Just started to unpack some boxes that has crossed the pacific twice.
Used to do a lot of papercraft in the days. Time to start again I think.
Very old and all made from basic copy-paper you buy at office-works.
Front guy is an AT-AT pilot of course. My fav.
I have boxes more of these basic lego-sw troopers. It is basically just a simple template
and then you add guns, decals or antennas on the helmet, but they are basically all the same.
The small AT-AT is different though. It is meant to be a lot ot bigger, and I built a lot and lot of them in the
proper size.
This guy however is made from super paper-thin paper (?
) and was a bitch to make.
Jjust like his bigger siblings, the joints at the main body and the knee mid leg all work and bend
via an eloberate interlocking disk system.
Yes. That is right.
The legs do move. You can bend them at where they fit the body, you can bend the knees, you can bend them at the ancle,
Making the one in this picture was hard since it was so much smaller than the original plans but I still wanted to have a model with fully
movable legs.
I can post later pictures of "army of larger AT-ATs and AT-STs" or even much better things like an armada of various star destroyers, x-wings, tie fighters, tie bombers or even a shitload of crafts from battlestar gal
Hey you, you who read all this, Try out papercraft. It is really cool! And you can get to build heaps of really cool models
Best of all? It is virtualy free. Standard copy paper is super super cheap. And aside from that, you just need a rubber mat,
a scalpel, a pen or two, a ruler and that is pretty much it.
You cant find many hobbies cheaper than this to get into.
Want to see my star destroyer armada? Like this post and it can happen.
Used to do a lot of papercraft in the days. Time to start again I think.

Very old and all made from basic copy-paper you buy at office-works.
Front guy is an AT-AT pilot of course. My fav.
I have boxes more of these basic lego-sw troopers. It is basically just a simple template
and then you add guns, decals or antennas on the helmet, but they are basically all the same.
The small AT-AT is different though. It is meant to be a lot ot bigger, and I built a lot and lot of them in the
proper size.
This guy however is made from super paper-thin paper (?
Jjust like his bigger siblings, the joints at the main body and the knee mid leg all work and bend
via an eloberate interlocking disk system.
Yes. That is right.
The legs do move. You can bend them at where they fit the body, you can bend the knees, you can bend them at the ancle,
Making the one in this picture was hard since it was so much smaller than the original plans but I still wanted to have a model with fully
movable legs.
I can post later pictures of "army of larger AT-ATs and AT-STs" or even much better things like an armada of various star destroyers, x-wings, tie fighters, tie bombers or even a shitload of crafts from battlestar gal
Hey you, you who read all this, Try out papercraft. It is really cool! And you can get to build heaps of really cool models
Best of all? It is virtualy free. Standard copy paper is super super cheap. And aside from that, you just need a rubber mat,
a scalpel, a pen or two, a ruler and that is pretty much it.
You cant find many hobbies cheaper than this to get into.
Want to see my star destroyer armada? Like this post and it can happen.
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