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OutRun2SP Special Tours - impressions+screens ~ previously unseen?


check this out, I found some OutRun 2 SP impressions & screens. I don't think these have been seen before, though I could be wrong....

Outrun 2SP (Special Tours)

Cor blimey! What an update. A list of new stuff in this finished version:

* A complete new 15 track course. Stunning stuff here, pushing poor old Chihiro to the max. Doubt we'll see this on Xbox, it really is fucking shockingly gorgeous. Press View Change on the mode select menu and you can play the original Outrun 2 tracks albeit tarted up!
* Completely new interface that is far more understandable to first timers.
* Heart attack mode sees a load of changes. You are now shown a running tally and your total for each challenge which helps the score attacking somewhat. New challenges include collecting coins on the track, driving through flaming hoops of fire (not shitting you) and mini races that see you versus seven identical "rivals" - to get AAA you must beat them all to the end of the stage. Cuntish.
* Twatting another road vehicle now sees it skidding off the track and disappearing. Good.
* As reported by people, there is now slipstreaming. You get a wee bit more speed by coming up the rear of other cars, shown by "Slipstream" under the timer and your spedometer goes blue.
* New cars! All the extras from Xbox Outrun 2 are now in Special Tours. Win.
* New music! Seven "1986" versions (four from Xbox version / OST) are available on the music select screen by pressing View Change in addition to the seven from the arcade. No Richard Jacques :((((
* You can control the volume of the music by holding brake on the music screen and using the gear shift. You can make the engine louder or the BGM louder or whatever ala Initial Wee and Maxi Boost/Maximum Tune. Good stuff.
* Outrun mode is actually worth playing now. You get a full score breakdown as it happens, showing you the points you got for passing each vehicle and rival, plus all time bonuses. Scoring tactics can now ensue. Brilliant.
* FMV endings ala Xbox Outrun 2. See Alberto fall off even more things!
* As reported by various folks, there are now animations during the stage loading transition highway bits .. you appear to get different animations depending on your score for that stage. Sounds fair enough. Stuff like dragons, birds etc.
* You can do basic accel/max speed tuning (ala Fzero) on the car select screen using View Change.
* FULL INTERNET RANKING. Outrun mode, Time Trial and more importantly, Heart Attack. For both courses. About fricking time.











Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
What happened to the Outrun 2 luv around here? Just a few weeks a go it was a damn Sega circle jerk, and now that the game is out everywhere, not a peep.


DaCocoBrova said:
What happened to the Outrun 2 luv around here? Just a few weeks a go it was a damn Sega circle jerk, and now that the game is out everywhere, not a peep.

Maybe isamu has been banned?


xsarien said:
Like the sun never setting on the British empire, Sega will always - without fail - screw their fans just because.

So...Sega is not allowed to make money from their arcade releases? Arcade owners do not favor having an arcade and console release right next to each other. I remember reading something about JP arcade owners not being too thrilled about the way Capcom handled the DC/Arcade Powerstone debut.

Outrun 2 is doing good business for Sega in arcades and they have every right to build on that. The antics of Xbox owning Sega fans (and some MS green?) got the company to release one of their best home conversions in a long time on the system, even with the sales outlook not being bright, and people still find something to fuss about? IMO, It looks like Sega actually did listen to some of their fans. The sad thing is, it looks like a portion of the remaining Sega fanbase is made up of whiney people who will look for just about anything to fuss about.




hmmm. something fishy going on here.
Did the arcade freeze or the game paused to pose for the guys at kikizo to take pictures ?
Or the machine was just showing stills of the game ?


Hotsuma said:
So...Sega is not allowed to make money from their arcade releases?

Hey, I'm not complaining, just making an observation. Be glad Isamu's got some downtime, there'd be a thread a minute about this.


hmmm. something fishy going on here.
Did the arcade freeze or the game paused to pose for the guys at kikizo to take pictures ?
Or the machine was just showing stills of the game ?

good question :) techies, any ideas?

btw I think the logo / art is georgous
xexex said:
good question :) techies, any ideas?

Er, Kikizo can obviously take photos properly.

Think the art's gorgeous? Wait until Kikizo's direct feeds. Just don't ask when they're going up. The final track (Route E) is my favourite - it's Times Square!


can't wait to try this baby out in arcades... I wonder if i ever will. for all i know, i may NEVER get to play SP. if it doesnt make it out on Xbox, then i'll have to find an arcade that has it.

the prospect of never getting to play it just kills me inside. but I won't go on an Isamu-esque
rant :)


KyotoMecca said:
Er, Kikizo can obviously take photos properly.

Ok :) but those 2 pics show EXACTLY the same frame of the game from 2 different perspectives ! i just thought it was curious.
eso76 said:
Ok :) but those 2 pics show EXACTLY the same frame of the game from 2 different perspectives ! i just thought it was curious.

Oh right. See what you mean. Yeah we just too that section of the photo and distorted and enlarged it to be more like a normal screenshot. We're thoughtful like that.


KyotoMecca said:
Oh right. See what you mean. Yeah we just too that section of the photo and distorted and enlarged it to be more like a normal screenshot. We're thoughtful like that.

:) That's what i thought, i also noticed the rightmost part of the 'straightened' picture is slightly blurrier. I just found it strange you went that far...nice guys :)


KyotoMecca said:
Er, Kikizo can obviously take photos properly.

Think the art's gorgeous? Wait until Kikizo's direct feeds. Just don't ask when they're going up. The final track (Route E) is my favourite - it's Times Square!

How many times do I have to tell you, Kyoto, it's all about the D ending! Mmm, space shuttle and meteor shower.

This is by far one of the best arcade games I've ever played. I love OutRun2, but SP takes a big stinky poo all over it.


I really could give a shit about what Kikizo does or does not do with their photos. I'm just glad to see *something* on OutRun2 SP. and what really matters is, SP looks and sounds like it's a worthy update of the original. I'd just hope I get to play it...
xexex said:
I really could give a shit about what Kikizo does or does not do with their photos. I'm just glad to see *something* on OutRun2 SP. and what really matters is, SP looks and sounds like it's a worthy update of the original. I'd just hope I get to play it...

FYI it's out in the UK first (Dec) then Japan (later in Dec) and then the US. But distrubution will be average in the UK, lame in Japan and pathetic Stateside. So now you know. Who knows, perhaps we'll see it as dlc for the xbox version. Or perhaps not.

At least you can see how lovely it is in kikizo's direct vids whether you get to play it or not etc etc. ;-)


First tragedy, then farce.
I think our only prayer of getting this is a pay for DLC.. maybe 20 bucks for it several months from now? Im sure this will make it to my local arcade, thank God.


Hotsuma said:
So...Sega is not allowed to make money from their arcade releases? Arcade owners do not favor having an arcade and console release right next to each other. I remember reading something about JP arcade owners not being too thrilled about the way Capcom handled the DC/Arcade Powerstone debut.

Outrun 2 is doing good business for Sega in arcades and they have every right to build on that. The antics of Xbox owning Sega fans (and some MS green?) got the company to release one of their best home conversions in a long time on the system, even with the sales outlook not being bright, and people still find something to fuss about? IMO, It looks like Sega actually did listen to some of their fans. The sad thing is, it looks like a portion of the remaining Sega fanbase is made up of whiney people who will look for just about anything to fuss about.


An update disc would be pretty cool though...hope Sumo Digital's got some extra time.
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