No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Hey guys! For PAX East, I started up the Live Update thread, and it went rather well. I didn't see any picture/meetup/update threads for PAX yet, so here we go.
I'm already at the con, and since I'm an exhibitor, I got a bunch of swanky photos of the exhibitor hall already. I'll be heading back relatively soon, but I wanted to get a jump on this thread in case anyone else has arrived.
Like PAX East, a common GAF meetup room will be the JAMSPACE room (Room 307/308, I believe) on the 3rd floor. (Just listen for the music.) I'm going to try and make some sort of GAF Meetup sign to throw up there, so we'll see how that goes.
Also, if anyone who unfortunately wasn't able to make it to PAX this year has any requests on stuff for us GAFers to take pictures of/get impressions of, post 'em here.
This is going to be an awesome expo. =)