I don't think it's harassment, Jhoan, especially considering some of the absolutely hateful unsolicited messages women get. I mean, personally I wouldn't respond to it as I 100% like to chat with someone first before meeting up with them, but it's certainly not an offensive thing to ask. Not like calling someone a fucking libtard bitch because she won't respond to your messages.
Which, Ernest, is why you get that response - because that is actually a really nice message to receive. Sometimes I'd get an initial message from a guy who looked interesting and forget to respond, and if he followed up with a message like yours I'd definitely write him back.
I noticed that as well because some women replied and said that need to get a feel before agreeing to meet. Others have ignored it which is also fine. I feel like my bag of tricks is wearing thin in terms of what to message women about. I'm at that point where I'm probably going to send backwards messages.
Sometimes having to a craft an individual message to women feels like a chore so copying and pasting the same line works at times. I read about girls getting bombarded with Master of None's going to Whole Foods line and it's sad but true. I've never used it personally though.
The gifs that almost always got me replies were dancing gifs.
I would send a dance gif and the following message, "Dance battle, go!"
Ah yes, the GIF dance battle. I remember that one. I sent out a very mundane question asking about a particular picture. I feel like the girl got bored though because I veered into boring conversation topic. I think she replied instantly to my previous message before I turned off the Wi-Fi. I need to take it off Tinder and set up a date as a hail Mary if I don;t hear back from her by tonight.
I've actually stopped using the apps to put focus on the girl I've been seeing from Tinder. I'm really into her and after countless other dates where I just wasn't feeling it, I'd rather see where this goes since she's legit awesome.
Fun fact: All of my apps have been blowing up since I made that conscious decision. Like, 5 Tinder matches a day, matched with two girls on CMB this week, getting first messages on OkCupid. A girl even started a conversation with me during my commute two mornings ago. I figured it was a cosmic / god interference, but my friend is convinced the apps are probably pushing me to the front of swiping queues due to my inactivity and that me being happy has probably lessened my resting b face, making me more approachable on the street. She's probably right haha
You could post your pics on imgur and hide it in a e-mail tag, for advice. Alternatively, get a friend with an iPhone 7 - portrait mode instantly makes everyone look great.
I'm aware of the magic spells that CW shows on Netlix such as Riverdale cast on women.

I haven't felt that way about a girl in quite a while but I'm happy for you. Hopefully it goes far. From a cynical POV, if it sounds too good to be true for me, then that's usually because it is so I've learned not to hedge my bets on one person. My gut is always right. I think I subscribe to the idea that when you don't go looking for it, it finds you when you least expect it.
My screenshot folder isn't synced to Google Photos for some strange reason so will have to make a separate post from my phone and do it that way. Funny enough, my current main pic on Tinder was taken with my friend's iPhone 7 in portrait mode; had he taken it with my phone (Galaxy Note 3), the quality would have been potato camera. Whenever I'm volunteering at an event with him, I have take a picture of me. In fact, some of the best pictures I have in my rotation were from an iPhone but I refuse to convert.
If it's one thing that I've noticed, it's that I usually tend to hit it off with girls who have Android phones; the Chinese girl I hit it off with was an Android user for reference. My friend swears that iPhone users gravitate towards each other because blah, blah Face Time> Google Hangouts. The older woman I spoke to that got cold feet poked fun of me for having not having an iPhone and asked why I had an Android phone.
Most people just look at the profile pic on the message and won't even read the message if you don't have a "look" that they're interested in.
If you look like their type physically, they will respond to almost anything you send, even if it's just a simple "Hey there" message.
Pretty much although I feel like women set their expectations to high with emphasizing looks and get disappointed in my experience. I feel like the half if not most of the dates I've been on from OKC girls don't read my profile or reference things I wrote on my date.
A girl once asked what do I do in a message on OKC when I clearly stated it in my profile. I retorted something along the lines of "Maybe if you go back to my profile you'll find out what I do.

" I never got reply back and nor was I expecting to get one.
On the topic of traveling, I wonder if it's a thing that society has pushed out. When I was in undergrad, my professors would always encourage students to travel in order to gain a wider perspective on the world; my old English professor usually beats me over the head with it too. I've only been to one country and traveled to a handful of states.
It drives me nuts when girls get preachy about the joys of traveling and "oh you haven't lived until you've been to x place." If anything living abroad for a few years sounds appealing to me as I've thought about doing that. That being said, I'm not crazy for it and I like traveling alone as equally with friends. It's not something that's top priority to me at the moment. I once trolled a girl on OKC by telling her that I've traveled to Chuck E. Cheese's when asked if I've traveled. I didn't hear back from her after that.