Got some questions for any of you Tracer experts (PS4 here)
- How do you deal with Roadhog? You've got a 900 HP hero (Assuming he will heal mid fight) who can hook you and one shot you on a fairly low cooldown. Any tips?
- Any tips for dealing with Junkrat? His grenades can nearly one shot you and his trap is basically death.
- Any tips in general? I'm trying to get better with a DPS hero and I've always enjoyed playing Tracer at lower levels. At higher skill levels though, Im getting creamed.
If you have engaged Roadhog and he is alone, when he goes to use his heal, walk right up to him and land every headshot possible. You'll likely undo the entire heal between the bonus damage and lack of falloff damage.
If you ever get hooked by Roadhog, hold your recall button down, don't spam it. Holding it down means it will activate automatically as soon as possible. spamming technically means you could be hitting the button 100-200ms to late. You can also hold down your blink+direction as well.
As with several targets, never engage Junkrat if Junkrat is aware of you, unless the Junkrat only has ~100hp. Same with Hanzo and Mei and plenty of others.
My main thing with Tracer is don't underestimate your falloff damage. Yes you don't do a lot of damage to characters at range, but even adding an extra 40dmg to an enemy Genji might just be enough for a teammate to land a kill.
Sometimes harrassing healings is actually more valuable than just kill them. If the enemy team has a mad Mercy, let her be bad. If you just kill her over and over again, she's going to switch to a different healer, and maybe be better. Learn to time when to kill the target, not just kill her ASAP.