead of cocky. Plus, it is such a big joke here now that it is hard to take seriously. But, whatever, the main 'secret' to getting women is to try, if you sit at home or wuss out everytime you are guaranteed to get nothing.


It just means that you should be bordering on arrogance but funny at the same time, so they know that you're just playing around but still pick up a ring of truth to it. Yeah it does sound stupid, and the DeAngelo guy is not the best writer in the world, but he DOES know what he's talking about.


Cocky and Funny should only be PART of the equation. Most people forget that. 90% is body language, 10% is actually the cocky funny talk.

I have not had one problem with cocky and funny yet, and I'm not getting laid like crazy.. I'm meeting lots of new girls instead. They want to rip my clothes off, but I'm not letting them. Cocky and Funny is not going to the bar and acting like a jackass to get laid.
Cubsfan gained some respect from me with this thread.

He's managed to climb out of his hole.

Olimario on the other hand... he continues to plunge down the respect ladder, and soon he'll be emerging in China.


Cocky and Funny may work (on insecure women), but it generally requires you to be someone you're not. Confident, Charming, and Funny is where it's at. Screw facades. For instance, you won't find any stupid shit like this:
Here's a low-risk example:

Next time you're at the grocery store in the checkout line paying for your groceries, say:

"So how much of this cash do you get to keep?" (as you hand her the money)

She'll probably laugh and say: "None... I wish."

To which you can respond with:

"Oh, I figured you were pocketing 10 or 20%... I assumed you were rich and could support me. But now I'm not interested... I want a rich girl." (Turn up your nose)

This is a great one. It's always fun to ask a woman if she's rich or famous, then when she says that she's not, tell her that it messed up her chances with you, and that you're not interested anymore.
Socreges said:
For instance, you won't find any stupid shit like this:
What the fuck is that shit? That can't be serious. That's not being cocky, that's humility and degredation. Fucking retarded.


It's from Cubsfan's link. I'm not sure what's worse:
Cubsfan said:
This is Cocky and Funny:

Girl walks by with big ass: "J-Lo is in the house"

"Wow.......you're almost as sexy as me"
Woah, a J-Lo reference! She'll be slobbering all over your dick in no time!
Maybe this stuff would work in the States, but it sure as hell wouldn't work well with any worthwhile woman up here, unless you look like Brad Pitt. And if you do, then you don't need dating tips.

Seriously, what the fuck?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
olimario said:
There's something to be said for being a nice guy and being yourself. Something to be said for striking up meaningful conversation and actually listening to what the girl has to say. Contrary to popular belief, there's more to life than meaningless sex with girls you hardly know.
Olimario was a lot more fun when he wasn't so pussy-whipped. Now every one of his posts manages to be sensitive and candy-coated.

That said, I agree with him here, wholeheartedly.

john tv

65+ replies and nobody's answered my question.

I don't care what it means to be cocky and funny, I'm asking where this all came from. Who started it? And why? etc. etc.

Info please! Not up to speed with current US geek culture!


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
You should act differently depending on what the girl is like. Sometimes its best to take the nice and funny guy approach and sometimes its better to take the confident guy.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Cubsfan23 said:
This guy is so cool, I can't believe he's a virgin!

You don't know anything about my beliefs, and I have a 9 month relationship right now. Funny how you didn't have the balls to make posts like these until you got a girlfriend.
cubsfan, how old are you?


john tv said:
65+ replies and nobody's answered my question.

I don't care what it means to be cocky and funny, I'm asking where this all came from. Who started it? And why? etc. etc.

Info please! Not up to speed with current US geek culture!

Cubsfan used to post these e-mail newsletters every week from a guy who has a book called Double Your Dating. Among his annoying habits (such as CAPITALISING certain words in a MANNER that somehow manages to IRRITATE!) is the term "Cocky and funny"

It's ingenious really, you can try it and if it doesn't work for you then you're not doing it right. If you disagree with the method, you're a lonely virgin, who hasn't got the balls to talk to women, you stupid lonely virgin!

Anyway, Cubsfan stopped posting the e-mails after people realised the answers he gave in his newsletters were all variations on the same theme: Tell the guy he doesn't understand women, riffing for a while about how women feel attraction and then going on for a bit about the cocky and funny technique, possibly with some examples.

I'm not exactly anti-C+F (it really just is the idea of confidence and a sense of humour repackaged to sell a book - women like confidence and GSOH? Colour me surprised!) but the examples always come across as so asinine I can't believe they work. Well, I couldn't see them working in my area - I think Mike's on to something with his "This probably only works on US women" - and I'm not sure of the quality of women they would work with. The C+F brigade will protest this point; they can do, I don't really care.

I might submit that to Wikipedia :lol
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