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Origins of Santa Klaus / Sinterklaas.


Obligatory ‘he’s only red and white ‘coz of coca cola’ comment.

Yes and no!

Because I don't care? Christmas has many origins, Norse Pagan, Roman, Christian but none of those matter now, Christmas is just a time to enjoy with your family regardless of its origin, now it's just pretty sparkly lights, presents, good food and drink, horrible TV (for the most part) and a break from work (for many)

Of course. It's the common angle used.

And it's your every right to approach this weird shit as you want.

Some though, are curious and wonder; why is this a thing? WTF is thing yearly thing? Where does this "tradition" stem from? So many aspects don't make sense as an adult ie wtf is going on.

And i get it. Het is gezellig voor kids and all.. Vragen hebben is neutraal. Mee eens?

Holy shit! I had every intention of watching but 2 and half hrs but ain't nobody got time for that. Anyways Merry Christmas! I'm not bothered by gods and demons one way or another.

Watch it in sections. 5 x 30 min isn't much perhaps!
Is the narrator an AI?

I love his voice.

I like Dutch ovens

Got myself a top brand last night 👌🏻

Is santa immortal, or do they promote a new stanta each time one dies?

Geëtaleerde deugdzaamheid.

Waar refereer je naar, precies?
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Parody of actual AJUMP23

I took this picture in Turkey years ago at the church where St. Nicholas was a minister.


He was many peraonas!

Love the dutch pro slave club coming out of the woodworks.

Imagine these posters are 40+


Some though, are curious and wonder; why is this a thing? WTF is thing yearly thing? Where does this "tradition" stem from? So many aspects don't make sense as an adult ie wtf is going on.
Some people overthink things.

Santa and his elves deliver presents to children all over the world which he has in his giant sack (careful) by flying to each house by reindeer going down the chimney (even if you don't have one) and he does all of this in one night every year.... Of course it doesn't make sense.

It makes as much sense as Noah's Ark (let's see how many that triggers)


So you entertain the current folklore.
That we tell a white lie to children about the existence of Santa Claus? Yes, absolutely, seeing my kids faces light up in excitement around Christmas time was as magical and wonderful to me as the time of year is to the kids. (They are grown up now and haven't believed in Santa from about the ages of 5 or 6). The memories of those Christmases will forever be cherished and hopefully I'll make it to see my grandkids (if I ever have any) experience that same delight.


Fwiw Noah's ark makes more sense
Makes more sense than flying reindeers and a jolly fat man giving presents globally to every child on earth all in a 24 hour period.


A global flood with two of every animal type (or kind if you prefer) all fitting on a single boat that was supposedly 134×22×13 m in size built by a man, on his own, who lived to be 950 years old, that needed space for all the food for all these animals, and all of these animals were taken care of by this one family. Then he and his family had to repopulate the earth (incest much)

Makes more sense? Not really


Quite disappointing to see so many Dutch residents on GAF showing their true colours around this subject out of pure ignorance. Pity
I immigrated to the Netherlands last year, my reaction (as well as my daughters) to Sinterklaas has been quite positive. Love the parades, food items and what amounts to a early Christmas. Good fun, quite unique from a regular Christmas.


I immigrated to the Netherlands last year, my reaction (as well as my daughters) to Sinterklaas has been quite positive. Love the parades, food items and what amounts to a early Christmas. Good fun, quite unique from a regular Christmas.

That's great to hear man, I mean that ♡

Growing up Sinterklaas was so special...

And hey, I'm not anti children fun lmao. Far from it.

Like I mentioned it's an ingrained tradition where most people just approach it as a great national festival and that's fine by me.

But when you stop turning a blind eye to even it's superficial aspects and wonder wtf this whole thing is about.. Well. Weird is an understatement. Sad that folks can't see that and still bring their children joy.



This YouTube channel seems a bit fucking crazy if I'm being honest

Well our world is crazy.
It's certainly not Good Mythical Morning. Some stuff is reaching and assumptions are made.

But when you talk about certain material a: it's info is scarce b: it's references are very old c: most is destroyed or suppressed.

So you have no choice to connects dots as sincere as possible etc.

This isn't your durrrr tinfoil hat clickbait youtuber. Otherwise I wouldn't watch his channel. It's can be quite overwhelming with all the old passages from the 1600's relating to something akin from current Iran talking about more or less the same thing. Oh well.



That's great to hear man, I mean that ♡

Growing up Sinterklaas was so special...

And hey, I'm not anti children fun lmao. Far from it.

Like I mentioned it's an ingrained tradition where most people just approach it as a great national festival and that's fine by me.

But when you stop turning a blind eye to even it's superficial aspects and wonder wtf this whole thing is about.. Well. Weird is an understatement. Sad that folks can't see that and still bring their children joy.

Well it is quite a long video, I'll give a watch in bits on the train to work.

I will not eat a pepernoot

Rather have speculaas met spijs en amandelen
Yeah that is good. Dutch baked good are delicious, I'm often overwhelmed by the selection at the local baker or Albert Heijn. I would list my favourites but I can't recall all the names other then Gevulde koek and Kletskoppen both of which are great.
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