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OPM Report: Rez to be re-released and sequel!?


(sorry if old, can't search on OPM or Rez)

OPM has a rumor saying that Sega is going to re-release Rez and maybe make a sequel.

Will this happen? Place your bets now!

I hope as hell it does. But what are the chances that they will "get it"? If it took them this long to rerelease and consider a sequel, and considering Sega hasn't exactly done much of anything lately.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Niiiice! I have a bootleg DC copy but would definitely pay for a legit. This is one of those games that nobody paid attention to when it first came out, but now has a big cultlike appeal...


works for Gamestop (lol)
But didn't Mizuguchi quit Sega? I'm all up for a Rez sequel but I don't want it if it's gonna be done by a different team

Tetsuya Mizuguchi: Well, it's been about six months since I left Sega, and I've been looking at a lot of opportunities. I'm in talks with several different groups, but we're not ready to make any announcements yet. I think we'll be able to make an announcement at E3 or maybe next year.

GS: Are you working on opportunities in gaming, or are you looking outside the game industry?

TM: Well, that depends on just how you define "the game industry." But I've been thinking pretty widely about opportunities.

GS: Are you interested in portable devices?

TM: Yes, I think my next game will be for the PSP or Nintendo DS.

GS: Will that be Rez 2?

TM: In my mind, yes. But I won't use the Rez name because that belongs to Sega.



UGA's dead, and Mizuguchi is no longer at Sega's camp. I don't want to be negative, but I always felt that Rez was a labour of love. Don't know how it could turn out though...
I highly doubt this news. And if it is true, and Sega does give a sequel the nod, and Mizuguchi is not involved, it will be the absolute final shred of evidence to illustrate how stupid Sega is right now.
Wario64 said:
I hope Rez being re-released is true though :p

Me too, and if it is true, I swear to God I will buy a copy for every person I know who has a PS2, and I am not bullshitting. That's like 6 people, I think :p
I'd rather Sega concentrate on big budget games that will sell, before trying their hand at Rez. Get some momentum together with a string of hits, then sell games like Rez2. Create a market on each console of gamers that want your games, much like EA has done on the PS2 (or Sega themselves with the Sonic games on the Gamecube).


I don't know, but whatever Sega has been doing for the past few years isn't working.

So I say, screw that, Sega should do the following ASAP:

1) Rerelease Rez.
2) Make a Rez sequel (get Mizuguchi to head it up)
3) Make a NiGHTS sequel
4) Rerelease Panzer Dragoon Saga
5) Make a sequel to Panzer Dragoon Saga
Much as I'd like to see Rez reach a wider audience, I can't believe that there's much sense in re-releasing it. The game appeals to a pretty limited audience and the majority of those people probably have already played the game.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Watch the Kizo video interview with Mizuguchi. He talks(actually speaks english very well) about his company Q Entertainment and about a sequel to Rez.


Defensor said:
Watch the Kizo video interview with Mizuguchi. He talks(actually speaks english very well) about his company Q Entertainment and about a sequel to Rez.

Sorry for the OT, but don't you think Mizuguchi was in the interview, how can you say it politely, mmm, in an alterated state of mind?

aoi tsuki

i hope a sequel is released, and Mizaguchi releases his game as well. While i'm sure he and many of the was a driving force behind much of the game, it would be interesting to see what whatever team within the current Sega could come up with. Weaker in many ways, probably, but even a drop of innovation would picque my interest. Sega's probably got the rights to the name "REZ", but that can't stop Mizaguchi from releasing its spiritual successor. It's not like there's a ton of games similar enough to REZ to make the genre crowded.

Somewhat related, anyone play the game wordsimagesoundplay? i should probably say "experience" since from what i've read it's more of an interactive experiment that a game, but i've been interested in it, yet haven't heard anything about it recently.
Rhage said:
I don't know, but whatever Sega has been doing for the past few years isn't working.

So I say, screw that, Sega should do the following ASAP:

1) Rerelease Rez.
2) Make a Rez sequel (get Mizuguchi to head it up)
3) Make a NiGHTS sequel
4) Rerelease Panzer Dragoon Saga
5) Make a sequel to Panzer Dragoon Saga

On one hand, as much as I LOVE Rez, NiGHTS, and Panzer Saga (they're like my three all time fave games), those are not the games that will make Sega profitable again.

But then again, I don't think anything they do will help them. Their name and image has been damaged that bad.

So, considering this fact, and how they're current plans don't seem to be working, I say they should go ahead and make those three titles (and make them fucking good) to appease what few fans that Sega has (honestly, who considers themselves Sega fans in this day and age?) and go out in a blaze of glory!!!
AFAIK Mizuguchi's new team hasn't entered into any agreements with publishers yet. So wouldn't it be possible for Sega to hire them to develop a sequel to Rez?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Playing with vizualizer options in WinAmp > Rez"

I wasted 6 HOURS of my life trying to figure out how to shoot things in vizualizer last night and then realised you were being "witty".
Personally, I'm looking forward to Rez: Battle, complete with even more abstract camera angles, faulty vector collision detection, and a tamagotchi/chao style NDS computer virus pet system.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Personally, I'm looking forward to Rez: Battle, complete with even more abstract camera angles, faulty vector collision detection, and a tamagotchi/chao style NDS computer virus pet system."

naaa - in true Sega self destruct style, it'll be a card battler game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'd buy a Rez 2. I wouldn't mind being part of ANOTHER set of only 477 people buying a Sega game. ;p

Justin Bailey

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DCharlie said:
"Personally, I'm looking forward to Rez: Battle, complete with even more abstract camera angles, faulty vector collision detection, and a tamagotchi/chao style NDS computer virus pet system."

naaa - in true Sega self destruct style, it'll be a card battler game.
The sheer thought of that makes we want to kill someone.


And even i am moderately surprised
actually - an eye toy implementation wouldn't be THAT bad.

Wonder if it would be possible to have CD generated levels ? Obviously, the sound integration would be limited (could perhaps try and get the key the song is in from the disk so you could have "fitting" samples??) , but something akin to "Internal Section" could be done....


Rhage said:
I don't know, but whatever Sega has been doing for the past few years isn't working.

So I say, screw that, Sega should do the following ASAP:

1) Rerelease Rez.
2) Make a Rez sequel (get Mizuguchi to head it up)
3) Make a NiGHTS sequel
4) Rerelease Panzer Dragoon Saga
5) Make a sequel to Panzer Dragoon Saga

ah yes, of course. why didnt sega think of it before!


Wario64 said:
I hope Rez being re-released is true though :p

COme to think of it, why isn't the re-release of Rez a no-brainer for Sega? Especially considering that the game is $100 on eBay, and you can't read an academic article on videogames these days without a mention of it--the ratio of people who talk on and on about a game to people who have actually played it is bigger for Rez than for any other game I can think of, except Marble Man.
DCharlie said:
actually - an eye toy implementation wouldn't be THAT bad.

Wonder if it would be possible to have CD generated levels ? Obviously, the sound integration would be limited (could perhaps try and get the key the song is in from the disk so you could have "fitting" samples??) , but something akin to "Internal Section" could be done....

Well a great idea in concept, I would prefer a more "controlled" experience which Rez provides (you're seeing and doing what you're supposed to). As much as I like the idea of randomly generated levels, I've never been satisfied with any game's execution of it (from Internal Section to Vib Ribbon). and hearing "you just don't have any good CDs" is a cop out.
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