Taylor Swift is really petty
Taylor Swift is really petty
Person famous at least in part for their attractiveness is attractive, and I am surprised that I am also attracted to them
attractive women sure are looking good lately
A Fake kickstarter suspended
Person famous at least in part for their attractiveness is attractive, and I am surprised that I am also attracted to them
Ariana Grande's great-grandparents passed away
Independent Horses On Our Roads: Where's The Problem?
I am actually seriously considering making this one.
What's it a parody of, though?
Oh, er. Wrong thread for this idea, I suppose. ;-; It was about a conversation I had with my brother earlier about the right for a horse to travel without a rider. Disregard it as you may!
Oh, no, it still works. Yes, you should definitely make that thread!
Oh, awesome!
It all started with this image from the UK Highway Code:
I looked at it and I thought "What if the text at the bottom is addressing the horse?" And I then thought about a world in which horses were seen as equals to humanity, but I somehow only thought about the aspect of Horses On The Road. Which is why I should never be given any amount of power because I'd just put it towards road maintenance.
Anyways, thread shall be made soon enough, when I work up the nerve to do it. ;-;
The "Test your account" thread!
The "Test your account" thread!
is my account working?
Child robots could be used t.. wait, WHAT?!
The BDSM thread: Bedmaking, Dusting, Sweeping, and Mopping
Funny story about that - a bit after my wife and I got married, she started writing chores that she wanted to get done each day on the calendar.
On Wednesdays she wrote S&M.Sweeping and Mopping
She didn't realize the alternate meaning behind that until I pointed it out.
So periodically I joke about Wednesdays being our S&M day.
I'm not into either connotation of S&M :þ
I really think you should make this BDSM thread.
maxcriden presents: terrisus presents: BDSM is beautiful! |OT| Yours may be raw or ****