Origami Superman
One of the best threads on GAF. Thanks for taking the time to share OP, and congrats on it all!
One of the best threads on GAF. Thanks for taking the time to share OP, and congrats on it all!
I am also a survivor of this cancer. I don't want to make this about me or anything, so I will keep this very brief.
Long story short, I was diagnosed during spring break of my senior year of high school. I had an orchiectomy nearly immediately, but I was unfortunate to discover that the cancer had made its way elsewhere; it spread to my liver, hip and spine. I graduated high school in 2008, and it wasn't until summer of 2013 that I was entirely rid of the horrible affliction. I can't even begin to go into detail about what happened throughout that span of time; it included 3 major surgeries, a diabolical chemo schedule, radiation, and lots of pain.
Without a doubt the worst of it was when I was receiving chemo as an in-patient for weeks at a time, nonstop. The chemo and radiation have done a lot of damage to me, most notably of which is the nerve damage from the Platinum based chemo. It has truly done a number on me emotionally and mentally too. That "chemo brain" stuff is for real.
I apologize if this was too long or anything. I just really like reaching out whenever I see somebody who has gone through a similar hell, and beat it!
This scares me because for the last year and a half I've had discomfort in my left testicle.. Went to the doctor and he did a physical and said all was fine.. I've had blood tests recently and all was fine, but still the discomfort scares me. Hurts kind of.
Edit: oh yeah, congrats on beating cancer dude!
I had both testicles operated once and the cut is made a bit bellow the belt line, so anything that makes your lower abs muscles contract causes pain and discomfort until everything heals, getting up from bed included as it increases blood pressure in your lower body. Laughing and coughing was like being stabbed for a few days.
Dude, very inspiring story. I'm so glad you're doing better and that the bill was covered. Barbaric that you even needed to worry about that during your situation, though.
As an RPLND survivor, lol man that surgery is kind of rough. Try not to research it much. No good can come from that.
I had a temporary retrograde ejac situation for a year or two, but it eventually went away.
Haha, too late. I think that's why the news today didn't hit me as hard, my Urologist kept asking if I was alright. I hate surgery too, but like I said... trying to stay positive.
I've also read about temporary retrograde ejaculation. Hopefully if I have that issue, it's only temporary. Not to be too graphic, but I think not being able to fully finish will be a mental issue for me. I suppose I would eventually get used to it though.
So I never bump this topic until it's been the anniversary but I have some crazy news to share. My last visit at the Oncologist in July revealed the lymphnode that had been enlarged previously had grown again. Fearing the 3 cycles of chemo didn't completely get rid of it, they did all sorts of blood work and even a PET scan to make sure it wasn't cancer. Everything came back normal and my PET scan didn't light up.
So it's not cancer again, which is great... except it's most likely teratoma, a tumor that is made up of different germ cells, which is what my testicular cancer tumor make up was. It's not treatable via chemo or radiation, only surgery is the way to go. So I met with a Urologist at Northwestern in Chicago today to discuss in further detail what is going to happen. I'm to have an RPLND (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retroperitoneal_lymph_node_dissection - Photo of the area they have to cut into me: http://teamshaun.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/img_0245.jpg) sometime in the middle/end of October, so two months away. It's a very serious surgery that will have me in the hospital anywhere from 4-7 days and a month off of work. There are side effects like retrograde ejaculation that can occur, where you ejaculate into your bladder instead of through your urethra. Although my doctor says that my nerves that control this are on my right side and can be sparred, since my cancer was on my left side.
So that's where things stand. Not sure how I'm going to get away without a month of work. I have no vacation time to even use instead. I also have to reapply for financial aide for this surgery and hospital stay, which will be more expensive than my orchiectomy and chemo, which is insane. They wouldn't even let me schedule a date for the surgery without my financial aide stuff going through. So there's that too, but I'm not going to stress out about that so much. I just gotta focus and stay positive, despite the stupid financial situation.
So yeah, either way it's gotta be taken out otherwise it might turn into another cancer or grow too large and affect my other organs. So I'm not out of the woods yet as far as my health issues, but I could be worse off I suppose.
I've been dealing with a lot of Cancer in the Family this past 2 years. StepFather (made of iron, said my goodbyes 3yrs ago and he's still going), Father InLaw (one year into treatment) plus a 12 year old Cousin that has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
I found people hate to hear that you are in there thoughts. They are tired of hearing it.
Alex, I wanted to make a thread but Del said you had just posted it here.
I chipped in a paltry amount, but hopefully it helps.
Today marks the one year anniversary of my RPLND surgery. Can't believe it's already been a year, honestly feels like only yesterday. The entire hospital stay was quite challenging, trying to walk and move around with a huge incision in my stomach, not to mention not being able to eat for a week. Don't want to have to go through something like that again!
I'm doing extremely well, and thanks to many amazing people on GAF, I wasn't burdened with a huge amount of hospital bills and was able to relax and focus on my recovery during the 2 month period where I wasn't allowed to work. My recent check ups have been free and clear, and some of side effects, like retrograde ejaculation, that were due to nerves being damaged have gone away!
Seriously though, I'm happy I could help in any way. I know you'd do the same.
Thanks again to all of those who have read this thread over the years and commented. It's been quite a journey but I think I'm finally done with this 3 year long battle!