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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year

I know I can hit Diamond. I mean, I feel like I'm good enough to do it. Maybe I need a good win streak again.

Same. I mean last Thursday / Friday I went 6 games in a row with no losses and jumped 150 SR, only to lose it over the weekend. Now I'm almost back up to where I was last weekend lol.

literally every single fucking ranked game -

"That Pharah is killing us, can someone stop her"

nobody stops her

"wtf why are all our heals dying"

still no one stops her

This is why I play Zennyata or S76 if I see the game start to go that way. For some reason with the Tank meta people started ignoring anything about their FoV.

That's basically why most solo queue comps fail on defense - lose the first attacking team battle and everyone just trickles in from spawn piecemeal until the game's over. Unless you get a lucky ult/team wipe, if people don't group up and pick a spot to defend it becomes impossible.

Yeah, the worst aspect is when people are still grouped on defense but don't try to halt the payload. So it just slowly inches forward as people slowly inch back.
literally every single fucking ranked game -

"That Pharah is killing us, can someone stop her"

nobody stops her

"wtf why are all our heals dying"

still no one stops her

This happens so much, do you play on console because this happens very often in games. Most people blame the DPS right off the bat, but soldier by himself is not able to carry that load if there is a pharah/mercy combo. Sometimes you need to double team the best player, this is very common in sports why wouldn't it apply to overwatch?

I got tilted one time, especially since I was playing Lucio and everyone "OMG THIS LUCIO JUST KEEPS DYING, STAY ALIVE DUDE". "No one is killing that Pharah!". I switched the last 30 seconds to McCree, killed her as soon as I saw her, and said "how hard was that??" I hate when people blame others, I play with my friends (who are in plat) and I'm the sole diamond (barely), don't look at my skill rating and assume I'm going to carry (diamond is not any better than plat!), that's not how this game works...


Well if you can't do your job because a specific player on the other team is shutting you down, and your team won't help you out, you're better off switching to counter him than continually failing your role because of them
after hitting level 50 on PS4, here's my assessment.

Easy to play casually
No cheaters
looks about the same as PC version
lower skill players all around

Controller Aiming makes characters like mcree, widowmaker, genji, hanzo, and sombra less useful.
Console teammates love picking hanzo and widowmaker and contributing very little to the team.(If you're skilled as them, fine, but don't pretend like using a controller for a precise aim character doesn't start you at a disadvantage)
Console teammates hate playing healer and I can go 10 matches in a row without one if I don't play healer.
Console teammates never talk. I am level 50 and played a range of quick play, arcade, and competitive, and never heard a single player say a single word in a game.
Console players tend to quit games quickly when they aren't going well. This makes competitive really tough to play since many games will be forfeited.

Overall I'm enjoying it now that I just play quick play and I'm going for trophies but I don't think the game is viable on console. The playerbase isn't smart enough on the whole to support anything but a super casual, basic overwatch experience, and their near total rejection of voicechat and teamwork makes it impossible to play the game as it's designed to be played.

A bit late on this, but when you start playing with more higher level players there will generally be a healer on the team. Maybe about. 1 in 20 games I have a team with no healer. A few of those I'm playing healer though. You will still constantly encounter Hanzos and Widowmakers, and 99% of the Widowmakers are terrible, Hanzos are generally better. And no one talks, but that's kind of the way I like it.


I keep running to Mercy's on my team wasting res on 1 person.. and then she doesn't have it when our whole team is dead and would've won easily if she kept it.
Well if you can't do your job because a specific player on the other team is shutting you down, and your team won't help you out, you're better off switching to counter him than continually failing your role because of them

Generally I would agree with you, but the root cause is the DPS/tanks not adjusting to the best enemy player, the "bubububut i'm on _____ gold" mentality gots to go! If I'm the only healer, I will switch to another healer in the hopes of better protecting myself, unless the team is toxic, then I'll play whatever the hell I want (I won't do troll picks but if they don't want to play as a team why should I?).

Oh GAF, I just can't play multiplayer games effectively. Overwatch is the first mp game in years that I love playing, but I suck ass against other players.
I don't think I'm reacting quickly enough to counter enemies.
I'm typically the first person of every round to die first and it's embarrassing that I continually fuck up.

Maybe I should just stick with vs AI...

Anyway you can upload some video so we can see where you're going wrong?
Oh GAF, I just can't play multiplayer games effectively. Overwatch is the first mp game in years that I love playing, but I suck ass against other players.
I don't think I'm reacting quickly enough to counter enemies.
I'm typically the first person of every round to die first and it's embarrassing that I continually fuck up.

Maybe I should just stick with vs AI...


Oh GAF, I just can't play multiplayer games effectively. Overwatch is the first mp game in years that I love playing, but I suck ass against other players.
I don't think I'm reacting quickly enough to counter enemies.
I'm typically the first person of every round to die first and it's embarrassing that I continually fuck up.

Maybe I should just stick with vs AI...
Follow your tanks around and stand behind them. Be aware of your teammates' locations and put yourself in good line of sight for your supports to heal you. If you're always dying first, that sounds like a positional issue more than anything.


That Mercy might have just been pocketing their friend. Still one of most infuriating things to come across.

Yea could be.

I should stop playing comp for this season, really frustrating. 3 games in a row where I had 4 golds and we lost (yea I know medals aren't everything, but I was doing all I could).
Same. I mean last Thursday / Friday I went 6 games in a row with no losses and jumped 150 SR, only to lose it over the weekend. Now I'm almost back up to where I was last weekend lol.
I wish you luck. I had an excellent win streak to start this season and now I'm going through the win/loss/win/loss pattern.
Oh GAF, I just can't play multiplayer games effectively. Overwatch is the first mp game in years that I love playing, but I suck ass against other players.
I don't think I'm reacting quickly enough to counter enemies.
I'm typically the first person of every round to die first and it's embarrassing that I continually fuck up.

Maybe I should just stick with vs AI...

Sounds like you're running too far ahead without your team to back you up. It's generally the best to stay grouped up.
Follow your tanks around and stand behind them. Be aware of your teammates' locations and put yourself in good line of sight for your supports to heal you. If you're always dying first, that sounds like a positional issue more than anything.

My survival rate is a tad better if my team is defending rather than attacking, but some of the same problems still arise.
I'll try better positioning myself next time, among other things.

Sounds like you're running too far ahead without your team to back you up. It's generally the best to stay grouped up.

And how I wish a few of my groups stayed grouped up.


I keep running to Mercy's on my team wasting res on 1 person.. and then she doesn't have it when our whole team is dead and would've won easily if she kept it.

I'll single-res if it's a key person. Like if I'm on Hanamura defense and the only one who's kept themselves alive and has been doing real work on the choke is Mei, and Mei dies, I'm rezzing that Mei because we can't afford to be without her.

I'll do the same for a Rein (or Hog or D.Va or Zarya) who's really holding it down. It's usually a good idea and sometimes you wind up with something spectacular where the Rein's body is like behind the enemy line, I fly in, Rez him, hook up my healing beam and fly back to my team, he charges one of their tanks into our line and we all dogpile them and then drop right back into position.

The right person back in the fight at the right time can make all the difference. That being said, as a general rule, I almost never single-rez and will almost-always rez when there's a double available. If my team is on point I'll have it back in forty-five seconds anyway.


°Temp. member
Oh GAF, I just can't play multiplayer games effectively. Overwatch is the first mp game in years that I love playing, but I suck ass against other players.
I don't think I'm reacting quickly enough to counter enemies.
I'm typically the first person of every round to die first and it's embarrassing that I continually fuck up.

Maybe I should just stick with vs AI...

Don't give up, hang in there and keep practicing quick play mode.


I'll single-res if it's a key person. Like if I'm on Hanamura defense and the only one who's kept themselves alive and has been doing real work on the choke is Mei, and Mei dies, I'm rezzing that Mei because we can't afford to be without her.

I'll do the same for a Rein (or Hog or D.Va or Zarya) who's really holding it down. It's usually a good idea and sometimes you wind up with something spectacular where the Rein's body is like behind the enemy line, I fly in, Rez him, hook up my healing beam and fly back to my team, he charges one of their tanks into our line and we all dogpile them and then drop right back into position.

The right person back in the fight at the right time can make all the difference. That being said, as a general rule, I almost never single-rez and will almost-always rez when there's a double available. If my team is on point I'll have it back in forty-five seconds anyway.

Oh yea I understand rezzing 1 person in some situations, but they were not good situations. If she kept it for like 30 seconds we would've won because we had 3-4 picks but only me as DVa and Reinhardt were alive and we died.

So after going 3 games in a row with 4 golds as DVa, I switched to support and won all 3.. I don't mind healing, but it's annoying having the majority of people suck at it, so I have to choose it by default. Like some guy was complaining yesterday that he was going DPS because he would always go tank, and I'm over here saying try playing support every game, I would love to go Tank.
I never should've checked Overbuff lol. 60% WR on Tank, exactly %50 WR on every other role. Guess I just need that big break to not get my losses all in a row!
I haven't check it for that same reason. I usually get most of my wins playing healers and will just go by that. I've also been sticking to my rule of quitting out after 2 losses in a row. It sucks ending a Comp night after 2 games sometimes but I'd rather lose a little than risk keep on going.
Just played my first comp on Oasis and does anyone else thinks the framerate kinda suffers more on this compared to the other maps? (Ps4 version)

It was a crazy hectic match too. At least we won even though we had a low level and in placement player. And I scored a new record for ofensive assists with Zen, a whopping 55.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
When a person who locks a character the entire game and we lose says "we needed a x the entire game"

Just why.yourexistence


Had some amazing games today with randoms. We had such a disgusting team, steamrolled the other team on Dorado and Hanamura. Also had a quintuple kill as D.va, but I forgot to record it, so it's gone forever. ;_; I don't get how this game doesn't even have a proper match history or replays lol.


Had some amazing games today with randoms. We had such a disgusting team, steamrolled the other team on Dorado and Hanamura. Also had a quintuple kill as D.va, but I forgot to record it, so it's gone forever. ;_; I don't get how this game doesn't even have a proper match history or replays lol.

Did you check your highlights?


No I logged out after the last game. >_> Oh well, Blizzard doesn't even have a replay system for a simple card game like Hearthstone, so I'm not expecting much for Overwatch.
I mean, highlights are pretty much a replay system for your noteworthy moments. Just can't log out before checking them.
Can anyone explain to me why in gods name is it impossible to not be forced to play Healer? It's like everyone on my team is consistently avoiding the Healing role, Assault? Yeah no problem, 2-3 people go into that as typically Genji/Soldier/Reaper/Tracer. Defense? Instalock Hanzo! (or Bastion), Tank? DVa it is! or Reinhardt.

However, healer/support?

People are so afraid to play Lucio/Mercy/Zenyatta but will for some reason be okay w/ Symmetra (who is fun to play) and Ana. Casual play on console sucks man.
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