Do you own rfactor 2? Kind of curious how your impressions are with 67 Spa and Monaco vs GPL.
Nah not yet. I will be waiting until it gets polished a bit more. Maybe in the next few builds. Performance seems to be an issue right now
You really should. I owned the game for over
SIX YEARS before I played it, and was reluctant to do so because of I hated playing racing games under 60fps, and I was also too afraid of tackling the difficult physics of those F1 cars. But with the recent release of the 60fps patch as well as the recent Formula 2 car mod, I couldn't resists any longer and just
had to jump right into Grand Prix Legends full swing. Boy, am I glad I did.
Yeah the graphics in GPL aren't exactly next gen, and some tracks
can be an eyesore, but the game's visuals on a lot of patched tracks are very good for it's time, and running in 60fps makes a
HUGE difference! Most importantly however, is the fact that GPL's visuals are quickly forgotten once you experience the
MAGNIFICENT physics and how well they gel with these tracks. Simply rapturous!
RF2 feels exactly like an updated GPL. They are remarkably similar. It's clear they were out to replicate that GPL experience, and they totally nailed it.
As someone who has been watching rFactor 2, I am ecstatic to hear this news! If what you say is true, then the final build should be a thing of beauty when its released later this year!
Guess I'll just stick with rf2 and hope they add more tracks then.
The graphic whore in me is reluctant to go that far back.
Again, I too, am a
MAJOR graphics whore, and this issue quickly fades away once you actually
drive Grand Prix Legends. It feels that good. And with Brr's FFB patch, it feels even better! Plus with 500+ tracks, how can you go wrong?