This thread is, like, cathartic.
We're getting out our urges here.
Some of them, anyway...
terrisus urges thread | <.< now all in one place... >.>
This thread is, like, cathartic.
there's not really any expectation or pressure to even be funny
Leaded Foods
My favorite part of this thread is how... tolerant(?) / accepting (?) everyone is? By which I mean we're all cracking jokes but there's not really any expectation or pressure to even be funny. Never any criticism or anything. Just a safe little space you can come to relieve those urges. If I don't laugh at a post I usually smile knowingly because hey, I share those making-dumb-jokes-for-my-own-sake urges.
How Do You Feel About Capitalizing Each Word In A Thread Title?
My favorite part of this thread is how... tolerant(?) / accepting (?) everyone is? By which I mean we're all cracking jokes but there's not really any expectation or pressure to even be funny.
If I learn another languiage, do I need to move to their country?
What happens when I learn Latin? >.>
So, lets talk about neogaf
How do you "egg" your nognog?
How do you nog" your nogegg?
How do you "ogg" your oggnegg?