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Dave Long

All you Xbox scumbags better buy this game when it comes out if you don't already have it for your PC! I'm going MAF on GAF with this one. Painkiller is teh R0X0RZ!

Denizens of Hell must die!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
whens it out, and is the xbox port supposed to be good?

Dave Long

Dreamcatcher's website still just says "Coming Soon for Xbox" but it's featured on the main page.

It has to be good. Christ, this is the best thing I've played so far this year, hands down. So freaking action packed and full of demonkilling fun! Bodies, arms, legs, torsos... going in every direction and in mass quantities... everything you expect in a videogame.

I'm sure the Xbox port will look good. Hopefully they can make the control comfortable with a gamepad. That's about the only problem they could run into with something so well made for the PC.


eh? the physics where nice and the bosses where fun...but the game to me felt like a 'darker' Serious Sam with slower gameplay and not as many long drawn out battles between you and 300 enemies (until later on in Painkiller, though you never faced as many enemies as SS throws at you AFAIK)

that said, I still greatly enjoyed it and am interested in how this port turns out


Dave Long said:
I'm sure the Xbox port will look good. Hopefully they can make the control comfortable with a gamepad. That's about the only problem they could run into with something so well made for the PC.

Just get the FPS controller. Once you get use to it(it takes awhile) its almost as good as a mouse and keyboard. it makes managing console FPS' a billion times easier.


Glitchy and Buggy can characterize the game.

Besides that, it offers nothing that Serious Sam doesn't offer, only with prettier graphics and a different setting.

Not a bad game, but I got bored of it because of all the workarounds to evade game-killing bugs and more importantly, it bored me by the time I got to the 3rd act. I might finish it up one of these days.

Dave Long

It's all about the character and object reaction, the mood of the game and the butt rock. Serious Sam is a great game, but Painkiller just turns up the volume to 11 with visceral carnage and pure entertainment value of seeing bodies fly every which way. City On Water is still my favorite level after finishing. The tommy gun toting bad guys, the constant gunfire... it's like an action movie come to life.

I haven't played a game that made me laugh out loud so many times at the pure entertainment of its core gameplay in a long, long time.

Dave Long

Glitchy and buggy wha?! The copy protection is hell. But other than that I think I hit one spot where I got caught up in the dreaded clip of death and couldn't move. This is a pretty solid PC game. Are you sure there wasn't something wrong with your machine? Do you overclock?


Dave Long said:
Glitchy and buggy wha?! The copy protection is hell. But other than that I think I hit one spot where I got caught up in the dreaded clip of death and couldn't move. This is a pretty solid PC game. Are you sure there wasn't something wrong with your machine? Do you overclock?

No, no overclocking. If you actually check the dreamcatcher boards (well, at least a month or so after being released) you'll see tons of posts about bugs. I encountered quite a few that would simply lock up my pc.

And my PC is relatively new, could handle the game quite well, and had all the drivers updated and blah blah... before you ask.

I actually didn't have any problems with the copy protection.


Copy protection was a bitch...wouldn't let me run the game when the only thing running were task manager and BAREBONES winxp processes.

Thank God for that patch.


Oh, and I felt the exact same way as you did during the first to second act. It was fun, and made me giggle at times because of all the frantic action. But it wore off quickly, unfortunately.


I'll probably pick up the PC version sometime after doom 3 is out. I'm almost done with Farcry. Doom 3 is next. Then Half Life 2. Ok plans to get Painkiller are shelved for awhile.

Maybe I'll wait for the two pack that includes the expansion. The demo didn't do much for me though....


I decided to apply the latest patch last night and give it a run.

I was surprised by how stable it proved for the half hour I tested it. It seems they fixed some stuff.

Another thing is that the graphics really look kickass and the game runs quite smooth.

Dave Long

The game just gets better and better right up to the end. My favorite level is actually E5M1. That's something you rarely see these days. Shooters tend to wear themselves out by midway through the game. Not so in Painkiller. The game leaves you begging for more at the end.

Foolz who have the PC chops to run it should buy it now.


Got the game a couple weeks ago and I love it. Been finishing a level here and there (just made it to the Monastery in chapter 5), but my favorite level, by far, was the Asylum. The demon patients crawling around on the ceiling, and the self-electrocuting and exploding things in the straight-jackets were awesome. I also liked the various enemies throughout the game who would run at you with explosive barrels. Straight Quake 2 style action in a fun package.

Dave Long

MrPing1000 said:
it got poo reviews on the pc, which is why i find it strange that its rather popular

Link to them tough guy. Your post is pure bullshit. All the magazine reviews were excellent with it getting five stars from Steve Bauman in Computer Games Magazine.

Dave Long

ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah I saw that the multiplayer demo came out today...What does the game play like? I want to know before I download it...

Online play is good but there just aren't enough people playing it. Single Player is where the meat of the game is. That said, the little multiplayer I did was a lot of fun if you did fast-paced Quake-like (the original) deathmatch.
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