I agree that tangerines are much easier to deal with and taste as good or better in most cases. Plus tangerine trees grow an epic amount of them, its insane.
Oranges are great, living in Florida has spoiled me. The house I grew up in had a big Valencia tree in the back, it produced way more oranges than we could ever use. To this day I can only drink fresh squeezed, every store brand I've tried, even local ones, just don't taste as good. Ya gotta squeeze that shit fresh!
They're a bitch to peel and don't taste as good as tangerines, bananas or mangoes, which all need to be peeled yes but aren't as much of a pain in the ass to do. (with bananas it's just plain easy) Why do people willingly eat these over apples?
The main problem with oranges, at least where I live, is that they aren't consisently good. Sometimes they are great, sometimes they are dry, sometimes they are full of flavor, sometimes they aren't.
Other fruits like bananas or mangoes tend to be more consistently good.
This is my #1 gripe with oranges but especially mandarines. Some are almost inedibly bad, others are literal S-tier. Can't think of any other fruit that is so inconsistent either.
The weirdest thing about oranges is that i remember them to be easier and cleaner to peel when i was a kid. I liked how each piece inside was easily seperated from one another.
Now they are all stuck together and when you try to seperate them they break apart creating a mess of leeking juices. In 20 years i haven't managed to find a single orange that was like the ones i used to eat as a kid. Not a single one.
It’s mostly try and error, yes. I once nearly died of Soymilk, had an anaphylactic reaction and was lucky that my doctor lived close by. Took two injections to undo the spastic in my lungs. Nowadays I know what I can eat and if I don’t know the ingredients, I try a little bit and search for a tingle on my tongue. That’s the clear warning sing that something isn’t right. Also got an emergency spray always on my.
Funny thing is: Of all nuts that want to kill humans, I can eat peanuts (but only from certain brands).