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Paper Mario 2 - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)


7.5 Presentation
Nintendo's classic characters, great menu systems, and a unique style bring the game to life. Lack of voice acting brings down the score.
7.5 Graphics
The great-looking environments and cute characters go a long way. Too bad the texture work and artistic scope is limited.
9.0 Sound
Nostalgic melodies and sound effects all around -- no cheesy attempts at doing midi orchestras here. It's game music at its purest.
10 Gameplay
A great adventure, awesome mixture of exploration, roleplaying and action, and a fun battle system make this a true winner.
9 Lasting Appeal
More than 30 hours of gameplay, varied conversations (depending on your partner of choice), and tons of stuff to collect and find.
(out of 10 / not an average)

"With Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga finished and stashed away, I was ready for another opportunity to venture into Mario's RPG realm. While there's plenty of room for better presentation (Paper Mario Revolution, anyone), this game is an absolute blast to play. Get past the slow-moving first chapter and some clunky NPC path finding routines in chapter 2 and you'll be hooked. The story is funny, the gameplay varied, and the world so charming, you'll want to explore every last corner of it. Add to that plenty of playable characters and sidekicks, some great cameos, a memorable score loaded with classic melodies, and a quest that runs a good 30 hours long, and you've got another winning offshoot in the mighty Mario franchise.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door improves on its predecessor in every way and takes the cake as the best Mario RPG yet. Highly recommended. "


I happened to wander around th gamefaqs message boards and I stumbled across this , which I found interesting.

Oh son of a bitch, I just saw the other thread.


works for Gamestop (lol)
lordmrw said:
I happened to wander around th gamefaqs message boards and I stumbled across this , which I found interesting.

There's also a huge ass thread on this forum about the issue, if you hadn't noticed

Deku Tree

Wario64 said:
7.5 Presentation
Nintendo's classic characters, great menu systems, and a unique style bring the game to life. Lack of voice acting brings down the score.

So now games without voice acting get docked?

Top Notch Text Dialogue >>> alot of the voice acting out there.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
7.5 Presentation
Nintendo's classic characters, great menu systems, and a unique style bring the game to life. Lack of voice acting brings down the score.
7.5 Graphics
The great-looking environments and cute characters go a long way. Too bad the texture work and artistic scope is limited.
9.0 Sound
Nostalgic melodies and sound effects all around -- no cheesy attempts at doing midi orchestras here. It's game music at its purest.
10 Gameplay
A great adventure, awesome mixture of exploration, roleplaying and action, and a fun battle system make this a true winner.
9 Lasting Appeal
More than 30 hours of gameplay, varied conversations (depending on your partner of choice), and tons of stuff to collect and find.
(out of 10 / not an average)

.... k.... so.... the art in this game sucks, and they want voice acting even after seeing what Mario w/ voice acting is like in Super Mario Sunshine? :/



Deku Tree said:
So now games without voice acting get docked?

Top Notch Text Dialogue >>> alot of the voice acting out there.

I agree, I don't see how PM2 screams for voice acting, and the reviewer almost seems to grudgingly half-concede the point.

But lack of voice acting is a small quibble. The well-written dialogue and expressive text effects (letters shake when characters are scared and blow up to super-size font when angry) do a commendable job, and many old-school Nintendo fans may actually prefer the silent treatment.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Not that this is particularly related to pm2, but I probably wouldn't be able to take an entire game of Charles Martinet dialogue. And that's not meant as an affront to his work, because it's very good in small bits.

I mean, would you watch a 2-hour film starring Mickey Mouse? That voice would get on your nerves after a while too.


Deku Tree said:
So now games without voice acting get docked?

Top Notch Text Dialogue >>> alot of the voice acting out there.

This is nothing new. If you read recent IGNcube reveiws of Nintendo games similar complaints regarding production values keep creeping up.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You'd think that, after seeing the awful full blown voice acting in Super Mario Sunshine, they'd stop bitching.


Crazymoogle said:
At best I'd think Mario games would have to go with a Klonoa style talking system, but Fennec is absolutely right.

The reviewer actually says on the second page that the NPCs could stand to have some voice work while Mario remain mute as intended. I don't exactly agree or disagree with that I suppose. These things aren't critical to me.


Lack of voice acting brings down the score.

WTF?!?!?!? So if Paper Mario 2 had bad voice acting it would have gotten a better score? So bad voice acting >>>> no voice acting??? Who are the idiots that are making these reviews? :lol


It was reviewed by Peer, not Matt or the new guy.

Strange cause Peer really isn't a part of IGNCube at all. But I think that German's gotten a bit strange, especially regarding the voice acting remark.

I'll put this down as another "IGN giving the review duties to the wrong person" much like they did when they gave Tales of Symphonia to Mary Jane to review.


If you can knock Paper Mario 2 for anything how can you knock it for lack of artistic vision? They must have some fucking blinders on in that regard.


His comment on artistic vision is because he thought the whole world should look more paperish. Personally I think it's cool just having the more subtle effects, so you almost forget about the paper until you see one, rather than having it shoved in your face through the whole game.

And yeah, voice-acting would suck. When I think through all my favourite games in terms of atmosphere, none of them have voice-acting - I like imagining my own voices I guess. Plus the American accents would get on my nerves ;)

Edit: And I wish IGN wouldn't have the little list at the start of each review saying "THIS GAME HAS 12 LEVELS, 23 SECRETS, 3 DIFFERENT ENDING AND A HIDDEN CHARACTER!" Can't they just say that the game is a good length with a lot of hidden content? I want to find out the damn detail for myself.


I think IGN needs to be reminded of the voice acting in Mario Sunshine to prove that Nintendo shouldn't be trusted with VA's.
I just HAD to post this; this is found on the IGN boards:

Thread title: Peer what the heck?
Joeysosa: I have two complaints with this horrid review.

7.5 - Presentation

Nintendo's classic characters, great menu systems, and a unique style bring the game to life. Lack of voice acting brings down the score.

First of all, voice acting? VOICE ACTING in PAPER MARIO? Are you kidding me? That would be HORRIBLE. Voice acting in Mario Sunshine was bad enough, and you want voice acting in PAPER Mario? C'mon man! It is a Mario game! It is paper! It is a Paper Mario game! Voice Acting?

I believe I have made myself clear on that one.

7.5 - Graphics

The great-looking environments and cute characters go a long way. Too bad the texture work and artistic scope is limited in some levels.

You gave the graphics a 7.5 because of bad texture work? Dude, they are paper graphics. The texture takes away nothing from the graphics, simply because you need a microscope to notice it. The demo looked beautiful to me. And artistic scope? This game is one of the most artistic games I have seen in my life.

The details of this review were horrible, but the overall score says almost opposite of the text. This is like the Fable review.

Peer:"He's saying that I need to write my name in my underwear."
"Papa, what did he say?"
"He said bye."
"Papa, what did the princess say."
"She said, in love, questionmark?"

This is a typical conversation with my daughter when I'm playing a Nintendo game. Seriously, you lament voice acting in Super Mario Sunshine (there's what, like four sentences worth?). I would agree with you and say "how about we get some GOOD voice acting." Having voices in games targeted at younger audience is essential. Having speech in an RPG is an industry standard.

If I'm expected to pay $50 for a game, I'm sure Nintendo can afford to hire a voiceover cast for the principal scenes. (Check out a game like FFX on how to mix voiceover with text-based conversations. Or check out KOTOR on how to allow voiceover shortcuts when you don't have time to listen.)

>You gave the graphics a 7.5 because of bad texture >work? Dude, they are paper graphics.

Alas, they don't look like paper graphics. And again, there are some really cool looking backgrounds -- and some really lazy, bland ones.


joeysosa:Fine. I will lock it. I just hadda get it outta my system.

But I have had it with IGN reviewers, like Hil Goldstein and Peer. Especially since I found out they get paid by some companies to give their games high scores. I lost all respect for them after that.


Then he locks it, and then Peer and Matt unlock it. :D

Peer: [Unlocked]

>Especially since I found out they get paid by some companies to give their games high scores.

HAHAHA. This is awesome. Someone needs to keep tabs on which companies pay us to give high scores -- and which ones don't. Obviously, Nintendo paid us for Paper Mario 2 as it got a 9.1, but forgot to send the check for Kirby Air Ride.

Matt: Peer: what'd we get for this review from Nintendo? Was it $1 million, or is that what we're getting for Prime? It's hard keeping track.

Welp. I gotta go get in my Benz and hang out with Jay-Z, because I'm getting all pimped up from this cash from Nintendo.

joeysosa: I have my sources. I know the secrets. Info has leaked. Defend all you guys want, I know why Madden is always .1 better than ESPN football. EA pays. I have a good friend who works for EA and told me all the info.

I know why Tony hawks always got 9.5's and above, Activision payed. They stopped paying, so now THUG2 got an 8.5. My good friends co-worker once worked for IGN.

Anyways, its not just you guys. It happens to Gamespot too. So dont feel bad.

Peer: Matt, the problem is that Nintendo forgot to list "graphics" on the check they sent me. They only paid for good gameplay and overall scores. Can you believe it? It really annoys me, because now I look all inconsistent. I hope it was just an accounting goof and the adjusted amount is in the mail so I can go back in and edit the graphics score.

I hear a similar thing happened with Game Informer.

Matt: Damn it. The only thing this thread is missing is Olimario.

Where art though, old friend?

Peer, I know, man. Same thing happened to me when I reviewed Luigi's Mansion. Got a big fat check for the graphics section, but the replay section check bounced. And the rest is history.

Matt:"My good friends co-worker once worked for IGN."

Good guy, that one. Very reliable.

My neighbor's mother's cousin used to work for Nintendo. Small world

>I know why Madden is always .1 better than ESPN football. EA pays.

Can you believe that they forgot to send us a check for Catwoman? Sheesh, we showed them! And that last Potter game? Given the money they spent on that license, you'd figure they'd have some money built in to pay for reviews, given that it's all standard practice according to my friend who works for someone who once found a spider in a yucca plant.

Etc. etc.

It's friggin' hilarious. :D


Matt: Damn it. The only thing this thread is missing is Olimario.

Where art though, old friend?

Tell Matt I'm fucking permabanned from IGN...
Then tell him to unban me so I can get in on that action.

Thanks :)


Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door improves on its predecessor in every way and takes the cake as the best Mario RPG yet. Highly recommended.
Considering Mario and Luigi was right up there with Wario Ware and KotOR for the top games of 2003, this is high praise. I absolutely cannot wait for this title.
Matt: Shoot. Who permabanned Olimario? Why?

You just don't do that. It'd be like killing off all the spiders in the world.

Yes, they're annoying and even a little disgusting to look at, but they eat flies.

You see where I'm going with this?




IAmtheFMan said:
Matt: Shoot. Who permabanned Olimario? Why?

You just don't do that. It'd be like killing off all the spiders in the world.

Yes, they're annoying and even a little disgusting to look at, but they eat flies.

You see where I'm going with this?



I'm not sure who banned me, but it was having 25 minor, 24 hour bans.
Really a terrible reason grounded in nothing but hatred for me and thus, unfair.
Please pull some strings, Matt. It will right wrongs and it will be much appreciated.



If I'm expected to pay $50 for a game, I'm sure Nintendo can afford to hire a voiceover cast for the principal scenes. (Check out a game like FFX on how to mix voiceover with text-based conversations. Or check out KOTOR on how to allow voiceover shortcuts when you don't have time to listen.)

This is proof positive that this industry is being overrun by retards. :lol Are these people really adults? Listen carefully:

Voice acting can be done well or it can be done poorly. If it is done poorly, it can actually reduce the enjoyment of a game. Therefore, not having voice acting can prevent a game from becoming an utter annoyance. So voice acting can be either a positive or a negative. Reducing a games score because it has no voice acting gives the impression that voice acting can only be a positive (which is absolute bullshit). Voice acting is not a necessity. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has no voice acting, yet it is far better than alot of the garbage that is produced in this increasing cesspool of an industry.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
fennec fox said:
Not that this is particularly related to pm2, but I probably wouldn't be able to take an entire game of Charles Martinet dialogue.

can you imagine how awesome it would be if you were high, though?


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Soul4ger said:
I.. I can't. What would it be like?

many long sessions of pac-man vs. oh, and also while the mario vs. donkey kong staff roll plays in the background


Leviathan said:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has no voice acting, yet it is far better than alot of the garbage that is produced in this increasing cesspool of an industry.

Actually, if you wanna really get anal about it, some the voiced snippets in OoT (specifically Navi's) grated a lot of people's nerves after awhile.


works for Gamestop (lol)
No one is complaining about the score. People are complaining about the comment made about the lack of voice acting. Well at least I am :p It's pretty stupid to mark it as a negative when VA's isn't really needed


fennec fox said:
Not that this is particularly related to pm2, but I probably wouldn't be able to take an entire game of Charles Martinet dialogue. And that's not meant as an affront to his work, because it's very good in small bits.
Yeah, I have to agree - the voice isn't meant to be heard constantly.

On the other hand, I'd like to see a game where Wario constantly insults the player - as long as it's written well, I think Martinet could pull it off.


rollin' in the gutter
Seems like IGN was searching for things to deduct to show why it was a 9.1 and not a 9.5 or 9.6. A 9.1 really doesn't need to be justified, though. A presentation reduction for no voice acting is stupid. There hasn't been good voice acting in any recent Nintendo game i can think of. Why start complaining now?

I guess IGN will always come up with stupid shit like this.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks they took long enough to activate my account!

What’s happened over the last year, I was forced to buy an XBOX! Recently Due to the huge drought of Nintendo releases in Australia.

Anyway i can’t wait to get my hands on Pikmin 2

What sucks about gaming is my uni work is taking a pounding!

also it's Great to see I haven’t lost my fan base :)
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