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Orrin Hatch says it's "high time" for medical marijuana with new bill


remember me

While he’s made it clear in the past that he is not an advocate of recreational marijuana use, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) announced new medical marijuana research legislation Wednesday in a bill that would make it easier to conduct research on the plant for medical use.

But his statement introducing the roll-out of the Marijuana Effective Drug Study Act of 2017 wasn’t as dry as the bill’s title sounds.

“It’s high time to address research into medical marijuana,” Hatch said in a statement introducing the bill and its co-sponsors, Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI), Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC).

“To be blunt, we need to remove the administrative barriers preventing legitimate research into medical marijuana, which is why I’ve decided to roll out the MEDS Act,” he said.

Hatch will introduce the bill on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. He said he’s bringing the legislation forward because the country hasn’t had the chance to properly delve “into the weeds” on the effectiveness of marijuana as medical treatment.

I had no idea Orrin Hatch liked to get blazed. Can you OD on weed puns?


I'm for recreational use cuz like, who cares really, but there's absolutely no reason not to have medical marijuana. It could help so many people. I'm only 39 so my arthritis can't possibly be as bad as old folks and there are times where I can barely stand the joint pain, especially in my hands. I'm super interested in the sprays and salves that people like Patrick Stewart use for relief.


Gardner must be shaking in his boots for losing his seat in CO. He's been a lot less shitty the past couple months (he's still got to go).
Bahaha... Orrin Hatch...
High time, to be blunt, roll out, dive into the weeds.

This is like a dog whistle for stoners.

And Thom Trillis was made for this joint.


Hatch is like secretly the biggest troll in congress.

Some of the stuff he's said in the last few months is just...wut?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
If this comes to pass I can't wait for the strain of MJ named after Orrin Hatch.


Orin Hatch also supported legislation that helped create the supplement industry back in the mid 90s.

It makes sense.







This is the United States Senate. It would be federal law.

Sure but he obviously doesn't care about his re-election at this point, which is rare for a politician to do something that may hurt his re-election chances. The mormon council goes all out in disparaging people like him. Remember what they did for Prop 8 in california?


Neo Member
Just tell them that there was a new golden tablet found and that it says weed is cool
OK that got me lol. This study is going to take long to help people now

I'm glad that it is on a federal level and not a state level because the church would not approve of it.


Sorry.... but being from Utah I dont trust this guy. Of course he is saying this now when his seat is going up for re-election. I firmly remember during the elections where he said he didnt trust Gary Johnson because of his support for weed and his suspected use for it. Dont let Hatch fool you. He will say anything he can to get re-elected and gain favor until he gets back into office and is back in the pockets of big pharmacy!
OK that got me lol. This study is going to take long to help people now

I'm glad that it is on a federal level and not a state level because the church would not approve of it.
8 And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill.
10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
Nothing wrong with medicinal use by LDS standards.


Sure but he obviously doesn't care about his re-election at this point, which is rare for a politician to do something that may hurt his re-election chances. The mormon council goes all out in disparaging people like him. Remember what they did for Prop 8 in california?

I wouldnt be too sure about this. Polls show that medical cannibus is gaining favor in Utah by a lot.


This is totally needed because at this point in time we can't even legally research what marijuana can do and all the uses it might have. If it truly has no bad side effects and such, the ability to actually research it will find all these things out and lead to full legalization.


my reaction: ORRIN HATCH?

wrestling x politics me reaction:
What's Orville Smalldoor doing in the Societal Impact Zone?

.... aren't they heavily opposed to it? (Also, you'd expect that out of R-VA or R-NC, not R-UT)

No. They want it legalized and to have control over it. They've influenced legalization bills in certain states where they'd have the easiest time qualifying to be a legal supplier/seller. People think everyone is going to be a bespoke weed grower when the cheapest stuff will always be from corporations that can factory-mass-produce the stuff.
Fuck ya and I can't wait.

"Sir all take a pack of white widow"
"Allrifht that will be 20 bucks" :O

Unfortunately the tobacco companies don't want marijuana ciggs to be available as it would just cut into their tobacco market AND marijuana isn't physically addicting like tobacco. Cigarette companies rely on their products addictive qualities to get their sales.


Junior Member
Unfortunately the tobacco companies don't want marijuana ciggs to be available as it would just cut into their tobacco market AND marijuana isn't physically addicting like tobacco. Cigarette companies rely on their products addictive qualities to get their sales.
Damn I guess that does make a lot of sense. But that doesn't stop a start up company from mass producing acres of weed and selling it like that. Fuck big Tabacco don't let them get in on the industry let's get some new guys to get rich off of not really helping people but they sure as hell ain't killing them.


Super Sleuth
Unfortunately the tobacco companies don't want marijuana ciggs to be available as it would just cut into their tobacco market AND marijuana isn't physically addicting like tobacco. Cigarette companies rely on their products addictive qualities to get their sales.

Most won't smoke a tenth of what cigarette smokers smoke also.
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