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PBS to air Video Game "Documentary"

Kon Tiki

neptunes said:
of course there is.

WNED Buffalo.

We share the same broadcast with western new york.



Where the heck is Ocarina of Time in this documentary?

Too much "impact on culture" commentary, not enough GAMES.


They have thus far spent more time talking about Asheron's Call than Miyamoto and Molyneux put together.


They're talking about MMORPGs now, Im gonna stop watching. It's been decent, but I really hated that old hag with Mothers Against Violence who kept on ragging on violent games. I wish somebody would knock some sense into these stubborn assholes, they're giving games a bad name.

It ain't the games, it's the fucking parents!

Did you see that kid with the rattail who was addicted to Starcraft (Or Warcraft, I couldn't tell)? Maybe if the father put his fucking foot down and didn't let his 10 year old play those fucking games the kid wouldn't be such a mess. Geezus, I swear. And the father's some kind of professor and wrote a book on videogames. Give me a break.

Kon Tiki

neptunes said:
I do get it.

The Video Game Revolution
Description: The video-game industry evolves and impacts society.
Date Time Channel
9/8/2004 9:00PM 284 WTVSDT
9/9/2004 12:00AM 235 KCTS
9/9/2004 12:00AM 284 WTVSDT

Just not WNED. lol PBS Seattle.


SEGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Altered Beast, Golden Axe!

edit: they fucked up again. Zelda didnt come with SNES


RevenantKioku said:
I can't wait to play GTA9 on Xbox5

Yeah...there has to be some balance between the old guys who see gaming as some curious culture fascination and the biased idiots on G4.


way to go! show DREAMCAST games while talking about the PLAYSTATION 1, making the PS1 look better than it was.


They said Molyneux went beyond Nolan Bushnell and even Shigeru Miyamoto...

That doesn't even make any sense, even if you're a fan of Molyneux.


Everything they said about the future is what I thought it would be like; I am glad they confirmed it. Videogames will be the future of entertianment. Gamers will actaully be breaking God's commandments left and right by living as different people in different worlds and experiencing feeling as though they really were those characters. Jesus said sin did not happen when you did something, like cheating on your wife. People before Jesus' coming thought that in order to cheat on your husband or wife you actaully had to commit the crime or have the affair. But Jesus explained where sin really began; in our hearts. By thinking of having an affair with someone else, that is when adultery happens. (I am quoting Scripture below to prove my point)

"You have heard that it was said to those of old,"You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28

And then he added, "It is the thought-life that defiles you. For from within, out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, eagerness for lustful pleasure, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you and make you unacceptable to God." Mark 7:20-23

So just as some of the game designers were saying that we are God in these games and that we get to control and feel like someone else, the next generation of videogaming will really be a huge turning point in human society. People will not come home to watch tv and their favorite show or go to the movies, but rather come home to be a new character in a new world with millions of others that want to escape the reality that God made for them and thus making their own adventure their God and Idol. I wonder how long God will wait to intervene?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I think some of you kind of missed the point of this documentary. It wasn't made for people like "us." This wasn't some G4 special about games, it was a documentary to educate the general public about games. It wasn't suppose to be some showcase for the newest and hottest games. Most people might play games, but the majority don't read and write about them like so many here do. This was for the people that didn't know all the facts. Yeah, there were some small mistakes. But you just look past it. I'm sure firefighters get all technical over Backdraft when they watch it...thats all we're doing here. Its so cute. :p

Grand Theft Auto doesn't give you as choice as they would have you believe. To proceed in the game, you do have to kill people. Thats just a fact. The game gives you freedom, but not to the point where you can just walk around without incident. Eventually a car is going to run you over or someone will try to kick your ass. And yes, I've had a random car run me over. Violence is in the game, like it or not.

I liked the documentary, but that woman from Mothers Against Violence mad an ass of herself. Those Columbine kids didn't shoot their "friends", they really didn't have any friends. They had a few, but they were mostly picked on. Yeah, it was wrong but she was trying to make it sound like they played Doom and picked up a gun the next day and started killing.

The early bits of history made me feel so young. I was born the same year the first Zelda came out. I missed so much of The Gaming Revolution because of how late in the 80s I was born. :lol

Molyneux did some major damage control. No mention of Fable? That just seemed odd to me. He has been pimping Fable for awhile, yet they mention Black & White and B.C. several times. They went over all his big games, except for Fable. What the hell?


WordofGod said:
Everything they said about the future is what I thought it would be like; I am glad they confirmed it. Videogames will be the future of entertianment. Gamers will actaully be breaking God's commandments left and right by living as different people in different worlds and experiencing feeling as though they really were those characters. Jesus said sin did not happen when you did something, like cheating on your wife. People before Jesus' coming thought that in order to cheat on your husband or wife you actaully had to commit the crime or have the affair. But Jesus explained where sin really began; in our hearts. By thinking of having an affair with someone else, that is when adultery happens. (I am quoting Scripture below to prove my point)

"You have heard that it was said to those of old,"You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28

And then he added, "It is the thought-life that defiles you. For from within, out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, eagerness for lustful pleasure, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you and make you unacceptable to God." Mark 7:20-23

So just as some of the game designers were saying that we are God in these games and that we get to control and feel like someone else, the next generation of videogaming will really be a huge turning point in human society. People will not come home to watch tv and their favorite show or go to the movies, but rather come home to be a new character in a new world with millions of others that want to escape the reality that God made for them and thus making their own adventure their God and Idol. I wonder how long God will wait to intervene?

Wow, I can't WAIT till games are like this :D Actually, you do make some good points but where is the popcorn?
I saw the show tonight. It is great, one of the best documentary on video games I have seen. I am thinking about ordering the tape. The only other video game documentary show that was this good was one on the game show network.


the first part was better than the 2nd. It was ok. but too many flaws and too much left out. im not ordering the tape since i taped it myself. decent but flawed. like all things.
Wow, that was crazy - they showed a guy clearing out all the classic arcade and pinball games from a bar that I used to go to all the time specifically to play those games! It was a few blocks from my now-ex girlfriend's place, and I walked up the street to the bar quite a few times to rock the pins and classics. I guess in the last few months it must've gone out of business without me ever knowing about it. Pretty strange to find out about it in a nationwide documentary on games!
HAHAH! The narrator is Greg Palmer!

I got sent home from school in 7th grade for strangling his son. That kid was a real fucking asshole.

It was fun hanging around him at times to reap the benefits of his dad's media ties, though, like sneak preview entry to "Home Alone" and.. "Robot Jox." That's right, I'm one of about 5 people who actually saw "Robot Jox" In the theatre. And I got a bunch of promotional junk just for being there, including the novelization, which I actually read.
doncale said:
the first part was better than the 2nd. It was ok. but too many flaws and too much left out. im not ordering the tape since i taped it myself. decent but flawed. like all things.

Summarizes it well. I was honestly surprised by some of the things they managed to gloss over. A lot of it felt like let's get indepth about the starting points and current points of gaming, but skim through the middle as quickly as possible. The SNES and Genesis being pretty much footnotes in this was quite strange.


20 minutes on Asheron's Call versus 3 glazed-over seconds of DDR.

I call shenanigans.

BTW, I'm converting to Divx right now as I type this. 5% done with the first pass.


Can someone tell me when it will be re-aired?

PBS is the same as KCET right?


That would be your local station.
If you want an easy way to browse local TV times, sign up for an account at TitanTV.com. I use it with my TV Tuner PCI card to set up crap and easily record shows.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
WordofGod said:
Everything they said about the future is what I thought it would be like; I am glad they confirmed it. Videogames will be the future of entertianment. Gamers will actaully be breaking God's commandments left and right by living as different people in different worlds and experiencing feeling as though they really were those characters. Jesus said sin did not happen when you did something, like cheating on your wife. People before Jesus' coming thought that in order to cheat on your husband or wife you actaully had to commit the crime or have the affair. But Jesus explained where sin really began; in our hearts. By thinking of having an affair with someone else, that is when adultery happens. (I am quoting Scripture below to prove my point)

"You have heard that it was said to those of old,"You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28

And then he added, "It is the thought-life that defiles you. For from within, out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, eagerness for lustful pleasure, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you and make you unacceptable to God." Mark 7:20-23

So just as some of the game designers were saying that we are God in these games and that we get to control and feel like someone else, the next generation of videogaming will really be a huge turning point in human society. People will not come home to watch tv and their favorite show or go to the movies, but rather come home to be a new character in a new world with millions of others that want to escape the reality that God made for them and thus making their own adventure their God and Idol. I wonder how long God will wait to intervene?

you need a new schtick.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
isamu said:
Can someone tell me when it will be re-aired?

PBS is the same as KCET right?

You have to check with your local PBS station. My station has already shown it twice today. First time was from 8pm-10pm and the second time seemed to be 11pm-1am.

Don't worry though, they show these things over and over again. Lots of times they will re-air them late at night on the day of the original airing.


WordofGod said:
I wonder how long God will wait to intervene?

"Just one more level man, then I'll get around to the smiting. Seriously."

"You said that more than two millennia ago!"

"And I'd be there already if these prayers weren't constantly interrupting me. Can't you, you know, do something about those?"

God's busy playing Phantom Brave and Burnout 3. I hear He doesn't own a Gamecube and thinks Nintendo's post-SNES work is pretty overrated.

Well, except for the GBA SP. I hear He's asking his son to amend Scripture to change the parable to "five loaves, two GBA SPs, and one copy of Mario Kart Super Circuit".


As usual, docs like this do their damage to the public so that when good information comes around it falls on deaf ears. This one was a bit more solid than most, but still rife with misdirection and even misinformation, imo.
OMG, that was the worst piece of shit documentary on videogames EVAR. Pure shit shit shit.

Factual errors all over the place, game footages shown often have nothing todo with what's being said, horrible interviews, cheesy narrative, all over the fucking place, and probably written and edited by monkeys.

Just because it's on PBS, I guess I shouldn't have expected a gaming version of Triumph of the Nerds.... :|


Hail to the KING baby
From what I watched, it could have used a lot more focus. Hell, just make a video version of Herman's Phoenix, or even Kent's Ultimate History of Video Games and you'd have a huge success right there that would be able to comment on games' effect on society, while appealing to both a hardcore and mainstream crowd in presenting the history and evolution of games in a manner that actually makes some sense.

Oh, and get someone in there who can actually pick the right video to match up with the voiceovers, just for professionalism's sake. Seriously, they could have spent 4 hours with any 18+ gamer and made this infinitely better heeding suggestions like "instead of putting Fur Fighters Dreamcast on while you're talking about the influence of the PSX, you may want to put on MGS or Final Fantasy PSX."

Regardless, I applaud the effort and hope it leads to better things.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
doncale said:
way to go! show DREAMCAST games while talking about the PLAYSTATION 1, making the PS1 look better than it was.

Ohh, which DC title was that? I watched the show, but was disappointed with the complete lack of DC (though, it was to be expected).


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
There was a couple scenes that I liked, like the one with the blind girl playing Pokemon... but it was full of a LOT of factual errors (Zelda 2 wasn't on SNES!), a lot of forgotten things (No Dreamcast???), 20 minutes devoted to an Asian and a fat chick who married on Asheron's Call, and pointless online games. And they kept on pimping "Dungeon Siege 2", I never even heard of this game. They made like 20 seconds mention of DDR, NO mention of any FF game (especially considering that PS1 wouldn't have even made a dent in the industry without 7), no Street Fighter mention, etc...


I wonder if they got paid off by certain companies for coverage...tons and tons of stuff on arcades by two or three developers and tons and tons of PC stuff, but they seriously skimmed over a lot of console milestones


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
belgurdo said:
I wonder if they got paid off by certain companies for coverage...tons and tons of stuff on arcades by two or three developers and tons and tons of PC stuff, but they seriously skimmed over a lot of console milestones

Yeah, EA seemed to have a big hand in this...

Heck, they kept cutting to Rubin and the Insomniac fellow, yet they really showed VERY little of their games.

The thing that sucks is that almost every game they showed was jittering around with a low framerate and "PC" animation galore. It certainly didn't make them look attractive at all. Oddly enough, there was a quick (like 3-4 second) cut to Silent Hill 2 and 3 early on. They kept talking about all this "violent game" crap, yet they wouldn't show games that buck that trend. I would have loved to have seen something like ICO or REZ show up. Surely something obscure and beautiful would have made for a good choice. I mean, WTF, they showed the PS2 version of Fur Fighters (YIPPEE) for some completely unknown reason.

They just showed a lot of the wrong games...


dark10x said:
They kept talking about all this "violent game" crap, yet they wouldn't show games that buck that trend. I would have loved to have seen something like ICO or REZ show up. Surely something obscure and beautiful would have made for a good choice. I mean, WTF, they showed the PS2 version of Fur Fighters (YIPPEE) for some completely unknown reason.

They just showed a lot of the wrong games...

Yeah, that bugged me too. They talk about how people should understand that not all games are violent, but a lot of the documentary showed FPSes, MK, and kids obsessed with war games. Buh?
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