Stream over. Thanks anybody that watched, we went on a 6 game winstreak tonight ;~;7
Are comp games worth playing since it's the end of the season? There's a thread on the competitive overwatch reddit that's making me worried about queuing
Are comp games worth playing since it's the end of the season? There's a thread on the competitive overwatch reddit that's making me worried about queuing
What is "queuing"?
Stream over. Thanks anybody that watched, we went on a 6 game winstreak tonight ;~;7
Did he get Top 500 back yet? A few days ago he was in a real slump and dropped all the way down to 3850. He was hundreds of points lower than TimTheTatman and it was clear that bruised his ego a bit.
There's nothing in the game more frustrating to play against than a good Widow. She's similar to Sym/Torb in her ability to completely shutdown uncoordinated teams, but also easily countered by coordinated teams just the same.
She doesn't need a nerf, though. It's not her fault coordinating with random people online can feel like pulling teeth.
Don't let DPS salt keep you down. Be the hooker you were meant to be.When the whole thread is trashing your main <<<<<<<
This is the second account
I have a solo q and a group q account. This was on the group one tonight.
He was a good player sure but GM level... Lol. Roadhog has boosted so many plats/diamond to GM this season, it's insane. And people still maintain he's a balanced hero.
sounds like a mess now.
There's a real annoying mentality in Overwatch where people don't want to use their ults unless it's gonna be big.
I get that no one wants to fumble an ult, but it's better to have an okay ult where our team comes out on top than to hold onto and get team wiped. Just had a Zarya that refused to ult unless, according to him, it would snag 5-6 members of the enemy team.
We lost 1-3.
Hell I'd rather people waste their ults than finish a losing match and see half my team still has their ults.
With all the changes Bastion doesn't even feel like the same character anymore. Might as well keep Bastion the same and create a new hero with his new attributes IMO.
Bastion is supposed to be a stationary threat and reward patience. I'm not sure I like the Bastion that's running around and being Soldier 76.
He's a crap s76 if so then.
No burst, no mobility ability, can't heal and shoot at the same time, stupid big hitboxes.
Only thing better would be his health.
I swear, competitive at a certain point (sr rank) is just a real shit hole.
It's literally impossible to move up, no matter what cause once you start getting on a winstreak, you start getting grouped with leavers/ragequitters/jerks/trolls. It's insane.
Solo queue is the worst. I've made friends with some good players who I queue with now hoping we can try to carry. But when u get the 1 or 2 jerks on your team who refuse to cooperate, it's so hard to carry for them, especially when you end up going against NA's #1 roadhog somehow on the other team who happens to be very low sr but hitting like 95% of his hooks. (damn smurfs).
all i do is go up, then back down, back up, then back down, back up then back down back up then back down.
Wait, Harbleu left Complexity?
Just had a moment as Mei on the Eichenwalde bridge where I froze a Genji that was over the side of it and he fell to his death.
You should have played her when her ult charged so fast she could have it like every fight, it was ridiculous.
Now you need to develop the skill of the other Meis to somehow magically sneak past my entire team who have filled up the only routes around to reach me in order to freeze me from behind while my whole team is somehow unaware even though the ice stream is clearly crossing their FoV and the other enemies aren't here yet.Just had a moment as Mei on the Eichenwalde bridge where I froze a Genji that was over the side of it and he fell to his death.
Now you need to develop the skill of the other Meis to somehow magically sneak past my entire team who have filled up the only routes around to reach me in order to freeze me from behind while my whole team is somehow unaware even though the ice stream is clearly crossing their FoV and the other enemies aren't here yet.
You should have played her when her ult charged so fast she could have it like every fight, it was ridiculous.
tfw you post in a community for queues but are never noticed.
I still don't know your psn name
Also, you're probably another rival Mercy main and I won't tolerate more competition, it's bad enough nd is now a Rein main.
Seriously, it was completely broken lol
Even now is one of the fastest ults to charge.
You too? :-O
Edit: Of course, the flip side of this is that I try the same thing, but when I flank the entire enemy team is like "GET MEI KILL HER NOW" and I have to ice block ASAP and run away.
Now you need to develop the skill of the other Meis to somehow magically sneak past my entire team who have filled up the only routes around to reach me in order to freeze me from behind while my whole team is somehow unaware even though the ice stream is clearly crossing their FoV and the other enemies aren't here yet.
I want to post some Mei videos on here so you all can make fun of how bad my Mei is. Whats the easiest way? Linking it to youtube or something?
That moment you realize she has armor lock.Just had a moment as Mei on the Eichenwalde bridge where I froze a Genji that was over the side of it and he fell to his death.
I only post videos that make me look good.
It's the only reason anyone wants to play with me.
If it turns out to be true that your ranking depends a lot on your previous season's rankings rather than placement matches and recent QP results. Then I guess I am screwed for next season.
Stream over. Thanks anybody that watched, we went on a 6 game winstreak tonight ;~;7