I've gotten as high as 2857 this season, I think. S1 I got to 59, half way to 60. Both times I slid back down.
Solo queue is hard.
Season 1 - 60, finished 50 (solo queue hell)
Season 2 - Highest SR 2706, finished 2463
Season 3 (Current) - Highest SR 2823, @2812
Most game I put a lot of effort into, but sometimes I get grouped up with people who just want to be fucking around, but in comp.. Really?
Attack Symm on Volskaya... She got hooked like 6 straight times
I went Pharah and kept baiting the enemy defense to come to the point so my team to could flush in
Why keep feeding the enemy team, Thank fuck the 2 times I over flanked to get them pay attention to me, our team destroyed their supports, cause group was fractured on their side
2 chasing me, 5 vs 4, 2 dead supports later, guess what we have the main advantage
Seriously, some players think what they see in pro or YouTube clips they can ape
Sometimes you get that magical team that knows what you're doing, no communication necessary
I had 1 Zarya that I wanted to hug forever, who knew where I was, what I was doing, bubbled me during certain situations just to get my ultimate up and keep me alive
She hits her Ultimate, I barrage, conquer point