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Parody Thread Urges

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Zombine why. What am I supposed to anchor to if everything I thought was true, down to the names of cool people, isn't anymore?


Just past Halloween too Zomboner, I am disappointed I won't say I'm not. At least you didn't get banned. 😐

How can Ubisoft make America great again?
How can Donald Trump make Far Cry great again?


Just past Halloween too Zomboner, I am disappointed I won't say I'm not. At least you didn't get banned. 😐

How can Ubisoft make America great again?
How can Donald Trump make Far Cry great again?

lol It's a totally ridiculous name so I'm not like upset or anything. I wish he would have changed it to something like Breckin though.

Zombine will be back and there was no perm bet or anything, I just said that they could if he wins. It was probably therapeutic too so It was probably fun for them I bet. I won't request a change until after he's in office, just so it has some weight.

Has anything hood happened in 2016?


So uh, Donald Trump's President is pretty incredible


Trumpcare is basically a working version of Obamacare
Congressional Term limits come into effect in a few months
He balanced SCOTUS with a healthy dose of moderates to fill up the gaps
He put aside his differences with Hillary and all but removed ISIS from Syria
Islamophobia is still the same, but we thought it would be way worse
His apology to his past transgressions with sexual assault was noble as fuck

His speech today was incredible, how he regretted the sort of campaign he ran. It was touching when he talked about being a good role model to reduce hate crime.

I didn't think he went far enough when he called the notion of white supremacy old-fashioned, very poor choice of words, but we all knew what he meant.

What do you think, GAF?

I'm sorry but Shenmue 3 sucked under his presidency. He's officially the worst president ever.


Nose how to spell and rede to
What is your favourite technique in hentai?



Best thread ideas you had and then forgot

So we all gonna ignore Michael Jackson's appropriation of white culture?

On a tightness scale of Cameron Frye to goatse how would you rate your donations this election?

How long do you think Jesus' penis was?

GAF I think found the final solution to the conservative question - it's not black or white but grey
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