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Pamplona bull runner wanted by police for 'taking selfie'

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Police in Pamplona are searching for a bull runner who they believe snapped a selfie as he ran just inches ahead of several charging bulls weighing more than a half a tonne each.

As the young man slowed to take a photo in one of the final stretches of the fifth bull run of the San Fermín festival on Friday, he was captured on camera by several Spanish media. He now faces a fine of up to €3,000 under regulations passed this year by the city of Pamplona. The regulations, designed to crack down on dangerous behaviour during the festival, prohibit the unauthorised use of any kind of recording device during the bull runs.

The festival, which traces its roots back to the 13th century, has come under pressure in recent years to fight back against daredevils as its global profile increases. Images of the thousands of runners dressed in red and white as they tear through the narrow streets of Pamplona pursued by stampeding bulls have now become commonplace in foreign media, and tens of thousands of Spanish and foreign tourists descend on the city to take part in the festival's nine days of alcohol-fuelled partying and bull runs.

As pictures of the man circulated on social networks under the hashtag #eltontolmóvil, meaning the idiot with the mobile, many criticised his lack of respect for the other participants in the run. El Mundo's José Luis Vadillo wrote that the photo was "one of the best examples of human stupidity I've ever seen", pointing out that he had put other runners in tremendous danger.

Fifteen people have been killed in the festival since record-keeping began in the early 1900s. Dozens more are injured each year in the festival, most of them during the panicked chaos of the morning bull runs.



The regulations, designed to crack down on dangerous behaviour during the festival, prohibit the unauthorised use of any kind of recording device during the bull runs.

This strikes me as akin to prohibiting people from lighting a match while they're sitting in a furnace.


A recording device would include a GoPro I would think. The temptation or need to get good footage would be there whatever the recording source.


A recording device would include a GoPro I would think. The temptation or need to get good footage would be there whatever the recording source.

I suppose. There's a bunch of gopro running of the bulls videos on youtube, but they're stupid, they are facing forward. I would be helmet mounting it backwards.


I suppose. There's a bunch of gopro running of the bulls videos on youtube, but they're stupid, they are facing forward. I would be helmet mounting it backwards.

good luck stabilizing that shit though.

you'd practically need to run in a backwards stedicam rig


I microwave steaks.
I think what's more amazing is that since they started keeping count, only 15 people have died from this activity.
As the young man slowed to take a photo in one of the final stretches of the fifth bull run of the San Fermín festival on Friday, he was captured on camera by several Spanish media. He now faces a fine of up to €3,000 under regulations passed this year by the city of Pamplona. The regulations, designed to crack down on dangerous behaviour during the festival, prohibit the unauthorised use of any kind of recording device during the bull runs.

You know, you could also crack down on dangerous behavior by stopping the bull runs.


crack down on dangerous behaviour during the festival

The irony.

I realise this isn't as bad as bullfighting, but it's still f*cking gross. Can't people find ways of entertaining themselves without enraging these animals?


A glimpse inside this man's mind:
What should my caption be?
I want it to be clever
How about "Livin' with my bitches, hash tag LIVE"
I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes
Do you think I should take it down?
Let me take another selfie


Dozens more are injured each year in the festival, most of them during the panicked chaos of the morning bull runs.

Holy shit. The image I formed in my head from this is both scary as hell, and hilarious.

What if you woke up to just cross the street for your morning coffee or some breakfast, oblivious to a bull run impending around the corner. Maybe a tourist who doesn't know the bull run is even coming.

Then out of nowhere a FUCKTON of pissed off bulls rage around the corner chasing a group of people, and your leg is broken by trampling runners.
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