It is undeniable that the game LOOKS great. I pledged $100 ten years ago and that got me access to SC and the single player campaign (lol) Squadron 42. Since then, I've played the game a ton by myself, with friends. Exploring around, stealing peoples ships, doing missions, dogfighting, racing... I've had a lot of fun over the years and I don't feel like for the equivalent of $10 a year I've been scammed.
The game is only $45 to buy into today, and there's hundreds of hours of content to explore already. Ships can be purchased with in-game money, no need to purchase anything with real cash. I don't see what the fuss is about.
With games like Fire Emblem Heroes, FF7 Ever Crisis, NBA 2k, and so many others designed to fomo the shit out of you until you cough up tons of money... I don't see why Star Citizen in particular always gets the bad rap.
The fact of the matter is, for $45 you can play hundreds of hours of Star Citizen right now and never pay anything else in the game and still do everything there is to do.