So I have been getting together the parts for a new desktop, and the last time I built from scratch, video cards were still using AGP. Things have changed a fair bit and I have what I need, but the system RAM I can't get clear answers for.
An I3 6100 supports up to 2133 DDR4.
But my board (Z170-A PRO) supports 3200(OC)/ 3000(OC)/ 2800(OC)/ 2600(OC)/ 2400/ 2133 MHz
I read that overclocking the cpu is linked to the speed of the memory(?), but that the skylake are locked unless K, which the I3 is not.
So can I buy ram greater than 2133MHz without overclocking a cpu that cannot be overclocked - though it maybe can be with the mobo. If I buy a 3000 stick, will it work out the box at the maximum supported speed of 2133? Do I need a 2133 stick to setup the build first?
I have no idea. I need help before I put down cash, and my google has failed me. What system ram can I use with that cpu and mobo?
An I3 6100 supports up to 2133 DDR4.
But my board (Z170-A PRO) supports 3200(OC)/ 3000(OC)/ 2800(OC)/ 2600(OC)/ 2400/ 2133 MHz
I read that overclocking the cpu is linked to the speed of the memory(?), but that the skylake are locked unless K, which the I3 is not.
So can I buy ram greater than 2133MHz without overclocking a cpu that cannot be overclocked - though it maybe can be with the mobo. If I buy a 3000 stick, will it work out the box at the maximum supported speed of 2133? Do I need a 2133 stick to setup the build first?
I have no idea. I need help before I put down cash, and my google has failed me. What system ram can I use with that cpu and mobo?