Let's go.

She has a battery or something in her hand.

Maybe it's nothing. Maybe she controls an Omnic from afar.
Question regarding Mercy's ult.
It's generally not a good idea to do full team resurrections is it? I find whenever I do that my team just gets wiped again because they were out of position when they died.
Rather it's better to rez in a fight where both sides are taking losses, and by rezing your tank+2 others you easily win it?
Maybe it's nothing. Maybe she controls an Omnic from afar.
Question regarding Mercy's ult.
It's generally not a good idea to do full team resurrections is it? I find whenever I do that my team just gets wiped again because they were out of position when they died.
Rather it's better to rez in a fight where both sides are taking losses, and by rezing your tank+2 others you easily win it?
And someday, my dream is to build something that can keep us safe, like the new OR15s!
Question regarding Mercy's ult.
It's generally not a good idea to do full team resurrections is it? I find whenever I do that my team just gets wiped again because they were out of position when they died.
Rather it's better to rez in a fight where both sides are taking losses, and by rezing your tank+2 others you easily win it?
She doesn't give off much a playable hero vibe to me.
I think both are viable options, depending on the situation. I lean more towards the small resses, though I don't know if I'm doing it right.Question regarding Mercy's ult.
It's generally not a good idea to do full team resurrections is it? I find whenever I do that my team just gets wiped again because they were out of position when they died.
Rather it's better to rez in a fight where both sides are taking losses, and by rezing your tank+2 others you easily win it?
She doesn't give off much a playable hero vibe to me.
I think it's worth it to use res pretty much anytime you are behind in a team fight. Few things annoy me more than a mercy who hold onto her ult the entire round waiting for a 4 man res when she could have built back up 2 times overQuestion regarding Mercy's ult.
It's generally not a good idea to do full team resurrections is it? I find whenever I do that my team just gets wiped again because they were out of position when they died.
Rather it's better to rez in a fight where both sides are taking losses, and by rezing your tank+2 others you easily win it?
So does the new season start today or do we have to wait a few days or weeks?
So does the new season start today or do we have to wait a few days or weeks?
Please don't be a hero with really annoying abilities. We have enough of those.
I don't think I can handle anymore 'skillful' one shot abilities. Looking at you hanzo and hog...
You mean just Hanzo
I was thinking I really, really don't want another "I'll just fuck everything you can do" hero like Sombra or Mei.I don't think I can handle anymore 'skillful' one shot abilities. Looking at you hanzo and hog...
You mean just Hanzo
They won't let you kill a kid.
Cross post from the other thread but I am almost sure Adawe's Foudnation is from Oasis.
I just gotta say. It is sooo satisfying to snip Pharah from 100-0 as Ana, while your dps dont do shit.
Wavering between the idea of doing a strictly solo Season 4 or trying to gather a small group.
I placed super late in S3, solo, landed close to Diamond, and then solo Q'd the next 2 games to hit it. I didn't do much after that.
What are other PS4 bros and bro-ettes doing for S4?
thinking of switching from Lucio to Symmetra on defense point 1.
I'm a Lucio main who pretty much instalocks Lucio 24/7 but I think Symmetra just adds more value when it comes to being on defense first point.
I would switch to Lucio once they got past the first point/ they start making a serious push forward.
No. I meant what I said. You don't run my life!
I think I am gonna main Ana for the next Season, it might carry better than Lucio.
thinking of switching from Lucio to Symmetra on defense point 1.
I'm a Lucio main who pretty much instalocks Lucio 24/7 but I think Symmetra just adds more value when it comes to being on defense first point.
I would switch to Lucio once they got past the first point/ they start making a serious push forward.
That feel when Oversumo says your Lucio stats are "Grandmaster", but you can't even keep a 50% win rate with him in Diamond.Honestly I have a higher than 50% WR in Comp with Tank / DPS and a lower than 50% WR in Comp with Support / Defense.
Rein is a great way to climb up. He's rarely picked/nobody wants to play him so if somebody does play him they are normally decent at best. The difference between a good and a decent rein is huge and very noticable. If you can consistantly beat their Rein you have a good chance of winning the team fights and the game. Plus at around plat, it's probably not uncommon to not have a rein so free earth shatters too. I practice Rein for a few days and got an 80% win rate with him in comp before it dropped down to 70%. Small sample size of games though. Still the point is he's great for climbing with.Honestly I have a higher than 50% WR in Comp with Tank / DPS and a lower than 50% WR in Comp with Support / Defense.
Gonna stick to my boy Rein I guess. Might pick up Bastion to go with S76.
Looking at my stats, in the last week when I stopped trying to flex pick and first picked Rein I had something like 10 wins and 2 losses. Had I just done that this season I would've been Diamond lol.
I do have a 50% comp WR though, down to the games. Crazy. Guess I really am Plat...*
*Bullshit, I've stomped on Diamond players and they just got lucky in Matchmaking. I know that now.
Rein is a great way to climb up. He's rarely picked/nobody wants to play him so if somebody does play him they are normally decent at best. The difference between a good and a decent rein is huge and very noticable. If you can consistantly beat their Rein you have a good chance of winning the team fights and the game. Plus at around plat, it's probably not uncommon to not have a rein so free earth shatters too. I practice Rein for a few days and got an 80% win rate with him in comp before it dropped down to 70%. Small sample size of games though. Still the point is he's great for climbing with.
I don't trust Oversumo anymore. It always tells me I'm doing fantastic when my win/loss rate is like 47% and I still usually feel like I could have done better after a game.
Actually I'm not sure what to measure against anymore. I regularly get lots of medals too, as long as the game isn't a complete crapshoot where I'm dead most of the time. Still doesn't seem to affect win rates and SR.
You guys are salty. And no I do not main roadhog lol; unless youre referring to headshots and then I suppose thats true although you would then have to include Widow in that conversation (possibly Mei, Soldier depending on what character they shoot).