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Palestinian stone throwers face up to 20 years in jail

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Late on Monday, Israeli lawmakers voted 69 to 17 to increase the punishments, approving legislation proposed after a wave of Palestinian protests last year in East Jerusalem.

Under the new law, rock throwers can be sentenced to up to 20 years in jail if it is proven that they intended to cause injury, and 10 years if harmful intent is not proven. Also, a prison sentence of five years can be levied for throwing a rock at a police officer or police car.

“Today justice has been done,” said Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked of the Jewish Home party after the vote. “For years terrorists have been evading punishment and responsibility. The tolerance shown to terrorists ends today. A stone thrower is a terrorist, and only a proper punishment can be a deterrent.”

The law does not cover the West Bank, which is under Israeli military law, and where Palestinians frequently throw rocks at Israeli civilian cars.

The Arab Joint List party in a statement called the new law a form of “collective punishment” and said it was meant to “oppress the Palestinians’ civilian and popular struggle.”

Prosecutors in stone-throwing cases have usually sought sentences of no more than three months in jail when the offence does not result in serious injury.

The law would cover territory, including East Jerusalem, but not the occupied West Bank, most of which is under the jurisdiction of the Israeli military.

Israel hands down about 1,000 indictments a year for rock-throwing, according to the Israeli Knesset.

Stone throwers face 20 years in Israeli jail
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing government faced growing calls to take action after the Palestinian protests in 2014 over the Gaza war, and the burning alive of a Palestinian teenager in a suspected revenge attack for the deaths of three Israeli teens. The new legislation was originally promoted by Shaked's predecessor, centrist Tzipi Livni.

In his interview with Al Jazeera, Abunimah accused Netanyahu's government of "appeasing the Israeli far-right" by passing the measure.

The Palestinians seek a state in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. US-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians broke down last year.

I'm at a loss.


Now the law doesn't say it only applies to those identifying as Palestinian, if it did, it would be on an entrily new and higher plane of bullshit.

That being said, ugh.


It's an oppressive, apartheid state, what did you expect?

Not to give them 3+ billion a year from american tax payers to do so.

Why on earth would you be at a loss? I'm surprised they haven't gone for summary execution.

They might as well, there is no attempt to pretend its any other way. No political games. Just, they want them gone. It's shocking to watch it progress and become so day to day. Yet, there are alternative opinions. Global support. Everyone just ignores this. This is how unspeakable things happen. This is the environment that supports it getting out of hand. No one strongly/politically condemns them. Just, hurry up global warming.. hit that reset button.


Now the law doesn't say it only applies to those identifying as Palestinian, if it did, it would be on an entrily new and higher plane of bullshit.

That being said, ugh.

Slow down. It's only in the palestinian areas, the law. Occupied areas aren't under the same law.

The law would cover territory, including East Jerusalem, but not the occupied West Bank, most of which is under the jurisdiction of the Israeli military.

The Palestinians seek a state in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. US-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians broke down last year.

Not really like this makes a difference, as israelis don't need to use rocks. They have bulldozers.


It's an oppressive, apartheid state, what did you expect?

Yep. Palestinians aren't people according to some in the Israeli government.

This needs international intervention. No warring and relentless oppression for a while. Start rebuilding vital Palestinian infrastructure and let the people simmer down. Sort out the details later. Wouldn't it be nice if the international community did good things?


I wonder how many hundreds or even thousands of innocent Palestinian's get locked up because of this as well? Anyway, heinous, as has been most Israeli policy and tact regarding Palestine, for the longest time. Appalling.


"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Good that they're getting out ahead of things.


It's like an even more ridiculous version of the "B-b-b-but they're launching MISSILES" defence, as if it isn't justified.


It makes me furious that the current Conservative Canadian prime minister and the left wing New Democratic Party's leader (and most likely next PM) both unconditionally support Israel. No matter what we vote for, Canada will always be kissing Israel's inhumane ass. This pathetic country doesn't deserve admiration.

Dark Rider

There was a thread that provided a video of soldiers interrogating children at gun point in the middle of the night for throwing rocks at heavily armored police cars a few months ago so I don't think people were getting away with it before this ruling
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