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Paper Mario: The Thousand Back and Forth's

I've just gotten to Chapter 5 and yeah, my topic pretty much expresses my biggest gripe about the game so far. I mean sheesh... talk about artificially stretching play time. This is ridiculous. All you do is go back and forth again and again to complete various stuff or to go get an item. It's rather tedious.

Otherwise the game is great. Love the style.


AtomicShroom said:
I've just gotten to Chapter 5 and yeah, my topic pretty much expresses my biggest gripe about the game so far. I mean sheesh... talk about artificially stretching play time. This is ridiculous. All you do is go back and forth again and again to complete various stuff or to go get an item. It's rather tedious.

Otherwise the game is great. Love the style.

Have you ever played a RPG before? Backtracking is a typical RPG element.


Culex said:
I've yet to play an RPG that hasn't had some sort of back-tracking to it.

Same here.

Do you really think the developers want to create an area or a village just to be seen once?


Too many people complain at backtracking elements these days. I have no problem with backtracking since I am always excited to unlock a new area or item in the place I visited in the past.

It seems that many gamers want A --> B --> C --> D games which I don't find that exciting.


There's definitely some needless, tedious backtracking, the worst offender being the "That food I want" trouble. The game is still marvelous, though.


impirius said:
There's definitely some needless, tedious backtracking, the worst offender being the "That food I want" trouble. The game is still marvelous, though.

haha I had 2 hotdogs in my item list :p


Yes I agree with you 100% Here's what I wrote in the official thread

-PAPER BACKTRACKING TWO. My god, I don't think I've ever played an rpg with as much pointless running back and forth in my entire life and I play A LOT of rpgs >.< Running back and forth 2-6 times a chapter through entire levels is so fucking lame and is total padding IMO which doesn't seem necessary considering that the game is actually a very good length.

Seriously I've played almost every rpg this generation whether including a good amount of the Jpn only ones and I reckon to say PM2 has 2x the amount of backtracking than the worst offender in that bunch.

And man if you just finished chapter 5, look forward to chapter 6 in the 5 compartment lets walk around for more hours fuck you train

I'd take the artificial lengthening of the WW boat over the BS traveling in this game. I wish whoever at NoJ is pushing the idea that "all Nintendo GC games be 30 hours long! (Zelda/Pikmin2/PM2)" would lose their position as when you don't have endless time to play games, hours wasted on padding pisses you off.

/end rant
game still rocks though.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
frankly I don't get it... when I read the early reviews and they mentioned backtracking I was like "Hmm.. that kind of sucks."

now up to chapter 6 I was like "Umm.. so where is this supposed backtracking" I really didn't get it until I read this thread..

THAT is what people were complaining about? WTF?? There is less backtracking than in games like Crash Bandicoot or Super Mario 64.... let alone virtually any FF game...

hmm.. I guess people will look for ANY reason to complain about parts of a game...


borghe said:
frankly I don't get it... when I read the early reviews and they mentioned backtracking I was like "Hmm.. that kind of sucks."

now up to chapter 6 I was like "Umm.. so where is this supposed backtracking" I really didn't get it until I read this thread..

THAT is what people were complaining about? WTF?? There is less backtracking than in games like Crash Bandicoot or Super Mario 64.... let alone virtually any FF game...

hmm.. I guess people will look for ANY reason to complain about parts of a game...



Deku Tree said:
Please tell me where is all this terrible backtracking pre-chapter 6? I just don't see it.

It's not bad at all, compared to most RPG's. The game is just so damn perfect, reviewers needed a reason to give it a lower score.

I concur that there is some tedious back tracking, but nothing that makes you go "dear God, stop!". Tales of Symphonia had some pretty damn annoying back tracking, much worse than Paper Mario.


borghe said:
frankly I don't get it... when I read the early reviews and they mentioned backtracking I was like "Hmm.. that kind of sucks."

now up to chapter 6 I was like "Umm.. so where is this supposed backtracking" I really didn't get it until I read this thread..

THAT is what people were complaining about? WTF?? There is less backtracking than in games like Crash Bandicoot or Super Mario 64.... let alone virtually any FF game...

hmm.. I guess people will look for ANY reason to complain about parts of a game...

so you don't consider this stuff backtracking:
Chapter 5:
Land on the island and go all the way to the right and find the bomb guy
Walk all the way to the left and talk to the captain guy to get the bottle
Walk all the way to the right and talk to the bomb guy to get him to follow you
Walk all the way left to talk to the captain guy to get him to come with you
Walk all the way right to put the skull in the cave.

I'm sorry but don't just say "FF has more backtracking than this...blah blah blah". Give me examples like I just did. Something in another rpg that's part of the same story that requires you to go LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens, LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens, LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens just to move foward a little bit.

It's like they designed these gorgeous locations in PM2 and said "I think people might miss how gorgeous they are on one pass through! Lets froce them to walk across this screen 6 times!"


Deku Tree said:
Please tell me where is all this terrible backtracking pre-chapter 6? I just don't see it.

So you've just came back from the island of left and rights. And then you must go to the Don...and then go BACK TO THE ISLAND which you were just at. Then go BACK to the rock formation thing on the island as if you were sick of going through the 3 screens enough from Ch.5...and then go BACK to the Don.


Bebpo said:
so you don't consider this stuff backtracking:
Chapter 5:
Land on the island and go all the way to the right and find the bomb guy
Walk all the way to the left and talk to the captain guy to get the bottle
Walk all the way to the right and talk to the bomb guy to get him to follow you
Walk all the way left to talk to the captain guy to get him to come with you
Walk all the way right to put the skull in the cave.

I'm sorry but don't just say "FF has more backtracking than this...blah blah blah". Give me examples like I just did. Something in another rpg that's part of the same story that requires you to go LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens, LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens, LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens just to move foward a little bit.

It's like they designed these gorgeous locations in PM2 and said "I think people might miss how gorgeous they are on one pass through! Lets froce them to walk across this screen 6 times!"

Dude there is much worse backtracking in other RPGs. The trouble you talked about takes like 10-15 minutes. I have played games where it takes hours to complete a backtracking sidequest.


SantaCruZer said:
Dude there is much worse backtracking in other RPGs. The trouble you talked about takes like 10-15 minutes. I have played games where it takes hours to complete a backtracking sidequest.

That's nice and all except in most rpgs like you said backtracking is a side-quest whereas in PM2 almost every other event in the MAIN GAME progression requires backtracking.

Don't get me wrong, I really like PM2 but I'm not able to magically ignore extreme problems with the game design just because it has great dungeons and a kickass battle system. You can still like a game and admit it has faults.
SantaCruZer said:
Have you ever played a RPG before? Backtracking is a typical RPG element.

Why yes, I have played quite alot of RPG's in my lifetime thank you. All FF's, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger/Cross, etc, etc, etc. Yet I've never seen a RPG use that kind of constant and lame back and forth through a same location for a whole duration of a chapter. It wouldn't be so bad if the backtracking seemed legitimate and not just "Hey, for the sake of it, go and collect that item and bring it back to me. Just because."


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
AtomicShroom said:
Why yes, I have played quite alot of RPG's in my lifetime thank you. All FF's, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger/Cross, etc, etc, etc. Yet I've never seen a RPG use that kind of constant and lame back and forth through a same location for a whole duration of a chapter. It wouldn't be so bad if the backtracking seemed legitimate and not just "Hey, for the sake of it, go and collect that item and bring it back to me. Just because."

I have seen it before!! The Mario and Luigi RPG....


bitwise said:
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Bore

How clever. It took someone of staggering maturity hours of play time to come up with such an assertion. Unfortunately, that's not you.


Having played Morrowind, KOTOR, and several SNES RPG's, I can say that the backtracking is minimal in Paper Mario 2.

Good grief, you can traverse an entire level in seconds. Talk about whining...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Yep, I think thats why I did not care much for the second half of the game


Borg Artiste
if you want to avoid the backtracking just dont do the troubles, they are the worst of it
and you really dont get anything worthwhile for them anyway, besides, I guess, the cards for the games which arent really useful or fun anyway. If you're obsessed with getting everything in the game then what are you complaining about you should be used to that kind of tedium in rpg's


Speevy said:
Having played Morrowind, KOTOR, and several SNES RPG's, I can say that the backtracking is minimal in Paper Mario 2.

Good grief, you can traverse an entire level in seconds. Talk about whining...

Agree, it's minimal, and yet people are complaining. I wonder why *rolleyes*


Speevy said:
How clever. It took someone of staggering maturity hours of play time to come up with such an assertion. Unfortunately, that's not you.

You're right, because after about 2 hours of play, I sold that puppy on ebay :p


Don't complain about backtracking until you've played Breath of Fire III.

Whoever thought of that stupid as shit sashimi quest needs to be fired


This is GA, people will find anything to complain about a game.

Metroid Prime's controls, Paper Mario's backtracking, etc.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Bebpo said:
so you don't consider this stuff backtracking:
Chapter 5:
Land on the island and go all the way to the right and find the bomb guy
Walk all the way to the left and talk to the captain guy to get the bottle
Walk all the way to the right and talk to the bomb guy to get him to follow you
Walk all the way left to talk to the captain guy to get him to come with you
Walk all the way right to put the skull in the cave.

I'm sorry but don't just say "FF has more backtracking than this...blah blah blah". Give me examples like I just did. Something in another rpg that's part of the same story that requires you to go LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens, LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens, LEFT 3 screens, RIGHT 3 screens just to move foward a little bit.

It's like they designed these gorgeous locations in PM2 and said "I think people might miss how gorgeous they are on one pass through! Lets froce them to walk across this screen 6 times!"
wha.. wha.. what?!?!?!?


Oh my.. at first I really thought you were just complaining about the back and for through the hub (Rougueport). But now you are complaining about walking about just a given zone?

It is NO different than pretty much an Lucasarts or Sierra game I've ever played.. lol.. I always thought in games like Monkey Island and LeChuck's Revenge I was just having fun, I didn't realize it was backtracking for all of these years.

I personally feel you guys are stretching here just to DEFINE this supposed backtracking that is being talked about. First it was Rogueport and people refuted that with the whole hub concept, and now you are talking about traveling through like 4 screens in a given zone. This is bordering on ridiculous.

as for backtracking for me.. backtracking is when you are FORCED to revist areas (non-hub areas mind you) CONSTANTLY from early in the game. so if I had to run all the way through zones 1 or 2 just to get item so and so (as part of the main quest, not a side quest), that is backtracking.

the one thing I will say that COULD get old is going through constant fights while going back and forth. This is one thing in FF that I've always hated. "Go through the world map to get to this town, get it, run back to the first town, then run back to the new town, fighting all the way random encounters". Fortunately you can avoid battles in Paper Mario... what is even cooler is that "backtracking" that you are complaining about instead turns to a mini-platformer game instead trying to avoid the enemies instead of getting into another battle.


It seems that many gamers want A --> B --> C --> D games which I don't find that exciting.

And something like:


is exciting to you? o_O

I haven't played it yet but I detest fetch quests and backtracking so I hope this is exaggerated...


I'm about 6 hours into the game and it haven't really bothered me so far, but I can see it becoming an issue later if it keeps up. The game is really very good and charming, and hell, it has kept me interested enough to play it for about 6 hours, so that's a plus. The thing that has annoyed me the most so far is
that stupid bitch getting kidnapped again. GOOD GOD STOP NINTENDO ARGH!
Hopefully something happens in the story that makes the game stand out, but so far it just bothers me that it's another collect-a-ton with no true interesting story.
Sometimes the backtracking is pretty annoying, but worse than Wind Waker? Hell no. I'll take 2 minutes of yoshi speed-running past encounters over steering that bloody ship back to photo island or sailing the entire map just looking for the fetch item to enter the ghost ship.
The backtracking didn't bother me until the train chapter. That was especially frustrating and boring considering I was playing the JPN version and couldn't read their instructions. It took hours of just walking around and talking to people.
Cloudy said:
And something like:


is exciting to you? o_O

I haven't played it yet but I detest fetch quests and backtracking so I hope this is exaggerated...

Actually Paper Mario 2 is more like this:


and so on. It's incredibly tedious and annoying.


Apple Jax said:
You must have hated A Link to the Past (most fun I had back tracking... ever)

or any Metroid-vania game.

Fixed. Leave the NES/SNES Castlevania games outta this ('cept for Simon's Quest, I suppose).


i'm at chap 6 and i dun see any tedious back tracking. i dun see what you guys are talking about

btw, if peach doesnt get kidnapped, its not a mario game. i think nintendo does this on purpose for every mario game. wahahaha


I've been doing every Trouble at the Trouble Center (I just started chapter 5) and I really wish most of were more than just(here's a good example):

Walk (or hop on Yoshi) and go to Twilight Town, talk to the mayor and get a piece of paper from him. Take the paper to the great tree Elder, then take another piece of paper back to the Twilight Town Mayor. He gives you another piece of paper, which you take to the mayor of Petalburg, and you then take a final piece of paper back to the mayor of Twilight Town!!

Fun, no? All this for 30 coins. I've been doing every side-quest because I want all the mini games unlocked, but going through all that shit for a pathetic 30 coins is just ridiculous, especially, especially when it challenges nothing but your own patience.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Fifty said:
I've been doing every Trouble at the Trouble Center (I just started chapter 5) and I really wish most of were more than just(here's a good example):

Walk (or hop on Yoshi) and go to Twilight Town, talk to the mayor and get a piece of paper from him. Take the paper to the great tree Elder, then take another piece of paper back to the Twilight Town Mayor. He gives you another piece of paper, which you take to the mayor of Petalburg, and you then take a final piece of paper back to the mayor of Twilight Town!!

Fun, no? All this for 30 coins. I've been doing every side-quest because I want all the mini games unlocked, but going through all that shit for a pathetic 30 coins is just ridiculous, especially, especially when it challenges nothing but your own patience.

Let me help;

Do the following quests to get the cards;

"Try to find me"
"Help my Daddy!"
"Important Thing"
"I must have that book"

You will also want to do;
"Elusive Badge"

The rest are either coins or fairly lame items


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ok, to correct my thoughts a little:

yes, the Trouble Center is VERY tedious... EXTREMELY tedious, and probably not worth all of the effort. there have always seemingly been two thoughts on side quests. Either make them extremely challenging or extremely tedious. Nintendo has usually chosen to go with tedious.

The thing about the side quests though is that they ARE optional. you don't have to go through that level of tediousness to beat the game.

me personally, I have always been more in favor of the tedious side quests than the super hard ones. The tedious ones at least let everyone join in.. the hard ones prevent some gamers from doing them.


Cloudy said:
And something like:


is exciting to you? o_O

I haven't played it yet but I detest fetch quests and backtracking so I hope this is exaggerated...

uh yes? What's the point of a RPG if you go straight from A --> D like an action game?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
IJoel said:
The thing that has annoyed me the most so far is
that stupid bitch getting kidnapped again. GOOD GOD STOP NINTENDO ARGH!
Hopefully something happens in the story that makes the game stand out, but so far it just bothers me that it's another collect-a-ton with no true interesting story.

That bothers you? Ah c'mon, it's like a tradition at this point. They even openly make fun of it in the last few games.
Some character always mentions "She got kidnapped AGAIN!?" or Bowser mentions "WTF Only I can kidnap her!!" etc etc
. Besides, it isn't even the focus of the plot really. I thought the story in this game was different enough from what we're used to seeing in Mario games.
With what is really behind the door and all


MrCheez said:
That bothers you? Ah c'mon, it's like a tradition at this point. They even openly make fun of it in the last few games.
Some character always mentions "She got kidnapped AGAIN!?" or Bowser mentions "WTF Only I can kidnap her!!" etc etc
. Besides, it isn't even the focus of the plot really. I thought the story in this game was different enough from what we're used to seeing in Mario games.
With what is really behind the door and all

It does annoy me. I mean, if they only had made it funny somehow, but it's there and it's just not funny at all. As a matter of fact, my reaction to the event was: WTF!? This SAME SHIT AGAIN!? UGH! I almost stopped playing right then because it's just a big turn off to start playing a RPG and find the story to be so incredibly shallow right from the start (it's like having almost nothing to look forward to as this IS AN RPG.) Almost as if telling the player "Yes, we'll continue feeding you the same shit we've been doing these past decades." Good thing the gameplay is good and the game has lots of charm, as otherwise I wouldn't have bothered playing it.

And please, don't come with the "Nintendo has always done this" excuse as it's the same thing that has gotten Nintendo (the concept, not the particular issue) where they're at now.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I think you're taking it FAR too seriously. Yes,
she's still captured
but the situation is ENTIRELY different. (Including who does it, and the reason why they do it). And even if it wasn't... who cares!? It's good ol' Mario. Some things are suppose to say the same. A good franchise should constantly advance and change, but never to the point where it no longer feels familiar. Paper Mario 2 brings many new things to the table, IMO.

Besides, there is plenty more to the story than just that. The dialogue is so well done and the story has so much charm that you cannot call it shallow. Simple does not equal shallow.
Jonnyboy117 said:
The backtracking didn't bother me until the train chapter. That was especially frustrating and boring considering I was playing the JPN version and couldn't read their instructions. It took hours of just walking around and talking to people.
Well, that's something totally different, isn't it?


MrCheez said:
I think you're taking it FAR too seriously. Yes,
she's still captured
but the situation is ENTIRELY different. (Including who does it, and the reason why they do it). And even if it wasn't... who cares!? It's good ol' Mario. Some things are suppose to say the same. You want a franchise to constantly advance and change, but never to the point where it no longer feels familiar.

Besides, there is plenty more to the story than just that. The dialogue is so well done and the story has so much charm that you cannot call it shallow. Simple does not equal shallow.

Oh, I am certainly hoping it gets better. As I mentioned before I'm only 6 hours into it, but so far it's the impression I get from it.

You know, I guess it's a matter of expectations. I'm sorta sick of Mario everything and was hoping for something, not entirely different, but something that would at least feel fresh. Oh well...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Well sorry it didn't work for you. =/ I actually finished the game thinking "God damn I love everything about the Mario universe." and wanting more more more

Glad you're at least still giving it a shot though
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