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OZ Trailer...


Very nice trailer (and music too!). Dunno about the gameplay though... looks like Shinobi :p

I'll keep my head up for this game, I hope it turns out well.


I've been kinda bored with all the 3rd person action games. But this one actually looks very interesting. I like the transforming character part. I hope you can go around collecting different forms for all the characters. The battle system looks pretty fun too with the 2 NPC. Hopefully they'll make it like SOM where you can cycle thru them on the fly.


After watching the trailer:

Is this OZ? As in "Wizard Of ...."?

Seeing no homosexual shower stall prision sex, or gang killings, I'm assuming so ... :)

Though this may get some sort of award for "Straying Farthest From Source Material".


That actually looks interesting. I hope the controls are good enough, and your teammates are smart enough. Would've been nice if there was a way for this to be multiplayer.


force push the doodoo rock
fossen said:
After watching the trailer:

Is this OZ? As in "Wizard Of ...."?

Seeing no homosexual shower stall prision sex, or gang killings, I'm assuming so ... :)

Though this may get some sort of award for "Straying Farthest From Source Material".
one of the characters names is dorothy, so i assume yes.


one of the characters names is dorothy, so i assume yes.
I missed that.

I also noticed the breast-woman changing into a armored form (Tin Woodman) and one of the generic male leads changing into something Lion-like, though not cowardly in the least (Cowardly Lion). I suppose I just kept thinking I was hallucinating, because who in their right mind would start at adapting OZ and end up with that?

I remember American McGee talking about an Alice followup using OZ. It was to have been an adventure using the style of the original illustrations, modeled in 2d like Paper Mario. It sounded interesting. This, however, does not.
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