It records 1080p with a bunch of artifacts and blur! If I switch the video source down to 1080i or 720p, it handles it fine.
It's the StarTech "PEXHDCAP60L" found here.
I have tried different HDMI cables,different drivers (StarTech's own and manufacturer's), different PCIe slots, even different cards as StarTech sent me a replacement. The problem persists, so surely it's something to do with my PC. I even happened to change GPUs during this and the problem was still exactly the same. Does your PC specs matter that much when using a PCI card to capture/encode? Is there some obscure BIOS toggle related to PCI? I feel like I've ruled out everything but the motherboard itself.
Asus Sabertooth x58 mobo
i7 950 @ 3.07 cpu
GTX 650 Ti gpu
12g ddr3
Win7 64-bit
I really hope someone can help me out! Thanks.
It's the StarTech "PEXHDCAP60L" found here.
I have tried different HDMI cables,different drivers (StarTech's own and manufacturer's), different PCIe slots, even different cards as StarTech sent me a replacement. The problem persists, so surely it's something to do with my PC. I even happened to change GPUs during this and the problem was still exactly the same. Does your PC specs matter that much when using a PCI card to capture/encode? Is there some obscure BIOS toggle related to PCI? I feel like I've ruled out everything but the motherboard itself.
Asus Sabertooth x58 mobo
i7 950 @ 3.07 cpu
GTX 650 Ti gpu
12g ddr3
Win7 64-bit
I really hope someone can help me out! Thanks.