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PC Game Sales Trending Downward

Source: http://biz.gamedaily.com/features_new/pc_game_biz/
(also, the rest of the article)

Console innovations cutting into sales
Posted 7/16/04

The PC game business has struggled as of late, dropping in 2003 to $1.2 billion in the U.S. according to NPD figures, versus a 2002 total of $1.4 billion. The segment also experienced double digit declines in unit sales in 2002 when compared to 2001, after posting year-over-year unit increases of 3.8 percent in 2001 and 8.0 percent in 2000.

The overall PC game category, from January through May of 2003, was $471.0 million in the U.S. according to NPD estimates. 2004 is well off of that figure already, according to The NPD Group's industry analyst Richard Ow, who put a dollar figure of $360.0 million for the January to May 2004 period. "We are tracking about a 23.0 percent decline here year-over-year, and that's very significant," he stated.

Certainly more people own computers now than in the past, so what's the deal? "There are a multitude of factors that are in-play here," Ow began. "One of them is the success of the console business, which has drawn not necessarily PC gamers in that direction, but has drawn some of the dollars. Console gaming has taken a lot of the attention and possibly, even a lot of the better brands that are out there."

"When you begin to see declines in the PC game business, you can also see the growth in the videogames business. They work against each other and there is friction between the two industries. I think a lot of it has to do with the consumer base actually sharing some of those dollars."

Still, Ow isn't ready to write off 2004. "I think 2004 is poised as a good year for PC games. There's still lots of sales ahead and major releases are pending, so there's still a wait and see factor."


Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
The Arc



This article rings true... I used to be a PC only gamer, but now I'm a multi console owner and buy more console games than anything.

I wouldn't write off the PC this year. Half Life 2, Doom 3 and The Sims 2 are going add up to a lot of $$$ for the PC industry this year.


Doom 3
Half Life 2 / Counterstrike
World of Warcraft
City of Heroes

...will be giving me more play time in the next year than all 3 of my consoles combined. :)


Hasn't the PC gaming scene been in a downward spiral for ages now? I use my PC exclusively for Warcraft III. That's it. :)


There is exactly one thing that PC Gaming and Nintendo gaming have in common: they've both been d00med for several years now, but seem to keep on keepin' on.


It doesn't help when the two most highly publicized and anticipated games for the PC have been delayed like all hell. Doom3 and HL2 being released within a few months of each other should go along ways to revitalizing the PC market.

And yeah, I think the Xbox is hurting PC, both in sales and by watering down games that are released for PC and Xbox (cough, KOTOR, cough).


Piracy is much more common now.

No major pc game has been released for some time. HL2 and Doom 3 have stolen all the hype that other games deserved parts of.

Stop the rehashes. PC = Rehash heaven. Make some different games for a change.
"...but your opinion that they are shitty is simply your opinion and not necessarily shared with other people."

Wouldn't that totally negate his point? (BTW, that was a little more than an opinion, and if other people like bad games, I won't hold that against them.)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tre said:
"...but your opinion that they are shitty is simply your opinion and not necessarily shared with other people."

Wouldn't that totally negate his point? (BTW, that was a little more than an opinion, and if other people like bad games, I won't hold that against them.)

The quality of a game is generally subjective, however...

There are exceptions, but FFX and Xenosaga do not apply...


hee hee, that guy's name is Ow.

I read that and though of Flava Flav.

"The Flava Flava says 'owwwwww' 'ow!' 'ow-owwwwww'"
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